For 1 year now this blog has been in place. The reason the blog was created was and is to inform the citizens of Scottsboro Alabama of a different political picture of the world around them and to demonstrate the extent of political censorship that is occurring at the hands of local formal media and politicians. It has became obvious to some and not so obvious to others that the media and some politicians do not want alternative ideas which do not agree with their individual political platform and plans. In the private media's so called discussion forums they will not allow discussion of alternative ideas of responsible opposing political speech and opposing view points to important issues before the community. I believe the removal of my speech and the "banning" of my accounts and that of others accounts on al.com had a purpose, that purpose was politically motivated so as not to allow the opposing side of an issue to be discussed.
>When there is an attempt to discuss alternatives and present alternatives outside the small group of political party insiders by utilizing available media tools, access to the tools are removed, while allowing attacks against Democrat opposition and slanting reports favoring one position which the local Democrat Party supports or supportive of an individual politician. (In other parts of the state it is the rule of the Republican Party which is overbearing in political discussion. opposition is removed from al.com products where the Republican Party is the dominant party of choice.) The local commercial media is in fact no more and no less than a pawn of political factionalism, they practice propaganda as much as they attempt to report the news.
>>The local discussion forum by al.com is a means to communicate on a real time basis with the community. Unfortunately not all managers of this forum know the meaning of responsible open speech. The managers of al.com are not supportive of the Constitutional ideals of our nation. Those same tyrannical managers of al.com also attempt to deny intellectual freedom to those who write. I used my name and was banned because of it, I used a "handle" for a name but disclosed my identity in the profile, I was banned for it. I discussed political issues, I did not agree with the status quo of local controversial political positions, I was banned for it.
>>>In discussing important issues which involve the community's future it is important that all sides of an issue be presented. Unfortunately Advance Internet, al.com, Scottsboro forum it is impossible to utilize that forum to participate in meaningful political discussion of issues as the managers of that forum will not allow the truth to be told or any discussion of issues which do not agree with the local Democrat Party. Local Democrat Party thugs have been allowed to make threats, intimidate and lie about those who attempt to carry forth meaningful discussions on al.com's Scottsboro Forum. Al.com editors and Democrat Party tyrants have rendered the Scottsboro forum a propaganda tool of repressive politicians whose only purpose is to enrich themselves and maintain political party control at the expense of the local citizenry.
>>>>For the above stated reasons I will no longer participate in Advance Internet's al.com. However, I will vigilantly defend any attacks made on me, my speech or my political ideas on any Advance Internet product
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