Is this the outcome Scottsboro's leadership wants for our corner of God's Good Earth? Leaking radioactive elements such as strontium-90, cesium-137, zinc-65, cobalt-60 and tritium at 100 times more than the EPA's safety level, does that equate to a safe and clean power source? http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5iTZh7xBg_qjTHzwhDIzy1Mzq3EEgD9G1C1300 http://popularlogistics.com/2010/02/vermont-senate-voted-to-shutdown-vermont-yankee/
The TVA and radioactive atomic power proponents have stated to the citizens of Scottsboro that "nuclear power is clean, safe and cheap," their statements are false. Review of the NRC Event reports will disclose mounting mechanical failures, contamination events, fires, security violations and frequent reactor scrams at nuclear reactors. Contamination events, safety equipment failures and loss of controls at atomic fuel fabrication facilities are just some of the problems at atomic fuels facilities. http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/event-status/event/2010/index.html
When billions of dollars are involved is lying permissible? The Deep Water Horizon explosion and environmental disaster is proof that money of the corporatocracy is far more important than citizen lives or regulatory action of government in the Republic. http://thecorporatocracy.com/
Is the Nuclear Regulatory Commission part of a lying corporatocracy? In reinstating Bellefonte's cancelled construction license the Chairman of the NRC described their action as "unprecedented." http://www.timesfreepress.com/news/2009/mar/29/alabama-salvaging-bellefonte/ The reinstatement of a cancelled atomic power license for Bellefonte went beyond the scope of nuclear regulatory safety guidance. The reinstatement action on the part of the NRC was not for the consideration of public safety but to circumvent newly instituted atomic power construction guidelines. By reinstating Bellefonte's old construction license the old rules apply, not the new rules concerning atomic power facility construction. Economic expediency, not citizen safety was the underlying reason for the reinstatement of Bellefonte's construction license.
If you claim to be a conservative and support nuclear power, you are in fact supporting growing the national debt and socialism, not a very conservative approach to our Republic. http://www.heritage.org/research/testimony/nuclear-power-federal-loan-guarantees-the-next-multi-billion-dollar-bailout
The Destruction of the Middle Class. http://www.mybudget360.com/the-corporatocracy-systematically-destroying-the-american-middle-class-in-40-years-the-corporatocracy-has-shifted-americans-from-a-sustainable-middle-class-to-a-perpetual-cycle-of-debt-serfdom/
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