As I was reading this morning's Daily Sentinel and enjoying my cup of coffee, I nearly choked when I came to an article about Jackson County's state Representative, John Robinson, recommending that our U.S. Congressman, Bud Cramer, receive a state pension. Isn't his U.S Pension good enough? http://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080514/NEWS/80514002/1004/CUSTOMERSERVICE06 It seems our elected representatives have themselves and their political cronies first and foremost in their minds. It is this type of shenanigans Mr. Robinson that will result in your not being elected the next time around. If there is suffering that is to be experianced as a result of inflation and bad government, politicians should be the ones that experiance it first and feel the impact of their decisions. Instead it is through this type of public policy decision that places politicians above the status of their electorate.
For this political action Mr. Robinson, the two headed snake is appropriately awarded. I guess legislation concerning government accountability and the people must take a back seat to support of fellow politicians.
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