Once again we read in this mornings newspaper about the deceit of Bellefonte and how the political powers lie to citizens.
First off let me say I appreciate the Daily Sentinels reporting of this continuing saga. Thank God we have a newspaper that does report the story instead of hiding it.
In this mornings weekend edition of the Daily Sentinel another story attempting to clarify yesterdays story about the Nuclear Plant Construction. There is much that is not said and lies that are being told, once again. It is very disappointing to see a recently elected Federal Official in the name of Parker Griffith "lie thru his teeth."
Mr. Griffith states in this mornings D.S. about Bellefonte, "We have been waiting for this day for quite a while. (Meaning the alleged reinstatement of the construction permits for Bellefonte.)Bringing down the cost of energy has always proven to be a big shot in the arm of a failing economy, and I am proud to say we are one step closer to that."
Mr. Griffith, I am shocked and ashamed to say that you are this areas political representative in Washington. You are not telling the truth and are pumping the areas residents full of more Washington political B.S. Nuclear power is not cheap and it will not bring down the cost of energy. Your statement is nothing more than a political feel good story that does not reflect the truth. You Mr. Griffith continue the Washington tradition of lying to the public.
NRC's comment about reinstating a defunct, expired, cancelled construction license, permit: ""The request to reinstate construction permits for Bellefonte is unprecedented," according to NRC spokesman Ken Clark." Article in the Knoxville News: http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2008/aug/28/tva-considers-project-bellefonte/?printer=1/
Fellow citizens, "if you can't do it right you ought not do it at all." An old adage that holds much weight. The NRC in this case has violated their own policy and the law in this matter. The Bellefonte license was withdrawn, it is no longer a valid license. There is no reinstatement of a defunct, not valid construction license-permit, the NRC is making up the story as they go, they admit it, "unprecedented" is their statement. The TVA and area politicians are attempting to peddle political influence in attempts to circumvent law and NRC policy, they are being successful, for now.
Fellow citizens, "if you can't do it right you ought not do it at all." An old adage that holds much weight. The NRC in this case has violated their own policy and the law in this matter. The Bellefonte license was withdrawn, it is no longer a valid license. There is no reinstatement of a defunct, not valid construction license-permit, the NRC is making up the story as they go, they admit it, "unprecedented" is their statement. The TVA and area politicians are attempting to peddle political influence in attempts to circumvent law and NRC policy, they are being successful, for now.
If Bellefonte is to be built this type of political and bureaucratic deceit only hampers the process and will result in legal action being filed against the parties involved. From NRC official documentation, "BLN Unit 1 was approximately 90% complete and Unit 2 was approximately 58% complete." Unfortunately those figures do not hold weight, the reactor vessels and operating controls were stripped many months ago. Why not do it right instead of making it up as you go? Toshiba, Westinghouse, Bechtel getting nervous for their billions of dollars promised?
NRC Official Press release: http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/news/2009/09-035.html
NRC Official Press release: http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/news/2009/09-035.html
Isn't it wonderful, we as citizens and rate payers are still paying on a defunct Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Areva and TVA settled for $8 million in a $47 million suit Areva filed against the TVA for cancelling the nuclear fuel assemblies for Bellefonte Units 1&2.
You lie, or are totally misinformed. The reactor vessel and operating controls are still very much at Bellefonte. How do I know? I saw them last week...yup, with my very own eyes. You need to stop making up stuff, or at the least, check out what you write before putting it out as truth.
There have been numerous reports of non-viable, obsolete controls, actuators, pumps, valves,etc. being removed from the reactor and control units. The point being, the old equipment, controls etc. are no longer a viable operating system. What was 90% complete and 58% complete is no longer true.
There are also reports of sales of copper and other equipment from the old control systems and reactor vessels.
You conveniently dismiss the fact that the construction permits were cancelled. During this time, before the decision to request reinstatement of the construction permits, Bellefonte Units 1&2 were surplus, to include the reactor and control systems. How much equipment was removed I do not know, all I know are the numerous reports that originated from Bellefonte during this time frame.
If you saw the controls and reactor vessels then you are a TVA Employee. Are you part of the same group of TVA propaganda stooges that check daily on the several internet forums and blogs that discuss nuclear and TVA issues? It would seem the nuclear lobby and TVA management team or lobby have formed a group of propaganda meisters to troll forums and blogs distributing Nuclear and TVA propaganda.
In at least one instance nuclear supporters, TVA, NEI, etc., have created their own blog site which slanders and attacks citizens who oppose nuclear plant deceptions and are actively requesting legal redress in official NRC proceedings.
Thanks for the information that you have supplied within and on forums. Each small piece of information, negative or positive, forms a larger picture of the propaganda puzzle initiated by the Nuclear and TVA lobbies.
Well, the point that the "90%" of yesterday is no longer a 90% of today is certainly true, I'll just list a few examples below:
1. In the years since Bellefonte was last under construction the NRC has issued vast numbers of new requirements for reactors, and Bellefonte will not meet ANY of these, alot of the old equipment (even if it still works fine) will have to be replaced to meet the new stricter guidelines.
2. Alot of the equipment at Bellefonte requires constant upkeep, and again will have to be replaced after being left to the elements for so long.
3. Many pieces of equipment were sold or used elsewhere, all this equipment will also have to be replaced.
4. All the QA documents will likely have lost their chain of custody and therefor will have to be redone, just this paper work can be a MASSIVE undertaking.
Also there are a few other huge problems, like the fact that the NSSS vendor is no longer in existence, and the fact that no other plant of this kind (B&W 177) has ever been built and licensed.
That said, TVA is fully aware of all these hurdles, and understand the problems here FAR more then you ever will.
As for the statement that the previous poster is a TVA employee I would say its more likely he works for a contractor, likely Sargent and Lundy.
The TVA can not afford to finish Bellefonte Units 1&2 much less build another 2 new reactors. TVA's Dream Garry, 4 nuclear plants, will cost near 30 Billion Dollars, with their current debt of $26 Billion would exceed the Congressional Cap of 30 billion Dollars.
Thank you for your comments. The remaining 10% will most certainly cost many more dollars today than the 10% of yesterday and the 10% tomorrow will probably be 20%, if not more due to inflation.
I personally think this is a case of Bellefonte nuclear plant deja vu, a decrease in load demand. Will the natural gas alternative stand a chance for Bellefonte? I think it was 1997 that the TVA performed an assessment for site alternatives other than nuclear. Not much said about that possibility?
The poster is correct about TVA finances, and disclosures. The finances are in terrible shape and the TVA refuses to disclose costs of Bellefonte.
I noticed a peculiarity in the last Board Meeting. The consistent mentioning the TVA as the "Company." The TVA is a Governmental Corporate Entity of the United States I think I have a problem with the attitude associated with the type casting of the TVA as the "Company" by its Executive Management and Board Members. I know of 3 types of a "Company." 1- A private business venture formed into a business entity. 2- The CIA. 3- A military Unit of the Army consisting of approximately 180 soldiers. The TVA as a company, I disagree, more of what I call TVA's "culture of deceit." The TVA is a governmental entity accountable to the citizens of the United States. The attitude portraying the TVA as a "company" is inappropriate and reflects an error of management, an error which breeds non-accountability. The TVA is not a private enterprise.
One other point, the Bellefonte units 1&2 are a 205 design aren't they?
Ok, apparently they are the 205 design, the 177 must be the operating version like Three Mile Island and Davis Besse.
Well, anyway the big advantage of Bellefonte is the fact that the buildings are already built. That is a huge amount of time and money that would be saved even if every single piece of cable and equipment in the plant had to be scrapped.
I agree with you Alex and I can not understand why the TVA has chosen a course of action which scrapped the existing facility for a non-approved reactor design, the AP1000. Now they come back after cancelling the construction permit of the 205 design and want to finish construction on the 205 design after spending millions on the AP1000 and site safety reports related to the AP1000 design. TVA has not displayed efficient, reasonable management of this project. Then to complicate matters the TVA and political officials consistently misrepresent the projects and other issues. For these basic reasons I can not support the TVA in its nuclear programs.
If the TVA was an individual they would not be allowed to enter a nuclear facility much less handle nuclear materials. The TVA has created an atmosphere of management deceit. Trust is an important factor in handling nuclear materials and personally I do not trust TVA's management team as they have intentionally lied to me and the public.
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