The meeting tonight was conducted in 2 parts, Work Session and the continued Council Meeting from last week due to the Christmas Holiday. Mr Simmons was present tonight, it was good to see Buddy back on his feet. The Mayor was out , he passed on information that he was begining his chemo therapy and is going to begin radiation treatments next week. Please remember the Deason Family in your prayers.
Work Session: 1)Bob Stone concerning the Solid Waste Ordinance, no show. 2)Ken Swift on Flag Protocol: Mr Swift requested that when the City displays the flag outdoors during the hours of darkness that it should be directly lighted. Mr. Swift states this is not the case at Word Field. Mr. Smith, City Council President, stated this matter would be looked into and corrected. 3) Mrs. Duffey made presentation concerning FEMA Requirements for Flood Damage Prevention. 4) Planning Commission Resolution Discussion concerning Zoning Change for property on Snodgrass Rd. and Driftwood Shores. 5)Discussion concerning acquiring electricity for poles in front of City Hall. Apparently the light poles don't have electricity. The need for an in house Maintenance Tech was once again brought up. The Council has budgeted for a new position of a maintenance technician. 6) Discussion of Dec. 31 as a City Holiday. 7) Police Chief Ralph Dawe presentation. a. Graffiti around town discussion. There have been several pieces of property vandalized around town by drawings in paint. Chief Dawe reported that it appears the graffiti has been placed on the various properties by juveniles. No one has been apprehended for this act. b. Discussion concerning ordinance to impound vehicles where there is no proof of insurance and drivers that do not have a valid drivers license. c. Discussion on donations for fallen Huntsville Police Officer Eric Freeman, Officer Freeman was shot and killed this weekend. He leaves behind a wife and 5 children. Please remember the Freeman Family in your prayers. 8) Discussion concerning budget amendment for Community Planning Department vehicles. $30,000 has been budgeted, $6640.00 needs to be added for the vehicles. 9)Bid Opening for Mayors vehicle. Discussion concerning the need for a new Mayors vehicle, costs and type of vehicles available was discussed. 10) Discussion concerning backup system for computerized files. Department heads requested to report back to City Council concerning frequency of file backup, type of files backed up, and training employees on backing up of file systems.
City Council Meeting Continuation: 1) Public Hearing for Alcohol Beverage License for Beer and Wine, Pizza Hut (new store) on S. Broad St. License approved. 2) Resolution Establishing Public Hearing for property rezoning. Property location is on Snodgrass Rd and Driftwood Shores, hearing to be held on Jan 14, 2008. 3) Bid selection for new Mayors vehicle, awarded to Harbin Ford, $19,916.00 for a Mercury Gran Marque. 4) Budget Amendment approved for the Community Planning Department for vehicles. $6640.00 approved to supplement the $30,000 already approved. 5) Budget Amendment for City Hall General Administration, tabled. 6) Dec 31, 2007 Holiday approved. 7) Budget amendment for Mayors vehicle in the amount of $19,916.
May all Scottsboro Employees and Officials Have a safe and Happy Holiday Season. Next meeting of the City Council will be a work session on Monday Jan. 7, 2008.
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