Consent agenda: 1) In the consent agenda attorney fees was the big expenditure totaling $6258.44 to Mr. John Porter for April 2010 services and a $1175.00 fee to Mr. Watson of Ft. Payne, the two fees totals were $7433.44 2) Air Evac life Team annual membership was paid for county employees for $2450.00
New Business: 1) Revenue Commissioner's insolvents, errors and tax litigation for 2009 and uncollected insolvents and taxes from previous years was approved. 2) Cody Knight was hired as a Mechanic, Grade 4 step 1 for Public Works. 3) There were 3 speed limit changes approved concerning county roads (CR): a) CR 246, Coffey Ferry, reduced from 45 to 30 MPH; b) CR 137, Cedar Switch, 2 mile section of road east of CR45 is now 25MPH; c) Change CR 717 to 25 MPH 4) There was agenda item F, which involved appointment of a member to the Jackson County Park Board by Commissioner Clemmons. this item was skipped initially. However, after all other items on the agenda were considered the commission adjourned to an Executive Session. ( My comments in red. Executive Sessions are conducted frequently by the commission just as it is a frequent occurrence for the county commission to violate the Open Meetings Laws of the State of Alabama. Unfortunately the Open Meetings Law is a worthless, contrived for the sole purpose of legislative bodies to pay attorneys enormous amounts of money and not hold responsible violators of the law accountable for secret actions. The Open Meetings Law was moved from the Criminal Code into the Civil Code in the year 2005. The law allows for those who violate the law to vote for the political body to pay for their defense. The maximum fine is $1000 for a violation. Prosecution and Court Costs for cases will cost $5000 minimum. To make matters worse, the local DA refuses to prosecute for obvious violations such as occurred at the Mediation Session in Fort Payne, Alabama (as well as other instances) where changes to the personnel board policy were decided. The State's Attorney General, local District Attorneys and local citizens (if they have the money) may prosecute cases where there are violations of the Open Meetings Laws.) After returning from the Executive Session the Commission voted to table the matter. (Basically the Jackson County Commission cost the tax payers another chunk of money for attorney fees, not for one attorney but two attorneys, when the item should not have been on the agenda in the first place due to the prior resolution abolishing all authority of the County Park Board. It was on the agenda, the simple decision would have been to table the issue until the matter of the park board is resolved. ) The commission and the park boards attempted mediation resolution failed this past Monday, they will make another attempt to resolve their differences. It was reported that only 2 commissioners showed up at the mediation session held at the park board's attorney's office. I was informed by sources, what was placed on the table was for the Park Board Chairman to resign. 5) A temporary maintenance worker hire for courthouse maintenance was approved. 6) Bidding for replacing pipe in the county jail was approved. 7) Three positions will be filled at the Solid Waste Department for slinger. 8) Added to the agenda at meetings end was the Sales Tax Holiday for August 6-8, 2010, the issue was approved. 9) The commission adjourned into a 50 minute executive session to decide whether to table item F on the agenda. See #4 above.
Daily Sentinel article: http://www.thedailysentinel.com/story.lasso?ewcd=3b88b3634b99a10d
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