Masoud Bajestani, former Vice President of Nuclear Construction at Watts Bar, TVA bestows the title of Vice President to many senior TVA project managers, has apparently been terminated from his job. The TVA at this point is being very hush, hush about the reasoning's for the termination. Press reports are circulating that Bajestani withdrew $1.5 million from a TVA deferred compensation account and sent much of the money to Iran. In a Chattanooga.com report filed on February the 1st Bajestani is quoted, "...I had this opportunity that I discussed with (wife) to invest some money outside the U.S. and specifically buy some property back in Tehran, Iran. So I decided to withdraw that money and invest it outside the U.S." http://chattanoogan.com/articles/article_193558.asp
Chattanooga Times Free Press Dave Flessner reports, "TVA Communications Vice President David Mould said Bajestani's departure "was not related to his work on the Watts Bar project." But he declined to discuss why Bajestani was dismissed." http://www.timesfreepress.com/news/2011/jan/30/tva-fires-watts-bar-project-manager/
In true TVA style conflicting press releases were provided by the TVA as indicated in this AP News release posted in Scottsboro's Daily Sentinel. http://thedailysentinel.com/news/region/article_ccc5d6c8-2e5e-11e0-aa55-001cc4c002e0.html The article in part states, "TVA spokesman Scott Brooks said Tuesday that Bajestani's departure was not related to a Thursday letter from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, first reported by WTVC-TV in Chattanooga, that cites TVA "errors and omissions" in a Watts Bar project fire protection report and excessive delays in providing information."
WTVC-TV video report of the issue. http://www.newschannel9.com/video/?videoId=773744966001&lineupId=1137849423
Others are asking questions and display great concern, as they should. Earnest Norworthy asks the question. "Has TVA reported this matter to the NRC, SEC, Homeland Security and the FBI for possible further investigation?" A very valid question, there is concern at the NRC concerning shoddy management at the Watts Bar nuclear facility. http://norsworthyopinion.com/TVAs_latest_nuclear_disaster.aspx
UPDATE- Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NRC, Letter Dated Jan. 27, 2011 Subject: Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 2, Status of Operating License Review PDF link: http://richmedia.onset.freedom.com/wtvc/lfy7c7-wb2statusoperatinglicense.pdf
Serious issues as to "timeliness and quality" of the required documentation submitted to the NRC for the appropriate licensing. A sloppy TVA Nuclear Division, is not an acceptable trait for managers in assuring the safety of citizens in the TVA operating area.
UPDATE: February 4, 2011, Article by Anne Paine of The Tennessean. The article begins- "Masoud Bajestani, who until a week ago headed the $2.5 billion nuclear building project at TVA's Watts Bar plant, has, according to court documents, told lies both on personal financial matters and in dealings with a contract employee who reported safety problems on another nuclear project." http://www.tennessean.com/article/20110204/NEWS21/102040381/2275/RSS05
UPDATE: February 5, 2011, Masoud Bajestani retaliated against workers reporting safety violations in violation of the Federal Whistle Blowers Act. http://www.tennessean.com/article/20110205/NEWS11/102050352/Nuke-project-chief-who-left-job-last-week-had-fired-whistle-blower?odyssey=mod%7Cnewswell%7Cimg%7CFRONTPAGE%7Cp
Wham bam! Pow! $%^$%^$%&!
You may want to add my latest on this subject "TVA's latest nuclear disaster?"
You should get your facts straight Garry.
The photo of the plant showing a steam generator being moved by a crane is not Watts Bar 2 work.
TVA did not issue any press releases. News stories published by media are not always the result of press releases. In fact, most are not.
Dear Anonymous,
When a reporter calls the TVA and the TVA replies with information that is a press release, this includes all replies, to include "no comment."
TVA public relations personnel have intentionally deceived the public on many serious issues, to include the Widows Creek ash spill, the Kingston ash disaster and the cannibalization of the Bellefonte Reactors near Scottsboro, Alabama. Now it appears the TVA's deceptive mantra includes Watts Barr. The TVA has intentionally deceived the public, they have stated nuclear energy is clean, safe and cheap it is none of those false descriptions.
The problem with the TVA, this may include you, is they have became irresponsible and frequently deceive the public, such as you are attempting.
When TVA managers, PR persons or employees, to include contractors, deceive the public concerning any aspect of the TVA they are not only discrediting the TVA but creating serious issues concerning personal reliability in the managing of nuclear materials and personnel associated with nuclear power.
By the way, the construction site photograph where the cranes and equipment are located is described by the TVA contractor as the Watts Barr 2 facility.
If you would like to comment on the story that is fine, even disagree if you like. However, if you take the route of an attacker your posting comments will be very limited.
Anonymous is correct.
The photo is steam generator replacement on Watts Bar 1. The contractor that told you it is unit 2 is the one who is being deceptive if he or she knew it is unit 1 work and told you otherwise.
Likewise, the term "press release" is universally used to describe a written document issued to media. What the public relations people are probably using to verbally respond to media inquiries are called talking points.
Anonymous simply stated factual information. Nothing in the post was an attack on you or deceptive.
Thank you "frogsled" for the information.
Obviously you know what is occuring, as only one that is knowledgeable concerning the actual construction of Watts Bar Nuclear Facility would know the equipment being lifted into the containment building is a steam generator, specifically a steam generator for reactor unit #1.
Please inform the rest of us, why was Masoud Bajestani fired?
Why is TVA "lacking quality" in the filing of the required documentation concerning licensing for Watts Bar unit # 2 as indicated by the NRC document link I have listed?
A lack of quality does not equal a safe nuclear plant.
Press release-you call it six I may call it a half a dozen. TVA has released information to the press, one way or the other.
As a concerned citizen who has discovered TVA has been deceitful in their presentations related to nuclear risks I want to know why the firing occurred and was the firing a result of the "lack of quality" filings to the NRC, a security violation due to the previous managers deceit in a court of law (questions of moral turpitude) or maybe both?
Be honest, the public deserves to know the truth and deserves to know that TVA nuclear operations are safe, not "lacking quality" or has hired deceptive managers in its nuclear programs!
Now I have concerns related to the frequency of background investigations performed on all managers involved in TVA nuclear programs. Surely you understand my concerns.
Wow looks like you are at it again
Yes that is right Mr. or Ms. anonymous, I'm at it again.
I've noticed the PR types refuse any further actual, meaningful comment as to the reason for the Watts Bar Nuclear Project Manger's termination of employment.
I guess the public, in TVA's eyes, have no right to know why nuclear safety protocol and regulations were violated. How are citizens to trust the TVA when they are deceptive concerning issues and events?
This time around the TVA's uses the excuse of a personnel matter, previously the TVA has used the excuse of non-disclosure of costs to build a nuclear reactor at Bellefonte as "commercial Privilege." To make matters worse, TVA comes to my home town and intentionally deceives the public concerning nuclear power risks.
Yes Mr. or Ms. anonymous I'm "at it again," for good reason and I will continue to be "at it again" until the TVA realizes they must be honest with the public and stop the deceptions and deceitful management culture.
Well you are trying to read minds again I was referring to you deleting posts get your ducks in a row before you let them cross next time.
You just don't get it do you no one is going to answer your post you have worn out your welcome, If you don't believe what I say just go back a ways and check the post starting with Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Charlie Louvin
that is the only ones I can think of right now but that should give you some Idea as to what you are up against, You should move your trailor over to Booger town and you might feel more at home.
Dear Mr. "anonymous,"
I will explain some facts of life to you. The same facts I have explained to those like you within the Huntsville Times blog concerning threats and delusional comments from extremist ideologues in reference to racist and terrorist threats made within al.com Scottsboro Forum.
I will not be intimidated by your comments. I could care less whether you post or do not post.
However, your comment, "you have worn out your welcome..." is of concern. It displays you are delusional in your comments.
You will not be allowed any further active postings within this blog.
Garry L. Morgan
You know I am right don't you
You are in complete denial aren't you.
Well did you check them out????
I told you like it is don't pull no punches.
Your posting days are for the most part are over unless you plan to answer your own post Watch your EGO it will get the best of you sometimes.
Dear Anonymous, delusional poster;
I'm allowing your postings for one reason, to demonstrate the fact that you are tampering with the al.com Scottsboro forum. Right wing political extremists such as yourself are threats to the United States of America, by your actions you spit on our Constitution.
I am not sure but I don't think Al.com has anything to do with Blogger you should check that out might save you some embarrassment sometimes.
Of course al.com has nothing to do with Google Blogger, thank goodness.
The poster is refering to postings on al.com which were removed from the Scottsboro forum at this blog link: http://www.al.com/forums/scottsboro/index.ssf
"al.com" has a field under each posting which is called "inappropriate content." When a person clicks on that field it takes you to a link which is a form called "Report Objectionable Content." Unfortunately the "objectionable content report" is being abused. This is a "cheap way" to perform forum moderation, this is also a route to political ideologues removal of postings they do not agree, censorship. If everyone removed postings they do not agree their would be no forum, it would be a hollow ridiculous waste of time instead of a community information/entertainment process.
It has nothing to do with the Watts Bar situation listed in this blog post, unless the political ideologues are connected to the TVA. Postings concerning this Watts Bar issue and the TVA have been removed from the al.com Scottsboro forums.
I'll await a reply from al.com and Advance Internet forum management before I address the issue within this blog via a seperate article on "al.com forum censorship" via extremist ideologues and poor editorial management policy of Advance Internet.
"al.com" may do whatever they want in regard to removing postings or "censoring" content, it is their forums and media outlets. It is contrary to al.com policy to tamper with forum postings.
If I choose I may tell the story of right wing political extremism postings and censorship opposing Republican Party extremism and poor forum moderation within this blog.
The reason this blog was initiated was due to censorship by political extremists and poor editorial policy on the al.com Scottsboro Forum.
Don't forget Mr. Morgan we know who you are and when we get enough of your threats you will get a summons and it won't be to vote so you keep that in mind when you are throwing words around that you cannot prove.
Oh this is not meant to be a threat
but a promise.
The only threats are originating from you Mr. or Ms. anonymous poster. Please, go get a summons oh ignorant one. What are you going to say on the summons? "I'm the idiot that has been harassing Garry Morgan," signed -anonymous poster-. Very funny and very sad.
I have told you, I'm not going to be intimidated and I take security very seriously.
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