Tonight's meeting was short, about 20 minutes with 3 items on the agenda.
1) Discussion on a 2.5% sanitation rate increase due to ADEM's implementation of a $1.00 per ton "tax" on landfill waste. 2) City Engineer job description discussion. The Mayor stated there have been 6 applications taken. ( There has been no council approval of this job or the advertising of this position.) There was discussion as to the classification of the position, appointed non-classified versus regular classified under the city's personnel system. 3) Mayor Potter discussed the City Web-site contract, placed on the agenda for next Monday's regular council meeting. 4) Mayor Potter announced that the TVA will decide the "hydrilla" issue at Guntersville on Feb. 9, 2009.
How much of the 2.5% is to cover the ADEM fees and how much is to cover the "hidden" costs of the curbside recycling program?
Good Question.
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