TVA debt in excess of $25 billion dollars and approaching the mandated $30 billion dollar Federally mandated congressional cap. How peculiar that TVA's lack of aquatic weed control gets our local political representatives upset over TVA mismanagement. It seems when the elite citizens of the community can't get to their boat docks all hades breaks loose. Are our political representatives placing the horse before the cart? It would seem that mismanagement of the TVA is not as important as some citizen's boat docks. Then, there are the threats of poisoning the waters by "agent orange, battery acid, anti-freeze." As if our representatives are not aware that the attempt to utilize these substances in our water are not only illegal but it seems they are threatening their usage if TVA doesn't control aquatic weeds. Where would "agent orange" come from, that is an insane comment! I wonder if Homeland Security will investigate where the Agent Orange will originate?
I wonder if our distinguished representatives have noticed the low lake level? The lowest continuous level in 2 years which is an attempt to control the aquatic weeds.

State Representative Jeff McLaughlan (seated right), Chairman of Tennessee River Valley Caucus, Alabama House of Representatives: "201 counties in TVA area...challenge to TVA is to manage resource effectively...problem with the way they announced the plan, 3 day notice...can't allow TVA to run from problem, must address the problem of aquatic weed control." His other comments, "TVA rates are increasing...now is not the time to pull out from responsibility...can't afford to have anti-freeze, battery acid or Round-up placed in water to control aquatic weeds."

U.S. House of Representative (elect) Parker Griffith (center standing) comments: "Dismayed over the handling of our river resource...unacceptable behavior of a public servant {Tom Kilgore, TVA CEO]" Judy Miller, Director Marshall County Legislative Delegation (seated on right): "Shirking responsibility, not the first time...1997 the TVA cancelled its aquatic weed control program...we strongly protested their actions...we developed plan in 1998 which resulted in TVA reversing its policy. The current aquatic weed control policy has been in effect for the last decade. The TVA needs to live up to expectations." (TVA's current Aquatic Weed Control Policy link, 2001, is listed in part 1 of this series.)

Rick Roden, CEO Jackson County Chamber of Commerce (seated on left): "We were blind sided by this policy. Our job at the Chamber is to grow the economy. Tourism is big business, a lack of aquatic weed control has a negative effect on our fishery. Tourism has resulted in 5000 jobs for the Guntersville Lake area...$207 million in tourist revenue for Jackson and Marshall County's...can not afford to go backwards." Scottsboro Mayor Melton Potter (seated right): "2 choices, lay down or address issue..."

State Representative Butch Taylor (seated left): "TVA wants to give responsibility to State of Alabama..." Alabama Senator Hinton Mitchum (seated right): "Poorly handled approach to aquatic weed control...poor stewardship."

State Representative John Robinson (seated left): "I've heard agent orange will be used to combat problem..." State Senator Lowell Barron (seated right): "This meeting is about solutions to our aquatic weed control problem...we have been supportive of TVA's nuclear construction...we do not want to bash TVA Board, but we will if necessary. This has a negative effect on our fishery...the current proposal for Jackson County appears to only control 57acres...if we have to match funds we will." Senator Barron recommended a letter writing campaign to the TVA. A handout was passed out containing the TVA Board members and the TVA's address in Knoxville. TVA contact link:
Senator Barron appointed a committee of representatives from Jackson and Marshall County to develop solutions and input to the TVA concerning the aquatic weed control problem.
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