The big issue that has "hung over" the City Council for several months was resolved, the zoning of the Goose Pond Island Industrial Property. The property was taken into the city limits several years ago as R1 while part of the Aluminum Mill was still operating. The vote carried 3 votes for the M1 rezone, 2 votes against the M1 rezone. The Council voted as follows, yes for the rezone or no against the M1 rezone: Mr. Bell-Yes; Mr. Smith-No; Mr. Speers-Yes; Mr. Thomas-No; Mr. Hodges-Yes
The council vote was preceded by a hearing on the rezoning issue, 2 persons spoke concerning the issue.
New business: 1) Mr. Elbert Dougherty was appointed as Airport Manager. 2) Mr. Joe Rogers, Ms Arlene Grede and Mr. Elbert Beaird were appointed to the Tree Commission. 3) A vacancy was announced for the Port Authority Board. Requests to be placed on this Board must be submitted to the City Clerk no later than 12 noon, Thursday March 19, 2009. 4) Public Hearing for an Alcoholic Beverage License to be issued to Pamela Smith, business name: Scottsboro Wild Horse Saloon, 3502 S. Broad St. Mr. Speers asked several questions about the name Scottsboro in the name of the establishment. A discussion ensued with Mr. Speers making a motion to table the issue, a second was received. The vote concerning the Alcohol Beverage License will be made at a subsequent meeting. 5) Public Hearing for an Alcoholic Beverage License to be issued to Charles A. (Von) Hamm, East-side Quick Mart, 1007 E. Willow St. The license was approved after the hearing. 6) Bid Opening for Fire Department pick up truck was awarded to Harbin Ford as low bidder for a 2009 Ford Pickup for $22,904.00 7) Bid opening for a Landfill Compactor was awarded to Tractor Equipment Company for $206,000. 8) Uniform and shop towel bid was awarded to Ameripride as low bidder. 9) Reports: Mr. Speers announced a Black History Month Celebration at the Rec-Com on Feb. 28, Saturday 6PM, there will be several guest speakers.
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