The Rotary International is a great organization that stresses high ethical standards of all vocations. http://www.rotary.org/en/AboutUs/Pages/ridefault.aspx and "wiki's" listing of Rotary Clubs. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotary_International
Recently the TVA's Gary Curtis gave a speech to Scottsboro's Rotary Club. For an organization who stresses high ethical standards they should pay close attention to this article. http://www.jacksoncountyeda.org/newsbell.html#bell There are a few statements which I would like to point out that is of questionable ethical standards. "It will take five years for construction," said Curtis. One of the best parts, Curtis said, was the 2,500 construction jobs and 800 full-time jobs that will come with the building of the two reactors. That's just the beginning..." Mr. Curtis fails to mention that very few of the jobs will employ current Jackson Co. residents. The workforce will be a transient workforce. This fact was pointed out by the TVA and others at the Scoping Session in April. "It's very exciting. TVA is playing a key role ensuring that nuclear power is an important part of America's and the Valley's energy mix, now and in the future..." Mr. Curtis fails to mention the largest energy source and one of the most economical, Efficiency. Improving existing resources, efficiency and investments into sustainable energy solutions have been given very little emphasis due to the extreme expense of nuclear power. "Curtis said, "Bellefonte just makes good economic sense. It's inexpensive for you," he told the crowd. "It's safe, reliable and inexpensive power." That last statement is a fallacy, nuclear power is a matter of managing risks, it is not safe. If it is reliable, what happened to the previous Bellefonte reactors and what is occurring at Browns Ferry with the frequent shutdowns and the classification of "Yellow" status by the NRC as one of the "worst nuclear facilities in the U.S?" Inexpensive??? Since when is 22 billion dollars debt and 20 billion dollars in interest payments for the debt inexpensive? A large portion of that debt is from nuclear power construction. It is estimated that Bellefonte will cost approximately 18 billion dollars. The Congress has placed a 30 billion dollar cap on TVA debt. I would be happy to arrange for a nuclear physicist to come and talk to the Rotary Club and tell the "rest of the story."
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