I met with Mr. Clemmons and Mr. Whisnant prior to the Park Board meeting suggesting to them the County Park Board issue could be resolved if they wanted. I suggested a moderated, not mediated, session where the County Park Board and the County Commission participates in a non-traditional but structured problem solving session with the public present in a setting such as Goosepond Civic Center. They were informed this type of setting could work if all would participate. Mr. Clemmons rejected the idea, Mr. Whisnant stated he thought that was what the mediation was about. Unfortunately some do not wish to resolve this problem without further costing the taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars in attorneys fees. Information on problem solving: http://www.thwink.org/sustain/deadlock/VirtuousPolitician.htm http://www.businessballs.com/brainstorming.htm http://www.qualitydigest.com/sept02/articles/02_article.shtml
The Jackson County Park Board meets every 4th Wednesday. The financial report was accepted and approved as submitted. Old Business and Mangers Report: 1) The Park Manager, Mr. Carl Barnes, reported that the shoreline repair along with other repairs would require a permit from the TVA. It was recommended that all permits for projects be combined so as to pay for only 1 permit fee which costs $1000. 2) Mr. Barnes reported there is a need to purchase a new lawn mower. 3) Discussion was made concerning the need for electrical repairs on "A" Dock.
New Business: 1) Approval was given to refund money to campers which had been held in escrow for those campers who had paid for camp spots not available due to the April 2009 storm. 2) Approval was given to place Speed Bumps in areas where safety concerns are evident to slow speeding vehicles. 3) Scotty Overdear was elected Secretary-Treasurer, Park Manager Carl Barnes was voted the authority to sign checks.
Scheduled speakers to the board on the published agenda: 1) Ms. Diamond Woodworth, discuss restaurant contract. The Jackson County Park Board adjourned for a recess to discuss in private the issues of a contract with Ms. Woodworth.
Mr. Whisnant, Park Board Chairman appointed park board members to discuss issues in secret and behind closed doors in regards to the restaurant contract. This secret meeting was not conducted in an Executive Session, the session was conducted during a break, a recess declared by Mr. Whisnant. The Park Board Memebers followed the instructions of Mr. Whisnant without questioning him on the legality of a secret meeting outside of an Executive Session, Mr. Clemmons was one of the Board Memebers adjourning into the secret session. The Board Attorney was present and said nothing. The Meeting reconvened after approximately 15 minutes, returning from the "recess." After the recess a discussion ensued concerning an audit and inventory of Restaurant Property. It was decided an audit would be conducted at the end of the fiscal year, September 2010. Commentary: It is obvious to this observer and writer the Open Meetings Act of Alabama was violated during the recess adjournment. There was no declared Executive Session as should have occurred, at least 2 Park Board Members participated in the secret meeting with Ms. Woodworth concerning the restaurant. Ms. Woodworth was scheduled on the published agenda.
2) Mr. Reb Engle spoke on behalf of the boaters and campers. He expressed their support and appreciation of the Jackson County Park Board.