The last member of the "arklite" group has been banned, cancelled from the Scottsboro, al.com forum for political speech. If the people of Jackson County and Scottsboro, Al. do not realize by now that there are political tyrants representing them in their state and county offices they will never realize it. All my postings were eliminated and so have all the discussion groups accounts. Tyranny is rampant in Scottsboro, Alabama by members of the Democrat Party and their media pawns, Advance Publications. The removal of political speech should be a lesson for all, however I'm sure most have not learned that tyrants are in their midst. Tyrants that despise liberty and freedom of expression.
This is what bestowed upon me the wrath of the Local Alabama Democrats and New Jersey media tyrants, Advance Internet, who have bought into Alabama Newspapers and Alabama Politics. "Local Democrat leaders have stated to me they will support Mr. Obama if he is the Democrats choice. Does this mean the local Democrats support giving terrorist states equal diplomatic status as say Germany or Great Britain? A vote for Mr. Obama means recognizing terrorists diplomatically. Gives new meaning to "voting for the devil rather than Republicans." I'm wondering if the local Democrat leadership of Jackson County Alabama realizes they will support terrorism by supporting Mr. Obama?" (This is a direct quote I made on today's forum which resulted in the final ban.) It appears the local Democratic Party can't stand the truth. They will go as far as political censorship of someones political opinion on a small town discussion forum, why? Why would a media outlet accomplish a deed of this nature on an alleged public discussion forum? Maybe it is the truth and the local political powers are such colossal liars and hypocrites to their values they can't stand for the truth to be told!
Yes, "WE DARE DEFEND OUR RIGHTS." Alabama and Jackson Co. are awash in political corruption and tyranny. Supported by New Jersey Media Tyrants!
Garry, I agree with you about defending our rights. Al.com is owned by Advance Publications/Advance Internet based in New York. I know you said New Jersey, but my website shows they have visited SEVERAL times after my KEN BOOTH postings, and they are all from New York. I would be glad to send you any info if you would like. Great blog, Garry!
Hi Deb,
Thanks for your comments. They have offices in New York as well as Jersey.
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