Debt increased from $22.685 billion 1st quarter 2008 to $23.035 billion 2nd quarter 2008; interest on the debt increased from $20.724 billion 1st quarter to $21.878 billion 2nd quarter; total commitments increased from $55.659 billion 1st quarter to $57.193 billion 2nd quarter.
Operating income demonstrated a positive increase for the 2nd quarter as compared to the 1st quarter. $17 million loss for the 1st quarter 2008 as compared to a $73 million gain for the 2nd quarter 2008.
Browns Ferry has made improvements, status changed to "White" from "yellow" rating by NRC (pg 26 of the 2nd quarters report). "Given current improved performance, the NRC has moved Unit 1 performance to the "white" performance classification at March 31, 2008, and continued good performance should result in this indicator being returned to normal ("green") along with all other plant performance indicators."
Link to report: http://investor.shareholder.com/tva/secfiling.cfm?filingID=1376986-08-23
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