I have came to realize that local politics, as with all politics, may result in disagreements with the folks who hold power. In the case of Scottsboro, a small southern community, power is held by a few who attempt to pull the strings of the many. My community's political party of choice is that of the Democrats. The local Dems are very conservative and resist change greatly, particularly if that change stands to take power from those who hold it.
Within Scottsboro and Jackson County there is a power class. A class that partly evolved from "old money" and now seems to evolve from the many attorneys who earn their living around our town square. There are 26 attorneys at last count around our town square. I remember the days, more than 40 years ago, when every kind of business imaginable could be found around our square, the majority legal, some illegal, very few attorneys. The mega-chain store is largely responsible for the demise of the town square. I often wonder what the effect would be if "Wally World" would take a towns square and make the square their business instead of building a roof and four walls to house the store then discard it.
Within Scottsboro and Jackson County there is a power class. A class that partly evolved from "old money" and now seems to evolve from the many attorneys who earn their living around our town square. There are 26 attorneys at last count around our town square. I remember the days, more than 40 years ago, when every kind of business imaginable could be found around our square, the majority legal, some illegal, very few attorneys. The mega-chain store is largely responsible for the demise of the town square. I often wonder what the effect would be if "Wally World" would take a towns square and make the square their business instead of building a roof and four walls to house the store then discard it.
We are fortunate in Scottsboro to be blessed with the beauty of the Tennessee River Valley and the mountains surrounding it in Northeast Alabama. There is no doubt that Scottsboro is a fine place to raise a family, good schools and a low crime rate. For the most part, good people concerned about their community.
You must be wondering, after all that rambling, why the blog? To provide the folks of our small city alternative news, the way I, Garry Morgan see it by exploring life and politics in Scottsboro, Alabama. Don't forget, "watch for snakes."
Gary, I AM SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU CREATED YOUR OWN BLOG!!! Continue to investigate and expose corruption. I applaud you!
Thank you Deb, I'll be fine tuning for awhile. Stop by and check out my stories. Garry
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