Fair Use, not for profit news reporting - photo by Knoxville News
Damage and contamination due to TVA's neglect of existing facilities. Citizen's lives destoyed and drinking water contaminated in the Kingston Fossil Fuel Plant disaster due to a waste holding pond dam collapse.

Fair Use Rights not for profit news reporting - Photo by Hurricane Creek Keeper John Waltham - South Wings Aviation.

Fair Use for photo usage, not for profit news reporting Knoxville News photo
Data Reveals Significant Heavy Metal Contamination in Water Samples Downstream of TVA Kingston, Tn. Disaster Site. TVA has repeatedly stated that the water is safe, apparently this is not the case. http://www.environmentalintegrity.org/pub599.cfm Test results, http://kelleycampaigns.com/coalash.html
The coal ash holding ponds at Widows Creek contain more hazardous wastes than the ones in Kingston, Tn.. http://www.environmentalintegrity.org/pubs/Widows%20Creek%20v%20%20Kingston.pdf None of the waste holding ponds have liners to prevent leakage into underground aquifers. Stevenson, Alabama's water supply is obtained from local wells.
There is a serious issue of trust concerning the TVA. A question that should be on everyone's mind, can we trust the TVA to operate a nuclear power plant at Bellefonte without deceiving the local population if a radiation leak occurs?
The TVA has more problems then just coal ash!
"Culture of Theft Has Embroiled the TVA in Scandal" Thanks for the article link.
Yes, the TVA has problems in their management's culture of deceit.
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