I will start this report on last nights City Council Meeting with a commentary concerning Scottsboro's Commercial Development Authority issue (CDA). This issue concerns how our current city council views the CDA mission. Related to item 3 below in the outline of the City council work session relating to the planning of access/service roads adjacent to John T. Reid Parkway.
Mr. Smith has indicated the CDA should be involved in the planning of the parallel access streets as it pertains to their development on John T Reid Parkway. Mr. Smith's question to the city council was, "why are we not involving the CDA?" He further commented, "this is why we created them...we need to devise plans for them to have money so they may work on this planning project."
Mr. Bell and Mr. Speers commented they thought it was a CDA function to be involved in the planning of the streets adjacent to John T. Reid Parkway. Mr. Smith also commented in relationship to the planning, "Individual property owners must pay their own way." He further commented, "Mr Boatner came before the city council requesting that planning action must be accomplished now, he did not do anything when he was on the city council, what is the hurry now?"
Mr. Thomas commented, "The city will stand behind debt of the CDA." Will the city stand behind the debt? Maybe, maybe not, depends on if the CITY COUNCIL approves debt of the CDA.
Mr. Hodges wisely abstained from the "Lemming like" movement toward expansion of CDA powers which seemingly includes street planning.
We have a PLANNING COMMISSION. It is difficult enough for businesses attempting to locate in Scottsboro or existing business attempting to relocate to an area of higher visibility. The city does not need to create more bureaucracy complicating an already difficult process. The process of planning and the process of commercial development must be a process based on facilitating business growth not a process of complicating an already complicated bureaucratic process.
PLANNING OF STREETS AND THE PROCESS OF ACCESS ROAD PLANNING IS NOT THE FUNCTION OF THE CDA!! Should the CDA have input in the process, absolutely. It would be my suggestion that the City of Scottsboro pay close attention to what has been accomplished in the City of Gadsden, Alabama in relationship to the CDA. http://www.gadsdencommercial.com/about.htm Make note of the line that reads, "guidance from Auburn University’s Economic Development Institute." It is not necessary to invent a rectangular wheel that does not function properly. There are folks that are available to assist in guiding the city down a path of informed decision making as it involves the CDA.
Take note of the mission of Gadsden's CDA, it involves existing business, "retain community wealth" and creating an environment "conducive to commercial business growth" are key standards for existing business financial growth. "The mission of the Gadsden Commercial Development Authority is to create and retain community wealth and improve Gadsden’s quality of life by creating an environment conducive to commercial business growth and attracting new retail and commercial business. " If there is any roll of the CDA it must be to facilitate all business growth and serve to assist business in the planning and development process. Serving as a liaison between city planners and business would be a needed role to insure "Scottsboro is a Business Friendly City."
UPDATE (July 21): The Daily Sentinel article: http://www.thedailysentinel.com/story.lasso?ewcd=1306cfc6533c8524
The July 12, 2010 regular City Council meeting was continued for the purpose of approving the RZED (Recovery Zone Economic Development) Bond issue, the bond issue was approved and will be utilized to build and improve Scottsboro's Recreation field Complex, the addition of Tennis courts, Soccer Fields and a handicap ball field has been discussed. This bond issue was made available through the Federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act money. The Jackson County Commission had acquired the initial funding approval for the City of Scottsboro and Stevenson. The amount of the bonds for Scottsboro are $4.145 million. Mr. Larry Ward of Morgan and Keegan's Birmingham office stated, "Scottsboro's Bond issue sold quickly... due to high demand the rate for the bonds are 3.475%. Scottsboro's Bond rating is A+ Stable...this is a 30 year bond issue."
July 19,2010 Work Session. 1) A discussion concerning increases in criminal case court costs. It was suggested that in addition to the states increase in criminal case court costs the City of Scottsboro raise their fees by $5.00 with the money to be utilized by the courts and police department. 2) Thomas Davis concerning Taxi Service was a no show. 3) Charles King spoke on the frontage and access road planning along John T Reid Parkway, Hwy. 72. Mr. Charles King, City Engineer, stated there has been no planning completed for any expansion concerning service/access roads along John T. Reid Parkway. See my comments in red above related to this discussion. 4) Discussion concerning the Cemetery Drainage Bids. The Bid committee recommended all bids be rejected due to extreme costs as the bids received were not in the best interests of the city, the project will be rebid. 5) No smoking ban in public places, presentation was scheduled by a Mr. William Dugger, he was a no show. 6) Discussion concerning the annexation into the city of 2 lots belonging to Rudder Williams and Gerald Paulk.
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