Where did the reserves come from and where is it in the audit report, why is it a secret of which the public should not be informed? Shhh, don't tell folks the reserve fund is actually the 1/2cent school tax money used to build the high school still being collected and utilized for government expansion.
2009 City Audit Briefing Slides. Read-bottom to top.
Not explained and an error, page 4 of the audit states:
"CITY OF SCOTTSBORO, ALABAMA Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2009 4"
Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2009 4"
"Fund Level:
· Total Governmental Fund Balance decreased $2,729,919 in fiscal 2009 to $13,954,399. Governmental Fund revenue totaled $22,251,751, with total expenditures of $25,114,895. General Fund revenue totaled $19,003,710, with total expenditures of $19,830,554, for an excess of revenue over expenditures of $826,844. Total Other Financing Sources and Uses was $(2,273,878). The decrease in the General Fund Balance was $3,100,722 for Fiscal 2009."
*· Total Governmental Fund Balance decreased $2,729,919 in fiscal 2009 to $13,954,399. Governmental Fund revenue totaled $22,251,751, with total expenditures of $25,114,895. General Fund revenue totaled $19,003,710, with total expenditures of $19,830,554, for an excess of revenue over expenditures of $826,844. Total Other Financing Sources and Uses was $(2,273,878). The decrease in the General Fund Balance was $3,100,722 for Fiscal 2009."
During the election I reported this deficit spending via a 1/8th page political advertisement in the Scottsboro Daily Sentinel. The above financial statement also reflects an error, "General Fund revenue totaled $19,003,710, with total expenditures of $19,830,554, for an excess of revenue over expenditures of $826,844."
*The above statement is not a true statement, there is not an excess of revenue over expenditures, it reflects an excess of expenditures over revenue, a deficit of $826,844.
*The Government Fund Revenue reflects the following deficit as stated in the audit but not explained in last nights Audit Briefing: "Governmental Fund revenue totaled $22,251,751, with total expenditures of $25,114,895." This reflects a deficit of $2,863,144."
An attack on the local newspaper, The Daily Sentinel, and its reporting was made during last nights council meeting. Council Member Terry Thomas stated concerning an article in last weeks Daily Sentinel, "people should not believe everything they read in the newspaper, they should come to the council meeting. "
Mr. Thomas was refering to a story in the Daily Sentinel about the Jackson County Courthouse restroom facilities being an issue during First Monday weekends.
Link to the Sentinel article, http://thedailysentinel.com/news/article_3fde3250-c0c2-11df-a124-001cc4c03286.html
Mr. Thomas, there is nothing inaccurate in the article as you allege! However, there is an inaccuracy in the 2009 Scottsboro Audit which you express no concern. Citizens most certainly should attend City Council Meetings. However, your statement is like the audit statement, inaccurate and not fully reported.
First Monday has been treated as a "political football" by local politicians. Yes, there was a "squabble" about the restrooms but more reasonable citizens will resolve the "squabble." Since the politicians can not resolve their problems, the First Monday vendors will do it for you. The spokesperson for the First Monday Vendors committee will make a presentation to the County Commission in Thursday's work session suggesting a resolution to the rest room clean up issue.
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