Many thanks to Chief Dawe for giving me the tour. I was unable to make the open house as I was out of town.
PRIDE is reflected in our new Scottsboro Police Department and Justice Center. A building is just a building regardless of how wonderful and great the appearance. Scottsboro's new Police Station and Justice Center Complex is fitting for our professional, dedicated Peace Officers and City Court officials. This Justice Center serves as a symbol of warning to criminals and is a source of PRIDE for the citizens of our community. May God Bless all of our Peace Officers who place their lives on the line daily so that all citizens may enjoy the benefits of our Republic. (photos by Garry Morgan)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
PRIDE--Professional Results In Daily Efforts--The Scottsboro Justice Center Complex
Monday, June 22, 2009
Scottsboro City Council Meeting

No old business.
New Business. 1) Liquor License Hearing for off premise Beer and Wine, Foot Hill Country Store, Sarah Mashburn, 9456 Hwy 35, Scottsboro, Al. This store is in an area that was recently taken into the City Limits, approved. 2) Southern Grant Solutions, David Thornell, approved as Grant Writer. Payment for services was approved for the amount of $1500.00 per month for a total of $4500.00 until the end of the current fiscal year. 3) City Council President Committee Appointments: Economic Development Committee, Mr. Hodges and Mr. Smith; Youth Involvement Committee, Mr. Speers and Mr. Thomas. 4) Retirement Incentive package approved. Employees that will opt for early retirement will retire no later than Dec. 31, 2009. City employees eligible for retirement may receive either a $25,000 cash payment or elect to have the City pay 7 years of monthly health insurance at $300.00 per month or $350.00 for 6 years of monthly health insurance payments. 5) Bid opening for roof repair of Goose Pond Civic Center. Johns Manville Inc. will donate roofing materials. The labor bid was awarded to John J. Campbell for $81,350.00 . 6) Reports: The Mayor and the City Attorney attending an Economic Development Agency meeting. The Council President reported that the City Council will be attending a Financial Advisor meeting in Birmingham, Al. on Jul. 2, 2009 at the office of Morgan-Keegan. Morgan-Keegan is the primary financial agency which Scottsboro utilizes for the financing of City Debt thru selling of Municipal Bonds.
Jackson County Commission Meeting

Important issues were decided today at the Jackson county Commission meeting. 1) The new Courthouse Security Plan was approved. 2) County Administrator was approved for hire. The name was not disclosed due to notice that will be given by prospective employee to current employer. 3) The County Engineer, Mr. Brian Rosenbaum's resignation was accepted. 4) Solid Waste Director position approved for advertising.
Courthouse Security Poll Results

Total Votes: 62 (3% error + or -)
--1. I favor only 2nd floor Security for the Courthouse where the Circuit Courts are located. Results for this response: 4--7%
--2. I favor securing the entire Courthouse by securing the 1st floor, 1 entry, other doors exit only. Results for this response: 36--58%
--3. No security is needed other than what exists presently. Results for this response: 7--11%
--4. Secure not only the Courthouse but also need perimeter security. Results for this response: 15--24%
--1. I favor only 2nd floor Security for the Courthouse where the Circuit Courts are located. Results for this response: 4--7%
--2. I favor securing the entire Courthouse by securing the 1st floor, 1 entry, other doors exit only. Results for this response: 36--58%
--3. No security is needed other than what exists presently. Results for this response: 7--11%
--4. Secure not only the Courthouse but also need perimeter security. Results for this response: 15--24%
Saturday, June 20, 2009
$134 Billion in Bearer Bonds and U.S. Treasury Notes Confiscated-U.S. Major News Outlets Curiously Silent Over Matter.

$134 Billion Dollars in U.S. Treasury Bonds, large domination, confiscated on Swiss and Italian Border. Smugglers of the bonds gone, disappeared.
Inquiry to Department of Justice and the U.S. Treasury from media sources results in finger pointing to other agencies and denials. Office of the Public Debt reports them as fake. Unfortunately the Office of the Public Debt is not the Secret Service which is the government agency which is responsible for protecting financial instruments issued by the Fed.
"Not a peep yet from U.S. mainstream media, but Italian authorities have detained 2 Japanese nationals who were attempting to cross into Switzerland with $134.5 BILLION in U.S. Government Bonds… hidden in a false-bottomed briefcase. This is HUGE news. PDF of the Italian Government’s news release is here, with more pictures."
"The Italian financial authorities haven’t yet determined whether the bonds are real or fake, but if they are genuine, the attempt to take them into Switzerland would be the largest financial smuggling operation in history; if they are fake, the matter would still be astonishing… because the quality of the counterfeit work is so good that the fake bonds are reportedly indistinguishable from real ones." from
Bloomberg Reports. Update on June 18:
Update from Reuters claims notes fake. This article also hints that North Korea could be behind this scheme.
Link which describes the Swiss Free Ports.
Story from Glenn Beck, Fox News, How Conspiracy Theories are Born:,2933,527728,00.html
YouTube video on old U.S. Treasury Bonds:
Monday, June 15, 2009
Nuclear Power--Nuclear Meltdown for France

Much has been said about the benefits of French Nuclear power. What is not said is the key to the rest of the story. The short of it, the French are in trouble financially over the French Nuclear program . They have placed all their "power eggs" into the "one nuclear basket" and they are being crushed by economic conditions and nuclear accidents. A truth that America's Nuclear industry is attempting to hide.
"The myth of a successful nuclear power industry in France has melted into financial chaos.
With it dies the corporate-hyped poster child for a "nuclear renaissance" of new reactor construction that is drowning in red ink and radioactive waste."
With it dies the corporate-hyped poster child for a "nuclear renaissance" of new reactor construction that is drowning in red ink and radioactive waste."
"Areva, France's nationally-owned corporate atomic facade, has plunged into a deep financial crisis led by a devastating shortage of cash." The rest of the story from "Counter Punch, America's best political newsletter."
The following fact sheet was compiled by Bill Reynolds of Chattanooga, Tn., a fellow Bellefonte Efficiency and Sustainability Team Member.
"French Nuclear Power – Hidden Problems Revealed"
What you hear and see in American mainstream media about nuclear power in France is created and controlled by the nuclear industry’s powerful, extremely well-organized and well-financed “public relations” campaign. They are out to sell you as many of their extremely expensive nuclear reactors [as] our government and largest electric power corporations will buy, with money collected from you and me. Their sales campaign has effectively brainwashed many of America’s elected officials into believing such things as French-style nuclear power is clean, safe, affordable, and has solved the problems of radioactive waste. So you hear this sales message of the nuclear industry not only from the mouths of the industry’s highly skilled and highly paid salesmen and lobbyists, but also from the mouths of a lot of America’s high ranking government officials. Meanwhile, the serious and dangerous problems in French nuclear power are covered up so you do not hear about those. Only research by real experts who look for the whole truth reveals the covered-up problems and dangers. The following accounts some big problems uncovered by those experts.
· On July 8, 2008, the AREVA1 subsidiary-operated Tricastin nuclear facility in France spilled uranium into two rivers that provided drinking and irrigation water to the local communities. On July 23, at least 100 workers were contaminated during an accident at one of the four reactors at the Tricastin site. On August 6, the French nuclear security agency (ASN) announced the same facility had also emitted unacceptable levels of Carbon-14 radioactive gas throughout June and July that year.
· In August, 2003, during a severe heat wave in France, Electricite de France (EDF) 2 was permitted to discharge cooling water at such high temperatures that it kills aquatic life by cooking it.
· The high level of French standardization in reactor design increases significantly the risk of costly and potentially dangerous generic faults. A recently discovered steam generator plugging issue is only one of the latest in a series of generic safety related problems.
· Tons of radioactive waste has accumulated in the area called La Hague on France’s west coast. The earliest [that] France’s government projects they will open a permanent nuclear waste repository is 2015. [We have substantial reason to doubt the reliability of this timeline projection because, after decades of trying, neither the U.S, France, nor any other nation in the world, has developed a single permanent disposal site.]
· France discharges 100 million gallons of radioactive waste per year into the English Channel. [!!] This waste has spread all the way from there to the Arctic. Twelve of fifteen western European countries have asked France to stop discharging this radioactivity into the sea and France refuses to comply.
· France has long been extracting plutonium from spent nuclear power plant fuel rods using the so-called “reprocessing” technology. France’s reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel does NOT “recycle” the spent fuel because only about 1% of the spent fuel becomes new fuel for reactors. The other 99% remains radioactive waste that must be kept in extremely secure storage to protect the public from being harmed. (Go to for further technical info about French rad waste.)
· Reprocessing extracts plutonium & uranium from spent fuel. Plutonium is the fuel in atomic and hydrogen bombs. Only one-millionth of a gram of plutonium can cause cancer. Reprocessing operations release dangerous levels of radioactivity into the surrounding environment, contaminating workers at the plants. Reprocessing creates millions of gallons of intensely corrosive acidic radioactive liquid waste.
· A significant number of France’s population have been protesting against elements of their nation’s nuclear power industry since 1987. Access to information on nuclear issues has been restricted in France. A 2007 study revealed that 59% of French citizens were in favor of a reduction of nuclear in their national energy sources. In a 2008 poll, 82% of French citizens “totally agree” or “tended to agree” with the statement “THERE IS NO SAFE WAY OF GETTING RID OF HIGH LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE.”
1. AREVA, a world-leading nuclear power development corporation, is more than 90% owned by the French State. AREVA has a record of mismanagement and its financial security is plummeting.
2. EDF is the largest nuclear developer in the world. It is a French-state controlled conglomerate. EDF is the main electricity generation and distribution company in France.
"French Nuclear Power – Hidden Problems Revealed"
What you hear and see in American mainstream media about nuclear power in France is created and controlled by the nuclear industry’s powerful, extremely well-organized and well-financed “public relations” campaign. They are out to sell you as many of their extremely expensive nuclear reactors [as] our government and largest electric power corporations will buy, with money collected from you and me. Their sales campaign has effectively brainwashed many of America’s elected officials into believing such things as French-style nuclear power is clean, safe, affordable, and has solved the problems of radioactive waste. So you hear this sales message of the nuclear industry not only from the mouths of the industry’s highly skilled and highly paid salesmen and lobbyists, but also from the mouths of a lot of America’s high ranking government officials. Meanwhile, the serious and dangerous problems in French nuclear power are covered up so you do not hear about those. Only research by real experts who look for the whole truth reveals the covered-up problems and dangers. The following accounts some big problems uncovered by those experts.
· On July 8, 2008, the AREVA1 subsidiary-operated Tricastin nuclear facility in France spilled uranium into two rivers that provided drinking and irrigation water to the local communities. On July 23, at least 100 workers were contaminated during an accident at one of the four reactors at the Tricastin site. On August 6, the French nuclear security agency (ASN) announced the same facility had also emitted unacceptable levels of Carbon-14 radioactive gas throughout June and July that year.
· In August, 2003, during a severe heat wave in France, Electricite de France (EDF) 2 was permitted to discharge cooling water at such high temperatures that it kills aquatic life by cooking it.
· The high level of French standardization in reactor design increases significantly the risk of costly and potentially dangerous generic faults. A recently discovered steam generator plugging issue is only one of the latest in a series of generic safety related problems.
· Tons of radioactive waste has accumulated in the area called La Hague on France’s west coast. The earliest [that] France’s government projects they will open a permanent nuclear waste repository is 2015. [We have substantial reason to doubt the reliability of this timeline projection because, after decades of trying, neither the U.S, France, nor any other nation in the world, has developed a single permanent disposal site.]
· France discharges 100 million gallons of radioactive waste per year into the English Channel. [!!] This waste has spread all the way from there to the Arctic. Twelve of fifteen western European countries have asked France to stop discharging this radioactivity into the sea and France refuses to comply.
· France has long been extracting plutonium from spent nuclear power plant fuel rods using the so-called “reprocessing” technology. France’s reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel does NOT “recycle” the spent fuel because only about 1% of the spent fuel becomes new fuel for reactors. The other 99% remains radioactive waste that must be kept in extremely secure storage to protect the public from being harmed. (Go to for further technical info about French rad waste.)
· Reprocessing extracts plutonium & uranium from spent fuel. Plutonium is the fuel in atomic and hydrogen bombs. Only one-millionth of a gram of plutonium can cause cancer. Reprocessing operations release dangerous levels of radioactivity into the surrounding environment, contaminating workers at the plants. Reprocessing creates millions of gallons of intensely corrosive acidic radioactive liquid waste.
· A significant number of France’s population have been protesting against elements of their nation’s nuclear power industry since 1987. Access to information on nuclear issues has been restricted in France. A 2007 study revealed that 59% of French citizens were in favor of a reduction of nuclear in their national energy sources. In a 2008 poll, 82% of French citizens “totally agree” or “tended to agree” with the statement “THERE IS NO SAFE WAY OF GETTING RID OF HIGH LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE.”
1. AREVA, a world-leading nuclear power development corporation, is more than 90% owned by the French State. AREVA has a record of mismanagement and its financial security is plummeting.
2. EDF is the largest nuclear developer in the world. It is a French-state controlled conglomerate. EDF is the main electricity generation and distribution company in France.
Scottsboro City Council Meeting

Tonight was a work session meeting and was very short. 1) Discussion of early retirement benefits for approximately 9-14 Scottsboro employees. Incentive pay for the early retirement will range from a payment of $25K to payments of health insurance in the amounts of $300 per month for 7 years to $350 per month for 6 years. The exact number of employees that will take advantage of the early retirement offer is yet to be established but it was stated there will probably be between 9-14 employees. 2) Mr. Marvin Holcomb made a proposal to the city to maintain 3 boat ramps in the city for a fee of $500. 3) Council discussion concerning the proposed Grant Writer contract. 2 proposals have been received. A decision will probably be reached at the next council meeting. 4) Mayor and Council Members Reports: A) Communications Tower lease discussion. Happy Thompson has the current lease for 20 years at $300 per year. That lease is up for renewal. B) Storm debris cleanup is nearing and end. Slated to end by July 1, 2009. C) This weekend will be Scottish Days at the Goosepond Amphitheater.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Democrat Party, Censorship and Other Despicable Acts

What are the extremists of the Democrat Party up to these days. HR45: Mandatory 5 year Licensing to own firearms.
HR2401: This bill would further specify the scope of the Second Amendment by prohibiting individuals who are prevented from boarding an aircraft because they have been put on the TSA's no-fly list from selling, transferring, or possessing firearms or ammunition. While this may seem like an innocuous bill to some, the so-called "No Fly" list is a highly inaccurate collection of names of suspected terrorists and completely innocent citizens. Even Sen. Ted Kennedy was placed on the no fly list due to error.
An all out attack on gun ownership began several years ago. It has only become possible at this time to support the Marxist leanings of the social revolutionaries due to our current elected leadership. It is obvious that those who favor the Socialist Democracy over the Republic have no respect for the Bill of Rights and the meaning of gun ownership in our nation. By all appearances there are those who will attempt to disarm Americans thru the color of law.
Marxist love the Democracy, in Communist philosophy the Democracy is a prelude to the socialist state and eventually Communism. Karl Marx's quote on the issue, " Democracy is the road to socialism." Pay close attention to those who give the message of Democracy building, it is Democrats as well as Republicans. Building a Democracy has never worked, it is a lie and it is a prelude to a socialist state and control by a few called the Central Committee, part of the Communist doctrine. How many czars does Pres. Obama have at this time? Seventeen, 17, the Central Committee model grows.
What else has President Obama been up to? Like some of our local Democrat crooks he doesn't like investigators prying into his crony's rackets.
Moral to the story, politics takes precedent over law. Pres. Obama just another crooked Democrat supporting corruption?
Making matters worse, just the discussion of these issues results in folks being called a conspiracy theorist, crazy and a threat. Wake up folks and realize what is happening. It ain't a conspiracy, it is the destruction of our nation and individual rights as outlined in the Constitution all for a political party.
Unfortunately many national media corporations participate in the democratization of our nation by supporting ignorance. Many worthwhile news items are passed by or given little or no emphasis. Instead of reporting the news, many in the media supports the party line and publishes propaganda concerning political positions of the party line. It is news mixed with political propaganda, it is the way of the socialist Democratic state striving to support a majority position. An attempt to grab a majority thru propaganda, such is news in a Democracy.
Locally, the despicable conduct of the Democrat Party of Jackson County and its influence over local media rises to the surface. Posts linked on the Scottsboro forum, to this site, post #6439 Courthouse Security Poll were removed after remaining on the forum for 2 days. The poster zz99aa also appears to have received a temporary ban as if to say, "we will show you." It is impossible to have any type of open political discussion on's forums due to intentional political censorship of topics. This has been a ongoing issue with Advance Publications, owner of the Huntsville Times, Birmingham News and "" Allowing a political party and government officials to influence their content to the point of censorship of political topics demonstrates the tyrany of Alabama politics and unethical editorial practices of the previous mentioned media outlets.
Locally, the despicable conduct of the Democrat Party of Jackson County and its influence over local media rises to the surface. Posts linked on the Scottsboro forum, to this site, post #6439 Courthouse Security Poll were removed after remaining on the forum for 2 days. The poster zz99aa also appears to have received a temporary ban as if to say, "we will show you." It is impossible to have any type of open political discussion on's forums due to intentional political censorship of topics. This has been a ongoing issue with Advance Publications, owner of the Huntsville Times, Birmingham News and "" Allowing a political party and government officials to influence their content to the point of censorship of political topics demonstrates the tyrany of Alabama politics and unethical editorial practices of the previous mentioned media outlets.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Jackson County Courthouse Security Poll>>>

Total Votes: 62 (3% error + or -)
--1. I favor only 2nd floor Security for the Courthouse where the Circuit Courts are located. Results for this question: 4--7%
>--2. I favor securing the entire Courthouse by securing the 1st floor, 1 entry, other doors exit only. Results for this question: 36--58%
--3. No security is needed other than what exists presently. Results for this question: 7--11%
>--4. Secure not only the Courthouse but also need perimeter security. Results for this question: 15--24%
>WAFF-TV, Ch48 stories on Jackson County Courthouse Security.
Update: Jun 12, 2009- Daily Sentinel article on Fire Marshall inspection.
Please feel free to comment.
Scottsboro City Council Meeting

Old Business: The final 10% of the 2008-2009 City Budget was approved.
New Business: 1) Approved the Holiday Sales Tax Ordinance for August 7-9, 2009. 2) Approve the use of a small, 576 sq. ft. section of the Airport for a NOAA Weather Station. 3) Declaration of Surplus Property was approved for a sanitation trash compactor at Solid Waste.
Jackson County Commission & Courthouse Security

The County Commission as a public body has lied to the people of Jackson County repeatedly concerning their financial ability to fund Courthouse Security. They have on previous occasions violated ethics and rules of law without being held accountable for their irresponsible actions. The citizens of Jackson County have received what they asked in the public officials they have voted into public office, some repeatedly. There will come a time when poor decision making and repeated flaunting of unethical, illegal and uninformed actions of the Jackson County Commission will result in costs to the people of Jackson County they can't afford.
Violating standards of government such as open meetings and records disclosure laws may seem like small, insignificant problems to some, but those small, insignificant problems disclose a larger systemic malady which if not corrected may result in the financial ruination of Jackson County for future generations. This lack luster attention to standards of practice concerning the function of our local county government brings us to this point in our history, NO SECURITY IN OUR COURTHOUSE. A serious issue in this day and time. An issue which 3 elected officials on the Jackson County Commission have failed to heed the lessons of their history. These 3 Commissioners place not the lessons of history into their decision making process, they place their own personal values of ignorance and a lack of leadership into the decision making process of our county government.
> To live in historical ignorance is folly, our times require constant vigilance to insure the protection of citizens within our government's buildings and institutions. The most important vigilant assurances come from citizens. Citizens who are informed concerning issues, citizens who vote in an educated informed fashion, citizens who know their elected officials. There is nothing concerning the security situation at the Jackson County Courthouse that is surprising to me. I have been following the Jackson County Commission intently for the past 16 years. The sum of the decision making process of the local County Commission's leadership reflects the history of the Jackson County Commission, deceitful, lackluster, backwards, non-responsive, non-accountable, ignorant, lawless, unethical, irresponsible and now just plain stupid actions on several issues of vital importance. An uninformed citizenry has received their choice.
Local news coverage links of the events concerning Courthouse Security: other Courthouse Security issues from the Daily Sentinel:
WAFF-TV Report:
Huntsville Times:
National Sheriffs Association Physical Security Checklist for Courthouses:
The U.S. Marshall"s Service reports the following most common weaknesses at county courthouses:
-no screening for weapons;
-public access directly into the judges’ offices; and
-unprotected access to utilities.
-no screening for weapons;
-public access directly into the judges’ offices; and
-unprotected access to utilities.
A search on Yahoo for a list of Courthouse Shootings reveals 2,900,000 entries.,1244719646 Coast to coast and in foreign lands Courthouse shootings occur. The Jackson County Alabama County Commission's failure to insure Courthouse Security is implemented, cancelling the Security Resolution then submitting an uninformed resolution which accomplishes creating more of a problem is nothing short of sheer stupidity. Even after Ms. Debra Parker and her Attorney, who has a civil case pending due to the last shooting at the Jackson County Courthouse, pleaded with the Commission to properly secure the Courthouse, the 3 Commissioners refused to act on the matter properly.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Scottsboro City Council Meeting and Work Session

Last night was a regular council meeting and a work session of the Scottsboro City Council. The regular Council meeting was a continuation of the meeting from May 26, 2008. Mr. Hodges was out on business, Mr. Thomas served as Council President.
Regular Council Meeting, Old Business: 1) Approval for the Mayor to sign contracts for the FEMA Cleanup due to storm damage. There was a bid opening for debris cleanup awarded to CTS for the amount of $6.25 per cubic yard of debris removed. 2) Asphalt Hot Box purchase approved for Street Department in the amount of $25,699.00.
Work Session: 1) Discussion of Sales Tax Holiday Ordinance to be held Aug. 7-9, 2009. 2) Presentation by Mr. Fred Wallingsford concerning the up keep of Finney Cemetery located off of Bob Jones Rd. near the old Temperance Hill School. Mr. Wallingsford asked for help from the city in maintaining the cemetery. Mr. Kennamer, City Attorney, stated he would need to do a title search to determine the owner of the property. Mr. Kennamer also mentioned that municipal property or services can not be given away due to state law. Mr. Speers and Mr. Thomas stated that the Boy Scouts would be contacted to determine if they could undertake the project. 3) David Thornell made presentation concerning his services as a Grant Writer. It was stated that there is $787 Billion available under the American Recovery and Investment Act. City Attorney stated that the contract for a Grant Writer would fall under professional services and would not require the bid process to take place. It was recommended that the the city "shop" for the least expensive service available for Grant Writing. 4) City Clerk announced vacancy on the Zoning Board. Contact Cathy O'Shields, City Clerk at 574-3100 if interested in this vacancy. 5) Discussion concerning early retirement incentives for several Scottsboro employees that are near retirement. Discussion concerning amount of money that would be saved from early retirements of city employees. It was stated up to $530K could be saved due to early retirements of city employees. 6) Joe Williams made presentation concerning the Weed Control Project on Roseberry Creek. He expressed concerns about damage to the fishery and Bass Fishing tours that have stated they will not return to Scottsboro due to the application of defoliants. 7) Citizen Presentation: Mr. Marvin Holcomb made a presentation concerning the declining condition of boat ramps at North Sauta Creek and Mink Creek. He requested assistance from the city in ramp maintenance for these areas. 8) Reports: Mayor Potter reported that the new Scottsboro Web Site is up and running. Link: Check it out, looks great and is a positive reflection on the City of Scottsboro. The Mayor also reported that a property appraisal is needed for the old Police Station and the property behind the old police station.
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