The current poll at right concerning Scottsboro City Council's decision making efforts on Goose Pond Island Industrial Property zoned R1, Residential issue reflects a 78% of poll respondents believe that Scottsboro City Councils actions are negative in nature, not reflecting the majority view of citizens. This is up from the 65% of 2 months ago. The large majority of citizens believe the City Council is procrastinating and the use of the property should be Manufacturing, M1 in support of job opportunities.
The recent report mentioned in The Daily Sentinel concerning the Neil Taylor Report, http://www.thedailysentinel.com/story.lasso?ewcd=9d383ecf8c6ee7e0 I went to City Hall and viewed this report. The underlying plans of some citizens of Scottsboro is brought forth. The continuance of local Governmental Corporate Socialism in property investment. The Taylor report favors only the lakeside property owners side of the argument and that of Government Socialists. It is a one sided report admitting to the one sided interviewing of the lakeside property owners and the continuing expansion of governmental property investment for the benefit of the select few who own lakeside property.
The Mayor Bailey 2001Fowler Report and TVA's Scottsboro Land Plan Usage in the TVA Enviromental Assessment regarding the usage of the island property as mixed zoning of Residential and Manufacturing is never mentioned. The average working citizen and the unemployed of Scottsboro are not represented in the Taylor Report. Those represented are the lakeside property owners and select local politicians. The intentional destruction of Native American Burial Sites are never mentioned. The hazardous wastes and the designation of the property as a Brownfield Site are never mentioned. What is mentioned is the suggestion that Scottsboro purchase all the property on the island and develop it and the lakeside property owners private interests. The report did not mention how many jobs will be lost in this socialist scheme of governmental property investment. There was no mention of costs to the Citizens of Scottsboro of Mr. Taylor's proposal. It would surely mean further indebtedness for the citizens of Scottsboro and more job loss in an economic depressed time with inflation on a rise.
The Mayor Bailey 2001Fowler Report and TVA's Scottsboro Land Plan Usage in the TVA Enviromental Assessment regarding the usage of the island property as mixed zoning of Residential and Manufacturing is never mentioned. The average working citizen and the unemployed of Scottsboro are not represented in the Taylor Report. Those represented are the lakeside property owners and select local politicians. The intentional destruction of Native American Burial Sites are never mentioned. The hazardous wastes and the designation of the property as a Brownfield Site are never mentioned. What is mentioned is the suggestion that Scottsboro purchase all the property on the island and develop it and the lakeside property owners private interests. The report did not mention how many jobs will be lost in this socialist scheme of governmental property investment. There was no mention of costs to the Citizens of Scottsboro of Mr. Taylor's proposal. It would surely mean further indebtedness for the citizens of Scottsboro and more job loss in an economic depressed time with inflation on a rise.
Look at who is making this appraisal and suggestion of socialist governmental action of property investment, former government employees supporting furthering government investment removing private opportunity of business investment and job opportunities for the citizens of Scottsboro at the expense of Scottsboro's citizens.
How long will the City Council take to find a solution for the Goose Pond Island rezoning?
I think both sides have good arguments and I feel the Council wants to please everyone.
Just a bit of history might help. Goose Pond Island was originally a farming community with families that lived and passed this property from generation too generation. During the 1960’s the City of Scottsboro bought this property using (Eminent Domain) for the good of the community and displaced the citizens of Goose Pond Island by paying them for their homes and farms. Revere Copper and Brass built two Plants, a Rolling Mill and a Reduction operation to process aluminum from the raw materials to a finished product. The pay roll from this operation benefited a three state region. The city also prospered and built Water and Sewer facilities to support the Goose Pond project that are a large part of the established system in place now to support the cities growing population today.
Do we need jobs in Scottsboro today? Ask the people that are working for minimum wages, and if they are married with children, both parents are working just to keep the family fed and clothed. Ask the recent unemployed person that can no longer share the American dream for the lack of a job or even the promises of a job.
I understand the concerns of the property owners that have purchased home sites along the most beautiful place in the world the Tennessee River. I am proud they have made a good living and have the finances to purchase this property, but in retrospect, the property (that is the old Rolling Mill building) should have never been zoned R1 because of issues that exist in the old settling pond that borders this building.
If the City Council cannot bring this rezoning to a just and equitable solution, then should the citizens of Scottsboro have a vote on this issue in a City Referendum?
Charles Killough
59 Marsie Ave.
Scottsboro, Al
Thank you Charles for your comment. I will post a link on North Alabama Now Forums to this issue.
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