Alternative news and discussion for Scottsboro, Jackson County Alabama and the Tennessee River Valley as I see it. Responsible comments to articles welcome. As always, "Watch for Snakes," particularly those wearing suits.
"A popular government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives."
Mayor Potter and Council Member Gary Speers discuss the Rec Com Organization Chart and Athletic Coordinator position, item 2 and 4 on the agenda.
City Council Agenda, click on image for an expanded view.
1) Commercial Development Authority, CDA, has 2 vacancies, applications for the CDA must be turned into the City Clerk by Feb. 18, 2011, 4:20PM. 2 & 4) Rec Com Organizational Chart discussed and approved for a temporary change, Athletic Coordinators position approved until Oct. 2011 at which time the position will be reviewed. 3) Vacancy on Housing Authority, Mayors appointment, individual must live in the Housing Project. 4) see above 5) Bid opening approval for brush chipper awarded to Vermeer of Birmingham, Al. as low bidder meeting specifications, $14,700.00. 6) Bid opening approval for Excavator awarded to Tractor & Equipment of Huntsville, Al. as low bidder meeting specifications, $151,395.00 7) Bid opening approval for mini-excavator awarded to Tractor & Equipment of Huntsville, Al. for $56,959 as low bidder meeting specifications. 8) Alcohol Beverage License hearing for the sale of beer & wine for Victory Lanes, 1503 E. Willow St., Scottsboro, Al., approved.
Reports: Garry Morgan made announcement inviting City Council, Mayor and Citizens to the Black History Month celebration and the one year anniversary of the Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center, 428 West Willow St., link from Scottsboro Stories about event.
City Council Agendas for 18 January's meeting, for an expanded view click on the image.
The City Council met Tuesday due to Mondays holiday. There was a work session and regular council meeting held. The previous weeks work session was rescheduled due to heavy snow fall.
There is one vacancy on the Personnel Board, 4 vacancies on the Tree Commission and 5 vacancies on the Zoning Adjustment and Appeals Board. All applications for board or commission vacancies must be turned into the City Clerk no later than February 8, 2011 by 4:30PM. For more information contact the City Clerk at 256-574-3100.
Another version which I call, "Sunburn and the Beach Ball."
These videos have been banned from the Scottsboro and Huntsville forums. I have also been banned from posting on these so called forums. This is not the first time censorship of TVA issues have occured on the Scottsboro forum.
Specific facts I have noticed common to all political extremists, they transfer all responsibility to the opposition and they never take responsibility for their actions or comments.
In the wake of the shooting in Tuscon, Arizona which left 6 dead and 14 injured, the dead included a Federal judge and a child, the injured included a United States Congress woman who was the target of shooter Jared Loughner. News reports released have indicated Loughner planned the attack on Congress Woman Gabrielle Giffords. Story Link:
There is much controversy concerning the political rhetoric of Republican extremists. Noted quotes of right wing extremist and propagandists who make money and gain publicity from spreading hate and insanity:
1. Rush Limbaugh: "I tell people don't kill all the liberals. Leave enough so we can have two on every campus – living fossils – so we will never forget what these people stood for."
2. Senator Phil Gramm: "We're going to keep building the party until we're hunting Democrats with dogs."
3. Rep. James Hansen on Bill Clinton: "Get rid of the guy. Impeach him, censure him, assassinate him."
4. John Derbyshire intimated in the National Review that because Chelsea Clinton had "the taint," she should "be killed."
5. Ann Coulter: "We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed, too."
6. Ann Coulter: "My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times building."
7. Bill O'Reilly: "Those clowns over at the liberal radio network, we could incarcerate them immediately. Will you have that done, please? Send over the FBI and just put them in chains."
8. Clear Channel radio host Glenn Beck said he was "thinking about killing Michael Moore" and pondered whether "I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it," before concluding: "No, I think I could. I think he could be looking me in the eye, you know, and I could just be choking the life out -- is this wrong?"
9. Mel Gibson on Frank Rich: "I want to kill him. I want his entrails on a stick. I want to kill his dog."
10. Fresno, Ca. City Council Member Jerry Duncan in 2003 wrote in an email that police should "Cap" members of the Human Relations Commission and wrote, "If I had one dirty bomb and I could eliminate all the liberals in Fresno at once." When his comments became public, Duncan said "The response I have gotten from the public on this has been 100% supportive."
12. "Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder: Savage Solutions" by Michael Savage, conservative radio talk show host. One of the books in which murderer Jim David Adkisson had in his possession. Adkinson stated he was motivated to kill liberals and Democrats. He entered a church in Knoxville, Tn and began a murder spree.
Rachel Maddow, "A Summary of Death Threats by the Right Wing Extreme" (Aug 2009)
Trusting Washington politicians to act responsibly concerning this issue leaves this writer very uneasy. Already the extremists on the left are discussing limitations on political speech where "perceived threats" are involved. The threat seems to be originating from extremists on the left and right. I wonder if the "Speech Police" will come and haul me away for this speech?
UPDATE: FBI finds evidence Loughner planned the attacks, from NPR. "FBI Director Robert Mueller confirmed that authorities "believe we have indication that he [Loughner] attended a similar event" to the one held on Saturday." .
Scottsboro City Council listens as Rev Granville Anderson expresses concerns of the minority community in Scottsboro relating to the flooding issue.
Rev. Granville Anderson, Pastor of the St. Paul AME Church, Scottsboro, Al., addresses the Scottsboro City Council concerning the East Maple Street Flood disaster, Mayor Potter listens intently to the message delivered by Reverend Anderson,"...people of the area have lost faith in their city government...," Mayor Potter's reply, "this hasn't been easy on any of us...the waiting pretty much kills us."
Council member Gary Speers discusses East Maple Street flooding issue, Mr. Speers stated, "the city is doing the best that it can...the residents have not been forgotten." ** Monday night was a city council work session. 1) Wade Stapler spoke concerning the hazards of Al. Hwy 79 and U.S. 72 intersection. With input from Chief Dawe and the Mayor it was reported that since 2006 the intersection has tallied 4 fatalities, 15 injuries and 33 accidents. This intersection is the most dangerous intersection in Jackson County.
There have been hundreds of accidents at the Hwy 72 and Al Hwy 79 intersection and many, many deaths. Approximately 8 years ago a group of concerned citizens posted crosses at the intersection during an election cycle representing the number of deaths which have occurred at this location, the crosses numbered over 50. The crosses were taken down within 48 hours of being placed. The political signs were allowed to remain.
2)Proposed Distracted Driving Ordinace Discussed.
3) Salvation Army fund request discussion for $4500.00 relating to the East Maple Street flood disaster. It was stated that $2120.00 would go to pay for motel bills of the citizens displaced as a result of the flood. The Mayor stated the funding to buy out the properties is a slow process.
Rev. Granville Anderson spoke to the City Council regarding the plight of the flood victims. He stated many had to move back into their dilapidated structures. Rev. Anderson stated that the rich and influential Scottsboro citizens receive funding for projects while the poor people of Scottsboro suffer. He stated no one from the City Council with the exception of Council member Gary Speers had been to the area to check on the people in the flood zone. Several on the city council offered their apologies for not inspecting the area and making themselves available to the citizens of the flooded area.
Marqueta Johnson spoke to the council stating she and her husband lost everything including their jobs. She stated, "we are just trying to make it day to day...we are confused as to what is going on...we have lost everything."
Rev. Anderson stated, "the people of the area have lost faith in their city government...they see it as an issue of the have and have nots, you care about people with money, they need to know you care about them." At that point the apologies rolled in and some council members stated, "I have a phone and I am available to all citizens," other council members chimed in with, "I wish they didn't feel that way" and "I'm sorry."
Council member Gary Speers told Rev Anderson, "the city is doing the best that it can." Mayor Potter further stated, " This has not been easy on us, the waiting is killing us." City Council President Matthew Hodges stated, "if we need to come out there we will;" Council member Keith Smith replied, "we will fight for any group in the city with a problem."
Mayor Potter stated the E. Maple property appraisals have been completed and the city was waiting on FEMA's response to this disaster.
All Rights Reserved for writings, video, photographs and art by Garry L. Morgan.
U.S. Copyright Office Fair Use Rule: "Section 107 contains a list of the various purposes for which the reproduction of a particular work may be considered fair, such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, nonprofit educational purposes and research. Link:
Total "In the Boro" Pageviews
Scottsboro Police Department Web Site
""The police are the public, the public are the police. The police are the only members of the public who are paid to give full time attention to duties that are incumbent on every citizen in the interest to community welfare and existence." - Sir Robert Peel, 1829
The Sunlight Foundation uses cutting-edge technology and ideas to make government transparent and accountable. Click on image to learn more.
"I can say with confidence that the federal government needs a major overhaul. Don’t get me wrong, most public servants in government are highly educated and dedicated professionals who are committed to “the greater good.” At the same time, the government has become a bloated bureaucracy that is based on past conditions and in too many cases, federal programs and policies can’t demonstrate that they are generating real results that benefit the American people."
David Walker President and CEO The Peter G. Peterson Foundation ; former, recently served for 10 years, Comptroller General of the United States and head of the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO).
NPR's story on David Walker:
"public intelligence"
"What is Public Intelligence? Public Intelligence is an international, collaborative research project aimed at aggregating the collective work of independent researchers around the globe who wish to defend the public’s right to access information."
A Nuclear Engineer's Report on the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant
Danger Zone: Aging Nuclear Reactors
Incident at Browns Ferry (PBS 1977)
History of nuclear power safety issues which the 1975 Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant fire brought forward. This video has been censored by the nuclear industry. The trillion dollar multinational nuclear death industry prefers to keep you the citizen in the dark and feed you crap.
Renaissance artists including Michelangelo, Sandro Botticelli, Pietro Perugino, Pinturicchio and others. Click on image for a tour. Left click & hold mouse to move image.
Bellefonte Efficiency and Sustainability Team/Mothers Against Tennessee River Radiation
"TVA at the Crossroads" a SACE Film.
"America is at an energy crossroads and the Tennessee Valley Authority has a choice to make: Will it cling to old coal power because of its historic significance or will it retire its oldest, dirtiest and least efficient plants and lead America into a clean energy future?" TVA At The Crossroads from SACE.
****************************I'm GARRY MORGAN, a Christian, U.S. Army (AMEDD) retired, Race Relations/Equal Opportunity Specialist (U.S.Army, Retired DOD-DRRI-DEOMI) a citizen of Scottsboro Alabama, a Baylor University grad-Go Bears, a political activist and a political Independent as I believe political parties divide the citizenry whom they are suppose to represent. We must learn the lessons of our history or we will surely repeat our mistakes. I think the greatest problem facing our nation is the massive national and personal debt.