Yesterday, June 23, 2010 the Jackson County Park Board held its monthly meeting. 1) Minutes from the last meeting were approved, the current agenda was approved with an amendment to purchase fireworks for the 4th of July celebration. 2) The parks financial report was presented and approved. 3) Managers Report: a) Precision Automotive and Tow Boat, Inc.'s Fire Boat was brought up by the manager. The Board approved the Fire Boat to be docked at the park marina. b) A discussion was held concerning the repair to the campground. It was stated TVA approval was pending on the campground reconstruction. It was also stated that the County commission is responsible for the contract, also discussed was the electrical contract for the delivery of electrical services to the campground. All depends on the County Commission since they are responsible for the campground renovation as a result of storm damage.
>New Business: 1) Shoreline improvement and stabilization around the swim dock was discussed. The park manager is to contact the TVA for approval and determination of the extent of shoreline improvement. 2) the Park Board voted to adjourn into an Executive Session to discuss good name and character . Upon reentering the board voted to refer a matter boards attorney, Mr. Gary Lackey, involving a contract dispute with the park's restaurant. 3) The board voted to expend $1000 on fireworks for a fireworks show on Sunday July 4, 2010, also on Sunday, there will be a Golf Cart Parade at 5:30PM. The fireworks show will tentaviely begin around 8:30PM
Other Business: 1) Mr. Reb Engle, Campground representative stated, "the campers and boaters fully support the Jackson County Park Board in the attempted take over of the park by the County Commission. We do not support the Jackson County Commission in their actions concerning the Jackson County Park."
>Other Business: 1) Mr. Reb Engle, Campground representative stated, "the campers and boaters fully support the Jackson County Park Board in the attempted take over of the park by the County Commission. We do not support the Jackson County Commission in their actions concerning the Jackson County Park."
During the Executive Session Mr. Engle and myself discussed how the County Commission has a history of violating the Open Meetings Law. There was concern expressed that 3 County Commissioners conducted secret meetings prior to any regular announced meeting involving the County Park issue. Commissioners Clemmons and Stone voted to take over the park by removing the county parks statutory authority ignoring the agreement between the TVA and the Jackson County Commission in 1955. Commissioners Allen and Smith voted no on the action. Commission Chairperson Sadie Bias broke the tie by voting to remove the park boards authority to do business, siding with Clemmons and Stone. The Commission passed a resolution to "raid" the county parks funds and prevent the standing park board from utilizing the parks funds and operating the park. http://www.waff.com/Global/story.asp?S=12320657
The restraining order mentioned in the WAFF link was not successful. However Judge Graham asked of all litigants to hold off on any actions until the case is settled. Thus far the commission has honored Judge Graham's request.
>On Monday, June 28, 2010 the Jackson County Park Board and the Jackson County Commission will meet in a Court Ordered mediation session at the the Park Boards Attorney's office in Scottsboro. As soon as I find out about the results of the mediation I will inform my readers.
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