1) Planning Commission discussion concerning issues related to Service Roads on U.S. Hwy 72, John T. Reed Parkway. Mr. Jim Boatner made a presentation which indicated a lack of planning related to service roads along U.S. Hwy 72 is keeping business development from occuring on Hwy 72. Mr. Boatner indicated several businesses are interested in property along the road or are attempting to build on property adjacent to the roadway which requires a frontage road to be planned and built. Mr. Boatner indicated that the State of Alabama must approve planning and they are slow. He indicated business must pay for the frontage road. ( My comments: Why are plans not already in existence? Why has there not been rural development grants applied to request assist in commercial development?) 2) Ms. Velma Sebring discussed the McAnelly Cemetery which is located 1/4 mile west of the Tennessee River Bridge off of Hwy 35. Ms. Sebring requested the city take over the cemetary. It was agreed that a copy of the deed would need to be reviewed by the City Attorney to determine ownership of the cemetary. 3) Mr, Roy Light, Director of the Scottsboro Water, Sewer and Gas Board, made presentation concerning a low to moderate income CDBG Water, Sewer, Gas grant for Scottsboro in the amount of $500,000. 4) Review and discussion of the proposed Stop sign for Laurel and South Broad St. 5) Discussion concerning the Termination Release Contract with Carrier Corporation for their property in the Industrial Park. 6) Discussion concerning the renewal of the grant writer contract with Southern Grant Solutions 7) Discussion concerning the purchase of a forklift for solid waste. 8) Discussion of local matching funds grant for public transportation, Council on Aging Public Transportation. 9) Notice of Election Review, the City of Scottsboro Election will be at the Rec-Com on August 24, 2010; Candidate qualification will take place Jul 6, 2010 - Jul 20, 2010. There will be 3 places on the Scottsboro City Council and 2 places on the Scottsboro Board of Education. There will also be a vote related to the approval of Keg Beer sales in Scottsboro.
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