Scottsboro Street Scene 1910.
Tonight was a regular meeting of the Scottsboro City Council. For an expanded view of the agenda please click on the image.
Old Business on the Agenda: 1) Mr. Brinkley and Mr. Myrick were each nominated and approved for a 3 year term on the Adjustment and Appeals Board. Mr. Womack, Mr. Tubbs and Mr. Petriske were each nominated and approved for a 4 year term. 2) Mr. Scott Berry and Mr. Patrick Stewart were each appointed to a 4 year term on the CDA Board. 3) The Mayor selected Ms. Rosetta McCamey to the Housing Authority.

New Business: 1) Resolution approved to vacate a city easement on the property of Mr. Forrest Benson. 2) Street Department surplus property declaration approved for a 1996 Komatsu Excavator and a Ford Truck. Property to be sold on govdeals.com. 3) Alcohol beverage license approved for Roxy's Cafe on South Broad St., previous "Bonedaddys" restaurant. 4) Budget Amendment approved, Rescue Squad appropriation for $2000. The Rescue Squad expended many hours during the winter snow storms. It was stated this appropriation will be utilized for fuel purchases. 5) Alcohol beverage license approved for Salt International Bistro, to be located at 3509 South Broad St., previous "City Lights" Restaurant. 6) Bid Opening for used Solid Waste Service Truck, awarded to Southland International of Huntsville, Al., for the amount of $35,950.00. 7) Extension of Scottsboro Recycling lease for 5 years of old baler building. Lease to be extended till May 2016. 8) Vacancy on Water Sewer and Gas Board due to the death of Mr. Albert Ricker. Mr. Ricker was a dedicated citizen of Scottsboro and will be missed by many. Applications to fill the remaining term must be submitted to the City Clerk by March 18, 2011, 4:30PM. 9) Resolution for Improvement Research of Al. Hwy 79 from Scottsboro to Guntersville, Al. Request for the Alabama Department of Transportation to research how the roadway may be improved to support tourism and economic development of the area. 10) March 14 City Council meeting to be rescheduled prior to the March 21 work session. Council members will be in Washington, DC during the 14th to meet with Federal Legislators and their staff. 11) Council Member Gary Spears appointed Mr. Brad Dudley to the Rec Com Advisory Board.
The closed mind - open mind explained in a video. by GarryLMorgan, 03/01/11 8:08 AM
Dont you ever check your links you list to see if they work or have been remover.
You are refering to the Scottsboro Forum, al.com posting 7752. The closed mind - open mind explained in a video. The video was checked upon posting, it worked. However, since the original posting 1 character was removed from the You Tube code, it was the ? mark after "watch"-before the "v" in the code. I have repasted the link with all the code present and it works.
I filed a complaint 2 weeks ago with Advance Internet, parent organization of al.com, concerning tampering with forum postings. This is not the first time part of forum postings mysteriously disappear.
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