The agenda for the June 14, 2010 Jackson County Commission Meeting was approved. There were 2 items on the consent agenda totaling $7547.50; $6287.50 to Tennessee Valley Family Services ( http://www.csna.org/view_agency.php?agency_id=68 )and $1206.00 to Coosa Valley Youth Services ( http://www.cvys.net/ ), both items were approved.
There were a total of 14 items on the Commission Agenda. 1) Approval of Ennis Bass to the Cumberland Mt. Water Authority Board. 2) Ms. Jenni Carter was appointed to fill a vacant seat on the Jackson County Personnel Board, her term will expire in 2012. 3) Approval for Tax Assessor's Office staff member to attend Personal Property Audit Course in Madison, Al. on June 21-25, 2010. 4) Approval was granted for the Cumberland Mountain Water Authority Board to be compensated per meeting attended. 5) Purchase of a secure server was approved for remote access of information. 6) Council on Aging matching fund resolution was approved. 6) Crow Mountain Hill Climb was approved. Video to be taken of road to include all signs and property on roadway for accountability purposes pre-race. To be inspected post race to determine if their are any damages to roadway and signs, etc. 7) AMERESCO ( http://www.ameresco.com/ ) was approved to conduct an energy audit on county buildings. 8) Vacant Collector Position for Solid Waste Department was approved to be filled from applications submitted. 9) Advertising approved for Temporary Heavy Equipment Mechanic at Public Works. 10) Solid Waste Department was approved by the County Commission to take legal actions in Small Claims Court to recoup delinquent accounts. 11)Public Works Department received approval to allow local towns and cities to participate in the Public Works Departments road/paving materials bidding process with the county. 12) The commission approved the bid process to begin for county HVAC services. 13) County Road 687, Ike Tidmore Road was approved to be extended. There was a small congratulatory ceremony for the good citizens present who worked diligently in accomplishing this project. The road was dedicated to Mr. Lambert, he was instrumental in seeing this road constructed. Commissioner Jack Smith commented, "if Senator Barron can have a road named after him Mr. Lambert can have a road dedicated to him." (My comments: The commission did an outstanding job in working on this project. Positive leadership was apparent and they accomplished what was necessary in assuring the job was completed for the benefit of the citizens of Jackson County who live on this road. Many private citizens and contractors contributed to this project. GOOD JOB! If only the positive leadership will spill forward onto the County Park issue. We may only pray and hope.) 14) County Road 491 was approved for a 2-3 surface layer treatment on the road. This road will be improved through the usage of Severance Tax Funds (WHAT EXACTLY IS A SEVERANCE TAX? Severance taxes are levied on the removal of certain natural resources from the soil or waters of the State of Alabama. http://www.ador.state.al.us/severancetax/index.html )
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