One descriptive I can think of to describe the Impact Learning Center is, WOW! The people and businesses of Jackson County and the City of Scottsboro are very fortunate to have an organization such as this to benefit our community. Education is the key to an individuals future. The individuals involved in the centers management and direction are truly innovative, motivated, and concerned community leaders. The Impact Learning Center is the "Workforce and Education Development Arm of the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce." Their Mission Statement reflects the importance of this organization to our county, cities and communities of Jackson County: "Recognizing that a well educated and well trained workforce are key elements in our economic and community development, our mission is to provide basic education, job skills training and higher education opportunities for all the citizens of Jackson County, Alabama."
I attended their monthly Directors Meeting today and ate lunch with them afterwords. Their meeting and lunch is the second Tuesday of the Month. During the meeting and luncheon information is exchanged and business conducted as to management decisions and idea formulation of the organization. The directors meeting is the more formal part of the occasion and the luncheon is for discussion and facilitation of community information.
The Directors of the Impact Learning Center are as follows: Chairperson is Dr. Charles Bradford, Dr. Judy Berry, Mr. Jerry Jeffrey, Ms. Stacy Radon, Ms. Amy Collins Cameron, Dr. David Campbell, Ms. Glenda "Bit" Hodges, Ms. Kristy Maples, Ms Glenda Moody, Mr. Dus Rogers, Ms. Sue Smith, Mr. Blake Wright, Mr. Randall White. Learning Center Staff: Ms. Ann Kennamer-Director, Ms. Cathy Mitchell-Assistant Director, Ms. Angie Long-Administrative Assistant, Ms. Beverly Allen-CHOICES coordinator.
The Impact Learning Center did have a web site. However it appears the site is no longer functioning or has been "hi-jacked." Ms. Ann Kennamer, Center Director, stated that a new web site is currently under construction. An informative web site is important for this organizations dissemination of information into the communities of Jackson County.
About the Directors Meeting: 1)The New Years Eve Party and Auction raised about $18,000. There was a discussion concerning improvements for next years event. 2)"Pre-K Partners Program" Another WOW descriptive. Dr. Charles Bradford described the Mission of this Program, a pilot program, to "...provide educational opportunities for pre-kindergarten children of low income families under the age of 5." This program will also encourage parents to attend with their children. Parents will be provided with Life Skills education that will include critical everyday home management chores such as developing a budget and parenting skills. Lunches will be furnished for those attending. The Scottsboro Board of Education is furnishing a room at the High School with a separate entrance for this program. A Program Director, Teacher and Teachers Aid is in the process of being hired. Funding of this program has been accomplished through the "Bynum Foundation." It was stated that the pilot program will initially have 8-9 students. Governor Riley, upon visiting the Impact Learning Center, commented that he was very impressed and would be considering a statewide program based on Scottsboro's model. The Impact's Pre-K Partners Board: Ms. Betsy Parks, Ms. Becky Bridges, Mr. Gordon Gossett, Mr. Matt Doss, Ms. Susan Barnes and Ms. Nikki Mann. 3) Career Transition Grant: Out of 120 applications for this grant only 35 were selected, Scottsboro was one. 4) Work Force Development: A 200 hour course will be offered on Life Skills, Computer Skills and Manufacturing Skills. This course will be implemented in the near future. Information will be disseminated into the community shortly. This program may also except High School Students.
I have pictured some of the wonders of technology which is utilized for education and business communication in our community. Another WOW, check out the desk top teleconferencing unit, about the size of an 8"x10" piece of notebook paper, they have 4 of these units along with 10 large teleconferencing units at the center and schools. A classroom at the center is also pictured.
The Impact Learning Center is an example of what leadership, technology and community partnerships can accomplish when maximum effort is applied. My hat is tipped to the concerned citizens responsible for direction and management of this great asset of our community.
I appreciated the invitation to attend extended by Ms. Ann Kennamer. Please feel free to comment if you are so inclined.