If Mr. Obama is the Democrats choice for President, you never know as the Clinton's have pulled off other feats of amazement, will the local Democrats support his ties to terrorist? A support for the person is certainly support for what he represents and he is friends with known terrorists.
Exactly what did Mr. Obama mean with his slip of the tongue concerning 57 States. Many in media chalk it up to his needing rest. I don't think so, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organization_of_the_Islamic_Conference The 57 states are Islamic States. He was thinking of the 57 Islamic States, not the United States. Pay close attention folks, there may be more to Mr. Obama than the media hype.
Local Democrat leaders have stated to me they will support Mr. Obama if he is the Democrats choice. Does this mean the local Democrats support giving terrorist states equal diplomatic status as say Germany or Great Britain? A vote for Mr. Obama means recognizing terrorists diplomatically. Gives new meaning to "voting for the devil rather than Republicans." I'm wondering if the local Democrat leadership of Jackson County Alabama realizes they will support terrorism by supporting Mr. Obama? http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=57231 more terrorist ties: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/john-stephenson/2008/05/05/obama-s-buddy-bill-ayers-stomping-american-flag more terrorist ties: http://frontpagemagazine.com/Articles/Read.aspx?GUID=6203178D-C782-42E2-8D56-765A3D7EDCD7 still more: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=65108
Very interesting opinion, Arkie. I have heard others view Obama in the same sense that you have. I used to have a great deal of respect for the Alabama Democrat Party, until I ran into favoritism and corruption there as well. I thought that only existed in the Republican party. WELL, I was wrong LOL!! I'm just a little disappointed in this year's election choices. I'm betwixt and between in making a voting choice. Pray that we, as Americans, make the correct choice.
Hi Deb, hope you have been well. Politics in the U.S. or Alabama will not change for the better until citizens demand accountability and abolish the corporate system of State and Federal election control through PAC money.
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