Goose Pond Island (90acre +/-) Industrial Property and lakeside home developments surrounding property. The site of much controversy concerning the zoning of the property as R1, Residential when taken into the City Limits by an Act of the Legislature. The site owner is applying for rezoning to M1, Light Manufacturing. ( The issue of jobs vs home owners, Scottsboro's The Daily Sentinel article on growing unemployment
http://thedailysentinel.com/story.lasso?ewcd=637b07c6dee3dabc )

Councilman Keith Smith cast the lone dissenting vote in support of the homeowners. Mr. Smith had requested a separate Appraisal Report, titled the Neil Taylor Appraisal Report, which recommended the city purchase all industrial property, annex it and rezone it to Residential. (The Daily Sentinel's Editorial Board Comments on the Neil Taylor Report:
http://www.thedailysentinel.com/story.lasso?ewcd=0a09195e538b2a69 Daily Sentinel Publisher's Op-ed article:
Mr. Matthew Hodges, City Council President, stated this is one of the most difficult decissions he has made during his tenure as a City Council member.

Mr. Gary Speers seconded the motion to approve M1 Zoning with restrictions. Mr. Speers stated that his decision was based on what he believes is best for Scottsboro after review of available information.

Mr. Thermon Bell made the motion to rezone the property to M1 with restrictions. Mr. Bell stated he believes this is what is best for the City of Scottsboro in providing opportunities for jobs.

The Scottsboro City Council, Councilman Terry Thomas, 3rd from left, ( Mr. Thomas's specific comments on video may be seen in the link below.) stated he would vote for the rezoning measure if there were restrictions on the property. Mr Thomas also added an additional restriction that would prevent any access to the industrial property from the home development area. Mr. Thomas has stated that he could not support the rezoning unless there were adequate restrictions to protect the home owners in this matter. A future public hearing and a final council decision in January should mark the end of this ordeal.
Old Business: 1) Consider a zoning ordinance for the Goose Pond Island old aluminum plant property. Mr Bell made a motion to rezone the property from R1 to M1 with restrictions, Mr. Speers seconded the motion. The motion carried by a 4 to 1 vote. There were changes made to the original zoning request which will require an approval by Mr. Christopher property owner and a subsequent public hearing. Final approval will depend on Mr. Christopher's agreement concerning the restrictions and a final council vote after the public hearing. Huntsville Times article by David Brewer on issue with video:
http://blog.al.com/breaking/2008/12/scottsboro_council_again_delay.html (Council Member video comments attached with this link from David Brewer of the Huntsville Times.) 2) Bid opening for Rec Com cleaning contract. Low bidder was Ms. Hester at $105.00 per day.
New Business: 1) Consider a city ordinance change to City Council Work Session times from twice a month to once a month, tabled. 2) The following Alcohol Beverage License were approved: a. Comfort Inn Suites; b. Tavern Grill, 3202 S. Broad St.; c. Bains Tavern, 3608 E. Willow St., old Scotters. Mr Bains stated he will open in the middle of January. 3) Approval of 90% of 2008-2009 budget. 4) New Organization Chart and Job Descriptions for Rec Com approved. Changes involve Park and Ball Field Grounds Keepers positions. 5) Bid opening for Mayors vehicle was awarded to Harbin Chevrolet for $34,978.50 for a used, 15,000 miles, 2008 Tahoe Hybrid Sports Utility Vehicle.
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