The Jackson County Commission normally meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at 4:30PM. This month they are meeting on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 4:30PM.
There were 9 items in the consent agenda, fund disbursal totaling $4470.68, Solid Waste write offs totaling $5163.98 and 3 items which did not disclose monetary amounts involved.
Old Business: 1) Minutes approval which resulted in a question of accuracy of the minutes. Mr. Blizzard mentioned there were inaccuracies in the previous minutes. Corrections were made and a vote was taken to approve previous minutes, motion passed. 2) North Sand Mt. Park Board vacancy filled, Mr. Romans. 3) County Park employees were added to the County Employees insurance plan.
New Business: 1) Copy paper for Jackson County Board of Education approved for $126.20 per case. 2) April 27 thru May 3, 2008 proclaimed as Volunteer Week in Jackson County. 3) Sales Tax Holiday, tabled till next meeting. 4) Update of County Point of Contact for Emergency Management and Homeland Security, Mr. Victor Manning reappointed. Mr Manning also spoke to several issues: A. Hazard Mitigation Grant approved for repeater and encoder installation for Scottsboro and Bridgeport Emergency Warning System. B. Decontamination Shelter Purchase recommendation to reject bid. C. Mr Manning mentioned that his vehicle has high mileage and is requiring frequent repair. 5) Otis Elevator Company awarded contract to maintain courthouse elevators, $230.00 per month was low bid. Upon inspection of the elevators it was discovered that door restrictors were required to be installed, the cost is $2100.00, work to be performed by Otis elevator. 6) County Engineer Requests: A. Labor hire due to recent death of Mr. Blizzard a long time county employee. Request was approved. B. Purchase of patch truck discussion. It was suggested that Mr. Rosenbalm and Mr. Manning acquire vehicle information from local dealerships to see if they can meet vehicle specifications and bid requirements. It was suggested that instead of vehicles being purchased from the state bid list see if they can be purchased locally. No action was taken on either vehicle purchase until information is returned from local dealers and the respective department heads report back to the Commission. 7) Hire of new employees for solid waste approved. 8) Community Development Block Grant, CDBG, Resolution approved for Estill Fork Water Project. 9) Approved funds for Mr. Rooter to pump grease trap at jail. 10) Annual inspection of Boiler and large Hot Water Heaters at jail, fees and a repair order to install an emergency kill switch for the boiler was approved. 11) Meeting at Highlands Medical Center on April 22, 2008 at 6PM concerning Jackson County Health Care Authority Audit results, County Commissioners will be in attendance. 12) The Commission went into an Executive Session, subject matter involved pending litigation and good name and character; upon return: A. Discussion concerning Courthouse Windows replacement contract. B. Drug testing instructions approved concerning a county employee retest.
A little history, 1st photo group: how the square appered in 1917. The second is from a 1970's post card.