Another full house (first picture) for the monthly Parks and Recreation Board of Scottsboro (2nd picture) meeting today at the GPC office at 4:30PM. Normally the meeting is on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 4:30PM, it was moved to today. Roger Linville, Board member, was absent.
Old Business: 1) Audit Review and presentation by Todd Shirey. There were no material findings, $450,000 was paid to decrease the debt, there was (net or gross?) income of $223,000 for the previous fiscal year. The auditors comment of the overall condition and management of the facility, impressive. 2) Campground Rental Policy approved. The camp ground may not be used as a permanent residence. Permanent residents present at this time have until June 1, 2008 to find a permanent residence. 25% of camping spaces will be maintained for short term camping, 2 weeks, camp ground management may extend for 2 weeks pending availability. 3) Camp ground rules were approved. The Board expressed complete trust in the manager of the campground to enforce all rules and policies. 4) General Manager Position. The Board received 95 resumes from applicants across 10 states. The selection was narrowed to 20, then 10, then the top 6. Out of the top 6 Mr. Lyle Sosebee was selected as the Goose Pond Colony General Manager (I apologize for the original misspelling of his name.). Mr Sosesbee is a 1991 graduate of Auburn University with a Bachelor of Science in Business. Mr. Sosesbee has been a Wal-Mart Manager and a private business owner. Mrs. Sosesbee is employed by the Jackson County Health Care Authority. Mr. Sosebee will begin his duties on March 1, 2008. (third picture is Mr. Sosebee) 5) Golf Professional Position, 7 applications have been received, it was decided by the board that Mr. Sosebee will select the Golf Pro after March 1.
New Business: 1) The Docks Restaurant (4th picture) Lease contract was approved for extension until May, 2009 at current contract rates. 2) Termite Control Contract for The Docks Restaurant was awarded to Cook's Pest Control, cost will be $2334.00 for first year and $700 for each subsequent year. Contract is a year to year contract. 3) Special Projects Review: a. Reported there were $45,000 uncommitted in this account. b. There will be renovation and improvement of 2 pull thru camper spots costing $1100.00 each. c. Further Discussion on Water Fountains for GPC golf course, fountains on the course will cost $800.00 each. Approval was granted to purchase the fountains prior to The Spring Fling Golf Tournament. d. Ventilation Hoods for The Docks Restaurant should be installed by March 13. 4) Financial Report: $62,000 profit as of Jan 31, 2008, $82,000 ahead of last years finances. Kudos given to Department Managers for outstanding performance. 4) Manager Reports: a. Cabin renovation proceeding, suggestion by Administrative Assistant to donate old bed covers and drapes to the Rosalie Community for the disaster victims, approved by board. b. Pro shop inventory being brought under control. $3,000 sales credit from supplier, $3,000 sales from shop, $2-3,000 to be returned to Nike for credit. c. Swimming area repairs to be accomplished, wood decking and indoor outdoor carpet will be installed. $2,500.00 cost. d. Discussion concerning pool fence at Plantation Point. Board attorney will check on responsibility for repair, Home Owners Association or GPC Board. e. Walkway bridges and restrooms under going renovation and will be complete shortly. f. Bunkers being reconditioned at Plantation Point. g. Pump for sewage system at Plantation Point tested and working. h. Traffic Control discussion concerning resolution to traffic tie-ups during fishing tournaments.
Citizen Presentation: Representative from the Marina Boat Owners Association (marina, 5th picture) questioned the Board on issues of Special Projects vs. Maintenance Funds. Mike Baggett, Chairman of the GPC Board had the following to say due to questioning by the representative on priorities and spending policy. " It has taken years to improve the facility due to past neglect. All money is going into maintenance and fixing what has been broke. I wish we could spend money on enhancements, we can't as we are fixing what is broke and maintaining what we have. This board will not borrow any more money."