The secret is out, of course it has been out for the last couple of weeks. There has been much discussion on local forums about this "secret." Goosepond Colony (GPC) Manager Barry Chandler has resigned, effective November 30th. The day before Barry's resignation we had a discussion about what was going on at GPC. We talked about several things, Plantation Point, rumours that has been circulating concerning him, pending legal action concerning GPC. Barry would not disclose any information about any pending legal action nor would he disclose the reason for his resignation other than to give praise to the GPC Board.
The GPC Board seems to have a problem with recognition of their responsibilities of keeping the public informed concerning Goosepond Colony. GPC has had a history of corruption, various management problems and the most recent Scottsboro Audit pointing out concerns over GPC's high debt. Then to top off the situation citizens of Scottsboro have to be subjected to censorship of discussion on the local Scottsboro public forum, al.com, concerning the activity of the GPC Board. After all, it certainly was not the tooth fairy that was responsible for banning me from al.com as a result of discussing concerns at GPC. Nor was it the tooth fairy that removed all posts concerning GPC from the Scottsboro forum. Discussion concerning the Scottsboro Park and GPC Board was censored/removed from the Scottsboro forum.
I want to know the rest of the story. That is why I have requested several public documents from GPC, ie Managers Evaluation, Managers Job Description or contract, Personnel Policy, Loan Documents and other public writings.
Why would Barry C. get 6 months severance pay if he resigned? Today's (almost) Daily Sentinel said that he resigned for personal reasons...yeah, he personally didn't want to get fired...
I notice that the Daily Sentinel article says that each Board member is being assigned to each department. When did the Board meet to decide this issue? This very well may be a violation of Alabama's Open Meeting Laws. Board Members have no more power than you and I. The Park Board members only have power when they are meeting as a board. This would be an abuse of their power, as individuals they have no business being involved in the management of this facility. If they have not assured that an adequate personnel policy has been established to cover absences and cross training, they and past boards are very near sighted, darn near blind to the realities of effective sensible management.
6 months severence pay? Hadn't heard anything about this. When did the board meet concerning this issue?
Word floating around GPC by employees is that's what the deal was...6 months severance pay if he resigned and went quietly. Only the GPC Board can affirm this for sure, and as we know they're not talking or going public. Is this how they treat someone that was doing an "excellent job"? Somethings rotten in Denmark...
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