Each 3rd Tuesday of the month the Scottsboro Parks and Recreation Board, better known as the Goose Pond Colony (GPC) Park Board meets to discuss business. I have been attending these meetings regularly for the past 4 months and have attended off and on during the last year. Last night there were 25 citizens in attendance, there were no hired journalists present. It seems the "press" is avoiding the meetings of the Park Board like the plague. Maybe they think the meetings are not news worthy or maybe they do not want to report on the truth of events at the park. Whatever the reason, I think it is very peculiar that the local press does not cover this municipal corporations meetings, thier choice, but when problems occur that effect the citizens of Scottsboro it is a shame our local media is not there to cover this situation, now on to the report.
Old Business: Marina courtesy vehicle discussion. It was decided that the marina courtesy vehicle for marina occupants must be signed out through the Marina Managers Office or Park Office.
New Business: 1) General Managers Resignation Letter was read and approved by the full board. Mr. Barry Chandler, General Manager resigned effective 31Nov. 2007. 2) A salary continuation (severance pay) was approved and signed off on by The Board President and Board Attorney. The "continuation of pay," as the President and Attorney calls it, was approved for Mr Chandler until May 2008, 6 months. The GPC Board President commented that Mr. Chandler served in an admiral fashion during his tenure at Goose Pond. 3) Board Members were assigned as "liaison members" to the various departments, cabins, camp grounds, golf course, marina, administrative office. It was stated that this was accomplished not for the board members to participate in management of the facility but to assist in communications to the board in the absence of a General Manager. It seems the "liaisons" were appointed in lieu of appointing an interim general manager. 4) Job Description for the General Manager is in Draft form and will be approved at the next meeting. There was no previous formal job description or formal contract for the General Managers position. 5) Advertising of the General Managers position was discussed and a committee was appointed to oversee this task. 6) Winter Golf rates discussion. 7) Special Projects Review and discussion. 8)Audit Review and progress report. 9) November Financial Report. 10) Resolution for approving check writing on GPC's accounts. All Board Members were placed on the document along with the Administrative Officer. 2 signatures are necessary for the GPC entity to write checks to pay their bills. 11) Reports from Department Heads. 12) Citizen presentations. There were 25 citizens in attendance last night. Most were concerned over conditions and uncertainty in the camp ground to include pending rules. 7 citizens spoke to the board expressing their concerns about the camp ground. One concerned citizen spoke concerning an incident that occured of a person falling into an open sewage septic tank in the camp ground. It was stated that this individual received several cuts and scrapes due to this accident. It was also stated that the person injured is receiving medical treatment due to recurring skin infections, the injured will receive an AIDS test in approximately 6 months. The citizen stated the board will be hearing more about this in approximately 2 months. I spoke to the board concerning my concerns over abuse of boards power, Open Meetings of the Board and the relationship to the severance pay for the past General Manager and abuse of individual board members authority to grant the "continuation of pay." The GPC Board attorney made comment that he did not agree with my view of this situation. I will be writing more about my concerns over management of GPC in a separate story in the near future.
While you're checking into things, maybe you can inquire the GP Board Members if they approve of using the rental cottages as a free refuge for estranged spouses and/or their dependents. Seems a current GP employee who has way too much responsibility and power in the front office has been housing her son, the former "Assistant Pro" at GPC in GPC property. This should not be tolerated and should be grounds for termination. However, for some unknown reason she has been able to survive where others with her past record would have perished. Something's fishy...
The GPC Board passed a "Barter" policy either last month or during Octobers meeting. The board members certainly seem to be aware of the situation at Goose Pond. They are implementing policy and you have seen the effects of policy implementation and enforcement in the recent resignation of the General Manager. The specifics of management of Goose Pond Colony or the habits of specific employees at GPC I am not interested. I am interested as a citizen in the "big picture." The results of actions and decisions, the end results of management decisions. How those decisions interact and benefit the stock holders of the GPC Public Corporation. The Stock Holders and beneficiaries of GPC are you, I and every other citizen of Scottsboro, Alabama. The citizens of Scottsboro are also potential customers and patrons of the park. I have concerns due to the historical record, recent decisions of the Board in relationship to the Open Meeting Laws of the State and board management decisions which cross the line of how a municipal board's individual members involve themselves in the day to day operations of the facility.
Thanks for your comment.
This post is what "citizen journalism" is all about. Keep up with it.
Thank you Walt. The internet is a marvelous tool for disseminating information.
Dolphin, you must be a friend of the campground manager. That's all she does is try to twist things around on people to where they look bad. It seems that is what you are trying to do. I would think you should get your facts straight before you start talking about somebody. As far as someone staying in the cottages, it is no different than all the employees at GPC that LIVE at the campground. Are they not getting free rent, electric, cable and water? I guess all that seems to be forgotten when you are trying to make someone look bad. As far as someone's record goes, I guess you are getting that info from the campground manager also. I wish we were all as innocent as she tries to make everybody believe she is.
Wow, looks like "Dolphin" struck a tender "Anonymous" nerve. I guess if it's OK for GPC employees living at the campground to get free rent, electric, cable and water; then it should be OK for GPC relatives to stay in the cottages for free too. Heck, those are both pretty good "perks" (if true) that I'll bet can't be found anywhere in writing. It seems to me that things are still way out of control at GPC and in dire need of competent management. Maybe when the new manager takes over he'll have the intestinal fortitude to make some needed and long over due changes.
Hey, Anonymous; free living in GPC rental cottages for GPC dependents and free rent, electric, cable and water for GPC employees at the campgroud...ever hear of "two wrongs don't make a right"? Your attempt at logic to justify the free living in GPC rental cottages is quite flawed. No wonder GPC is always in the "red"... Anyway, putting our differences aside, I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.
GPC is not in the red. They are turning a profit.
Dolphin i did not say it was right. All i meant was, don't cast stones on someone when you are getting second hand info from someone who doesn't know what she is talking about. Goose Pond does not operate in the "red". Take a look at the financial statements and you can see for yourself.
Merry Christmas to you.
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