Monday, May 23, 2011 was a regular Jackson County Commission meeting, Commission Agenda:
Click on image for an expanded view.
Highlights of meeting: 1) Property appraisal approval on county property behind Board of Education, Property appraisal to cost $500.00. Unknown if property has been declared as excess, unneeded property. 2) Bid awarded to --unintelligible company name-- for Jackson County Park rebuild, no start time given to begin project. 3) Approval given to post Jackson county Commission Financial Statement on bulletin board. I was asked if this met my request by Commissioner Stone to inspect the financial statements of the commission. My reply, "am I being recognized to speak," I was told by Commissioner Stone, "yes." I further stated, "It was appreciated the financial statements of the commission would be posted on the bulletin board as this shines light on a previous dark area of county government. However, the posting of documents on the bulletin board is not allowing me the inspection of the financial records requested for inspection. It does not meet my request." 4) Current County Park employees grandfathered in as county employees, an exception to the personnel policy was approved. Commissioner Allen expressed concerns over the termination of the park secretary and the subsequent grandfathered in employees. 5) "Code Red" telephonic storm notification approved for Jackson County, $36,000.00. Code Red services info: 6) Special Called Meeting Wed. 25 May, 2011 for the approval of the Operation Clean Sweep, FEMA Corp of Engineer debris removal info on private property.
Related articles in the Daily Sentinel: "Request for public records goes unanswered:"
"Park employees to be part of county," County Commission outline:
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Whistle-blower Accuses Nuclear Regulatory Commission of Corruption in New Reactor Design.

Artist rendition of the Westinghouse AP 1000 nuclear reactor at Bellefonte, Al.
Investigate Whistleblower’s Reactor Warnings, NC WARN Urges Nuclear Inspector General
Anonymous insider twice alleges criminal misconduct in NRC approval of Westinghouse’s new reactor design and says safety systems would be destroyed by airliner impact
Statement by Executive Director Jim Warren:
DURHAM, NC – Twice since January, NC WARN has received anonymous letters containing stinging allegations regarding the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s integrity and its design certification process for the Westinghouse AP1000 reactor. In both instances, we forwarded the information to NRC Inspector General Hubert Bell, although the anonymous source had alerted both Bell and NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko in November.
We assume the information was sent to NC WARN attorney John Runkle because, as part of the AP1000 Oversight Group, we have raised numerous criticisms about the AP1000 design, based in part on expert reports by engineer Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Associates. Neither Bell nor Jaczko have confirmed receipt of the information, nor whether they are investigating the charges. Therefore, we decided to make the letters and memo public (below), while emphasizing that NC WARN cannot verify or refute the whistleblower’s charges, which include:
-- In anticipation of monetary rewards and promotions, named NRC officials rigged the design approval process to confuse Congress and the NRC’s own science advisors, thus speeding approval due to industry pressure.
-- Design shortcomings that were pushed through without full review or while ignoring industry standards involve passive emergency cooling, the shield building, and the containment structure.
-- “The AP1000 design will not survive an airplane attack similar to WTC because scenarios that will bring down the shield wall and the containment all together have not been considered and not analyzed using computer codes that have been validated by our own US test data.”
It is evident that the person has inside knowledge of NRC-industry machinations and has taken personal risk to air the concerns, and the allegations coincide with thorny design problems made public in recent months. Last Friday, Chairman Jaczko conceded that design problems persist, and as noted by the New York Times, that the NRC is now “asking Westinghouse not only to fix its calculations but also to explain why it submitted flawed information in the first place” involving the all-important reactor shield building.
The whistleblower implored us to intervene on behalf of public safety, and said the NRC will not correct design “loopholes” unless ordered to do so by President Obama.
Jim Warren, Executive Director, NC WARN
Waste Awareness & Reduction Network
Durham, NC 919-416-5077
Journalists expose highly corrupted U.S. nuclear agency:
Scientific American Article on the AP1000 Design: "New Reactor Design Faces Further Scrutiny in U.S."
Fukushima Chronicles, An Industry Gone Mad; Fukushima and the Mass Media - Interview with Dr. Akira Tokuhiro, Professor University of Idaho
Animation of the FUKUSHIMA NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REACTOR 2, You Tube by ml750
May 17, 2011 Huffington Post interview with Dr. Akira Tokuhiro, Professor University of Idaho. "[Dr.]Akira Tokuhiro, professor of mechanical and nuclear engineering for the University of Idaho, was born in Tokyo, Japan, but now works in the Center for Advanced Energy Studies in Idaho Falls. Akira has more than 20 years of experience in nuclear engineering and has been closely monitoring the situation in Japan..."
"The mass media in Japan is only given the information TEPCO and the government want to give them. Labor practices in Japan, he says, are quite brutal and when you get to the bottom of the labor force, those at the top of society do not really care about them."
"Why is TEPCO not telling anyone the truth? That these 3 units have partially melted and that they have known this for 3-4 weeks at least. They release only small amounts of information every day. Many nuclear engineering professionals have known, were able to figure out almost from the beginning, in fact perhaps from March 15, sixteen hours or so after the accident, that the core had melted. Was there any operator error involved? He understood that TEPCO workers retreated on March 12 because the radiation readings were simply too high. He believes that within 16 hours after this they already knew the core had melted. And even though no one wants to waste precious time pointing fingers and blaming, this information is much needed in order to learn about how the events surrounding Fukushima and these numerous criticalities can be avoided in the future. We have many many of these plants operating, in the U.S. and around the world."
"Virtually any nuclear engineer connected with the industry he or she supports cannot be fully trusted right now to give us the full truth about Fukushima because the truth is simply too damaging to the nuclear industry and they know it."
Nuclear Whistleblower Explains Design Flaws Of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant In Japan
Fairewinds Associates - Fukushima Updates:
May 22, 2011 video update from Arnie Gunderson, Fairewinds Associates.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
The Fukushima Chronicles, A Story of Nuclear Deceit - Will NRC Regulators Pay Attention to the Warnings
image by "Digital Globe"
Fukishima Daiichi Facility after explosions as viewed by satellite imagery
NEW YORK TIMES - In Japan Reactor Failings, Danger Signs for the U.S.
Published: May 17, 2011
Vents that American officials said would prevent devastating explosions at nuclear plants in the United States were put to the test in Japan and failed.
IAEA Fukushima Nuclear Accident Update Log:
NIRS update link to the Fukushima disaster:
You Tube Video aerial view of reactor damage, Dated April 19, 2011
Nuclear Collapse? May 10. 2011
Nuclear Inferno, Reactor Vessels Breached, May 18, 2011 video.
Fukishima Daiichi Facility after explosions as viewed by satellite imagery
NEW YORK TIMES - In Japan Reactor Failings, Danger Signs for the U.S.
Published: May 17, 2011
Vents that American officials said would prevent devastating explosions at nuclear plants in the United States were put to the test in Japan and failed.
IAEA Fukushima Nuclear Accident Update Log:
NIRS update link to the Fukushima disaster:
You Tube Video aerial view of reactor damage, Dated April 19, 2011
Nuclear Collapse? May 10. 2011
Nuclear Inferno, Reactor Vessels Breached, May 18, 2011 video.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Scottsboro City Council, Goose Pond Colony - Plantation Pointe
Link to the Goose Pond Colony (GPC) complex: The GPC web presence has improved tremendously, check out the web site, it is impressive.
The hot topic at last nights City Council work session was the issue concerning the sale of Plantation Pointe Golf Course, part of the Goose Pond Colony (GPC) complex. The City Parks and Recreation Board of Scottsboro, known as the Goose Pond Colony (GPC) Board, consisting of a banker, businessmen, accountant and engineer have stated the Plantation Pointe Golf course is not a profitable golf course and has cost the citizens of Scottsboro in excess of $1 million dollars over the past 5 years. The GPC Board at last night's council meeting requested the release of the mortgage on the Plantation Point Golf Course so it may be sold. GPC Board member Jim Olyneise, Board Vice Chairperson, spoke representing the Board, it was stated rounds played at Plantation Point were down 16% since the year 2008.
Mr. Olyneise stated, "we [GPC Board] believe the sale of the property is a win - win for all involved. The buyer has stated he will maintain the facility as a Golf Course. There were 30 inquiries from 30 individuals from 14 states. There was one offer received in April of this year for the appraised value of $1,031,000.00 by Mr, Don Croft."
Council Member Smith stated, "...the board [GPC Board] has not voted to accept Mr. Croft's offer in an open meeting." Mr. Olyneise replied, "that is not true, the board has voted to present the offer to the City Council and request a release of the mortgage." The City of Scottsboro is a signer on the mortgage of the property with the Scottsboro Parks and Recreation Board (GPC Board), the City Council must approve of the property sale due to the city's status as a mortgage co-signer. Mr. Smith further stated, "...people have a problem with the sale of Plantation Pointe to the City Auditor." Mr. Croft was a prior part owner of the property when the city purchased the Plantation Pointe property for slightly over $2 million. He has been the city auditor for several years with the exception of 4 years ago when Mr. Smith insisted that another auditing firm audit the city. The Mayor recommends the auditor for the city accounts and/or property, the council may approve or disapprove.
Other accusations were made by Mr. Smith concerning management of the facility. Mr. Olyneise replied to Mr. Smith's allegations. Ms. McCrary stated, "If you had tried harder [GPC Board] Plantation Pointe could be saved."
Home owners present last night and previously present at City Council meetings do not support the sale of the Plantation Pointe facility. Home owners are not required to pay fees for golf course up-keep. It has been previously stated that out of 45 homes in the area only 7 are members of the Goose Pond Colony Golf facility.
Two City Council members, Mr. Smith and Ms. McCrary appear to support the "wants" of the home owners, which may not be what is best for the city or the GPC complex.
City employees and officials do not pay green fees. This is unacceptable, city political officials should pay full greens fees and/or membership fees. City employees should receive a discounted green fee rate, it should not be free. Many GPC employees are paid at minimum wage levels, if anyone deserves free golf it is the employees of GPC. Daily Sentinel article on the meeting:
One of the previous problems, prior to the current board, was the pilfering of materials and goods. It had been reported that services, goods, fuel, equipment were being given away or pilfered, there were reports of stolen equipment. The Attorney Generals Office refused to investigate stating, "There must be a video with someones 'hand in the pot' before we will initiate an investigation." Poor management had resulted in the facility having poor credit, no supplier would extend credit and the entire complex was near bankruptcy. A previous city council had installed the city's financial director as the board chairperson in the attempts to reverse the poor management of the facility. The crisis was averted, however it is against the laws of the State of Alabama for a paid city official to serve on a city board, much less serve as GPC Board Chairperson.
Link with slide show advertising the course for sale:
During the meeting Mr. Smith stated, "this is the biggest problem I have had to deal with in the 5 years of being a City Council representative." It was discussed that there were many private sessions concerning the sale of the property with council members.
Council President Matthew Hodges stated the next discussion on the sale of Plantation Pointe will be during the June 6, 2011 City Council work session as May 30th is the Memorial Day holiday.
The Plantation Pointe facility, consisting of the golf course and homes surrounding the course, has been the subject of controversy for many years. Daily Sentinel link on the subject, suggest that the comments of each link be read. The Video Link of Mr Smith, City Council member, who opposes sale and has suggested that the management of the Goose Pond facility could be better managed by a city department.
Clarions article on the issue:
Letter to the Editor from Mr. Don Croft, Nov. 30, 2010:
Goose Pond Colony Issues on "Watch for Snakes n Scottsboro."
Rate increases, financial problems for GPC:
Plantation Pointe Issues:
Plantation Pointe article index from the Daily Sentinel:
Plantation Pointe article index from the Clarion:
In other business at the city council meeting: 1) Mr. Roy Light gave presentation concerning sewer rehabilitation project at the industrial park, project will cost $575,000, low bidder for the project was BRN Utilities Co. of Tuscaloosa, Al. 2) Discussion concerning matching funds for Public Transportation in the amount of $57,673.00.
Reports: Mr Spears reminded everyone concerning the Cat Fish Festival at Jackson County Park this weekend. Ms. McCrary presented a reminder about the Kiwanis Club's annual Pancake Breakfast fund raiser, held at Scottsboro Junior High School from 6AM - 11AM, both events will be held Saturday, May 21, 2011.
The hot topic at last nights City Council work session was the issue concerning the sale of Plantation Pointe Golf Course, part of the Goose Pond Colony (GPC) complex. The City Parks and Recreation Board of Scottsboro, known as the Goose Pond Colony (GPC) Board, consisting of a banker, businessmen, accountant and engineer have stated the Plantation Pointe Golf course is not a profitable golf course and has cost the citizens of Scottsboro in excess of $1 million dollars over the past 5 years. The GPC Board at last night's council meeting requested the release of the mortgage on the Plantation Point Golf Course so it may be sold. GPC Board member Jim Olyneise, Board Vice Chairperson, spoke representing the Board, it was stated rounds played at Plantation Point were down 16% since the year 2008.
Mr. Olyneise stated, "we [GPC Board] believe the sale of the property is a win - win for all involved. The buyer has stated he will maintain the facility as a Golf Course. There were 30 inquiries from 30 individuals from 14 states. There was one offer received in April of this year for the appraised value of $1,031,000.00 by Mr, Don Croft."
Council Member Smith stated, "...the board [GPC Board] has not voted to accept Mr. Croft's offer in an open meeting." Mr. Olyneise replied, "that is not true, the board has voted to present the offer to the City Council and request a release of the mortgage." The City of Scottsboro is a signer on the mortgage of the property with the Scottsboro Parks and Recreation Board (GPC Board), the City Council must approve of the property sale due to the city's status as a mortgage co-signer. Mr. Smith further stated, "...people have a problem with the sale of Plantation Pointe to the City Auditor." Mr. Croft was a prior part owner of the property when the city purchased the Plantation Pointe property for slightly over $2 million. He has been the city auditor for several years with the exception of 4 years ago when Mr. Smith insisted that another auditing firm audit the city. The Mayor recommends the auditor for the city accounts and/or property, the council may approve or disapprove.
Other accusations were made by Mr. Smith concerning management of the facility. Mr. Olyneise replied to Mr. Smith's allegations. Ms. McCrary stated, "If you had tried harder [GPC Board] Plantation Pointe could be saved."
Home owners present last night and previously present at City Council meetings do not support the sale of the Plantation Pointe facility. Home owners are not required to pay fees for golf course up-keep. It has been previously stated that out of 45 homes in the area only 7 are members of the Goose Pond Colony Golf facility.
Two City Council members, Mr. Smith and Ms. McCrary appear to support the "wants" of the home owners, which may not be what is best for the city or the GPC complex.
City employees and officials do not pay green fees. This is unacceptable, city political officials should pay full greens fees and/or membership fees. City employees should receive a discounted green fee rate, it should not be free. Many GPC employees are paid at minimum wage levels, if anyone deserves free golf it is the employees of GPC. Daily Sentinel article on the meeting:
One of the previous problems, prior to the current board, was the pilfering of materials and goods. It had been reported that services, goods, fuel, equipment were being given away or pilfered, there were reports of stolen equipment. The Attorney Generals Office refused to investigate stating, "There must be a video with someones 'hand in the pot' before we will initiate an investigation." Poor management had resulted in the facility having poor credit, no supplier would extend credit and the entire complex was near bankruptcy. A previous city council had installed the city's financial director as the board chairperson in the attempts to reverse the poor management of the facility. The crisis was averted, however it is against the laws of the State of Alabama for a paid city official to serve on a city board, much less serve as GPC Board Chairperson.
Link with slide show advertising the course for sale:
During the meeting Mr. Smith stated, "this is the biggest problem I have had to deal with in the 5 years of being a City Council representative." It was discussed that there were many private sessions concerning the sale of the property with council members.
Council President Matthew Hodges stated the next discussion on the sale of Plantation Pointe will be during the June 6, 2011 City Council work session as May 30th is the Memorial Day holiday.
The Plantation Pointe facility, consisting of the golf course and homes surrounding the course, has been the subject of controversy for many years. Daily Sentinel link on the subject, suggest that the comments of each link be read. The Video Link of Mr Smith, City Council member, who opposes sale and has suggested that the management of the Goose Pond facility could be better managed by a city department.
Clarions article on the issue:
Letter to the Editor from Mr. Don Croft, Nov. 30, 2010:
Goose Pond Colony Issues on "Watch for Snakes n Scottsboro."
Rate increases, financial problems for GPC:
Plantation Pointe Issues:
Plantation Pointe article index from the Daily Sentinel:
Plantation Pointe article index from the Clarion:
In other business at the city council meeting: 1) Mr. Roy Light gave presentation concerning sewer rehabilitation project at the industrial park, project will cost $575,000, low bidder for the project was BRN Utilities Co. of Tuscaloosa, Al. 2) Discussion concerning matching funds for Public Transportation in the amount of $57,673.00.
Reports: Mr Spears reminded everyone concerning the Cat Fish Festival at Jackson County Park this weekend. Ms. McCrary presented a reminder about the Kiwanis Club's annual Pancake Breakfast fund raiser, held at Scottsboro Junior High School from 6AM - 11AM, both events will be held Saturday, May 21, 2011.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Jackson County Commission - County Park Transition - FEMA Information
Jackson County Commission approved a motion to develop a transition plan for the County Park management from the County Park Board to a department under the Jackson County Commission. The approved motion stipulated a plan must be developed within 60 days.
The County Commission passed a resolution on April 12, 2010 to abolish the Jackson County Park Board's management of the facility and place the management of the park under the commission by creating a seperate department. All County Park issues reported on this blog:
There has been no consideration given to excessive costs which will be placed on citizens due to this new park management plan. Ms. Sandra Erickson, Jackson County Administrator stated there was no cost study or analysis performed to determine if this plan would be cost effective.
County Administrator, Ms. Sandra Erickson, revealed there are no draft plans as to organization or draft policies for the new County Park department. Ms. Erickson stated when asked about budgeting and fund site for money received, "we have created an enterprise fund for the park's income." Enterprise Funds are created as a seperate fund area to place money collected for services charged. Under the new park's department all parks in Jackson County will be supported by the income from the Jackson County Park as no other parks under county control receive money.
The parks in Higdon and PaintRock, including the Jackson County Park, will be under the control of the new parks department. The County Park at Skyline is leased by the Town of Skyline and is managed by the Town of Skyline.
The creation of another bureaucratic departments is not cost effective nor a prudent decision. It is my thoughts the only reason Commissioner Horrace Clemmons went along with this plan is his secretive agenda to create a Walls of Jericho Park. His plans will be spoiled when the commission comes to realize the costs of creating this new bureaucracy will overwhelm the funds generated by the sole income producing source, Jackson County Park.
Life long government employees, secretive agendas, and senseless decision makers do not make for effective government managers. It does make for bureaucratic, wasteful government spenders.
Yesterdays County Commission agenda, click on image for an expanded view. In other business the County Commission approved a new proposal to present to the Legislative Delegation concerning the TVA-in-lieu-of-tax disbursements, the proposal is currently unsigned and unapproved.
FEMA, Federal Emergency Management Agency, representative Mr. A.D. Hill made a presentation to the commission. No commissioner made any inquiry of Mr. Hill. After the commission meeting I interviewed Mr. Hill. He stated there were approximately 1,300 households which have registered in Jackson County to receive emergency fund assistance as a result of tornado disaster damage. Many private organizations and citizens have provided assistance. Mr. Hill commented, "if citizens do not register for disaster assistance they will not receive any benefits from the disaster funds." Online FEMA registration information, phone contacts and other information may be found at Mr. Hill stated an emergency mobile help center should be available in Jackson County by Friday May 13, 2011. The tentative plans are for the mobile center to be present in Pisgah for 3 days, Flat Rock for 3 days and Bridgeport for 3 days.
FEMA Contact information:
•By phone, call 800-621-FEMA(3362) from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., local time. Operators are multilingual. For the speech or hearing impaired, the number is TTY 800-462-7585.
•By computer, go online to .
•By smartphone or tablet, use .
The County Commission passed a resolution on April 12, 2010 to abolish the Jackson County Park Board's management of the facility and place the management of the park under the commission by creating a seperate department. All County Park issues reported on this blog:
There has been no consideration given to excessive costs which will be placed on citizens due to this new park management plan. Ms. Sandra Erickson, Jackson County Administrator stated there was no cost study or analysis performed to determine if this plan would be cost effective.
County Administrator, Ms. Sandra Erickson, revealed there are no draft plans as to organization or draft policies for the new County Park department. Ms. Erickson stated when asked about budgeting and fund site for money received, "we have created an enterprise fund for the park's income." Enterprise Funds are created as a seperate fund area to place money collected for services charged. Under the new park's department all parks in Jackson County will be supported by the income from the Jackson County Park as no other parks under county control receive money.
The parks in Higdon and PaintRock, including the Jackson County Park, will be under the control of the new parks department. The County Park at Skyline is leased by the Town of Skyline and is managed by the Town of Skyline.
The creation of another bureaucratic departments is not cost effective nor a prudent decision. It is my thoughts the only reason Commissioner Horrace Clemmons went along with this plan is his secretive agenda to create a Walls of Jericho Park. His plans will be spoiled when the commission comes to realize the costs of creating this new bureaucracy will overwhelm the funds generated by the sole income producing source, Jackson County Park.
Life long government employees, secretive agendas, and senseless decision makers do not make for effective government managers. It does make for bureaucratic, wasteful government spenders.
Yesterdays County Commission agenda, click on image for an expanded view. In other business the County Commission approved a new proposal to present to the Legislative Delegation concerning the TVA-in-lieu-of-tax disbursements, the proposal is currently unsigned and unapproved.
FEMA, Federal Emergency Management Agency, representative Mr. A.D. Hill made a presentation to the commission. No commissioner made any inquiry of Mr. Hill. After the commission meeting I interviewed Mr. Hill. He stated there were approximately 1,300 households which have registered in Jackson County to receive emergency fund assistance as a result of tornado disaster damage. Many private organizations and citizens have provided assistance. Mr. Hill commented, "if citizens do not register for disaster assistance they will not receive any benefits from the disaster funds." Online FEMA registration information, phone contacts and other information may be found at Mr. Hill stated an emergency mobile help center should be available in Jackson County by Friday May 13, 2011. The tentative plans are for the mobile center to be present in Pisgah for 3 days, Flat Rock for 3 days and Bridgeport for 3 days.
FEMA Contact information:
•By phone, call 800-621-FEMA(3362) from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., local time. Operators are multilingual. For the speech or hearing impaired, the number is TTY 800-462-7585.
•By computer, go online to .
•By smartphone or tablet, use .
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Secret Agreement Disclosed. Continuing Deceitful Actions of the Jackson County Commission/ Letter to the Attorney General's Office
The Jackson County Commission met Friday in a Special Called meeting for an Executive Session involving the "good name and character" of a county employee.
The Commission Chairperson Ms. Sadie Bias has refused release of public records in violation of Alabama Law relating to the disclosure of Public Records. I have requested inspection of the County Commission's General Fund Account.
Click on any image for an expanded view.
Order signed by Judge Graham related to Case CV 2010-900048, Jackson County Park vs. Jackson County Commission.
I had sent an inquiry to the Alabama Attorney Generals Office (AG) on May 6, 2011concerning the Opinion of the Alabama Attorney General Dated May 3, 2011, Jackson County Commission - Jackson County Park issue and how it relates to the Opinion Policy of the Attorney General's Office concerning cases in litigation. This is the reply I received from the Attorney General via Ms. Joy Patterson of the AG's Public Relations Office and my reply.
From the Attorney General's Office: "The purpose of an Attorney General’s opinion is to give a public official who is entitled to receive an opinion guidance that he or she can rely on and therefore be protected from legal liability. If a matter is in litigation, a decision is going to be made by the court and there is no reason for us to give an opinion under ordinary circumstances. Our policy is that we normally do not give opinions on matters that are in litigation because our opinions are not law, but guidance, and when a matter is in litigation, it is going to be determined by a court of law and therefore there is no need for us to give an opinion."
"The practice of not issuing Attorney General’s opinions is a policy, to which a reasonable exception may be made, which was done here for the following reasons: In this situation, both parties agreed that if we provide guidance on what we believe the law is, they would accept it and dismiss the litigation. It is best for disputes between public agencies to be resolved without litigation, thus save taxpayers’ money and court time."
The litigation was not dismissed but the AG Opinion dated May 3, 2011 which the Jackson County Commission Chairperson refuses to disclose, served as the basis for judgement in this case by Judge Graham.
My reply to the Attorney General: "Thank you Ms. Patterson for the reply."
"The litigation was not dismissed but quite the contrary, the AG's Opinion was utilized as the basis for Judge Graham's decision. I think this creates an unusual situation in Jackson County concerning legal precedents. The question must be asked, will the decisions of the Attorney General now be utilized as a point of law for the judiciary in Jackson County, is there a legal precedent now established? "
"The decision on the County Park/Jackson County Commission issue was decided not in our county by the proper body politic but by a decision of the judiciary which was in a large part provided by the State's Attorney General. See attached order from Judge Graham."
"Is it the Attorney General's policy to issue forth opinions which will be utilized as the basis for judgements in litigation instead of Acts of the Legislature or Case Law of our Courts? In this case it seems to be an exception as you say, but an exception which seems to exceed the general practice standards of the Attorney Generals Office."
"In this citizen writers thinking this action places the Attorney Generals Office and the Jackson County Judiciary in an unusual dilemma in providing decisions for a County Commission which has displayed repeated failures of political leadership. "
On February 25, 2011 there was a secret agreement entered between the Jackson County Commission and the Jackson County Park Board in the case. The handwritten agreement is provided below, click on image for an expanded view. "Any dispute concerning the language of the request for the opinion will be resolved by Judge Graham." The Judge certainly based his ruling on the Attorney General's Opinion. Related posting on this issue. Many thanks to Mr. Porter, County Attorney for providing this agreement record
County Park Board asks Legislative Delegation for assistance, Daily Sentinel article:
"In Jackson County there is a strong movement to allow the judiciary to make decisions in place of the County Commission. This has occurred on several occasions during the current County Commission's term of office, ie, County Engineer, County Personnel Policy, Courthouse Security, County Park, Legislative Delegation-TVA in lieu of tax, and who knows what else. The County Commission meets in Executive Sessions 90% of their meetings to the point of holding Special Called meetings to hold Executive Sessions. The commission was recently caught meeting in an unannounced meeting with the legislative delegation where 1 specific reporter was allowed to attend and has been "hand fed" information outside of any public deliberations, this meeting was in violation of the Open Meetings Act and the item discussed was that which would come before the commission at a later date, the issue- "the TVA in lieu of tax." Date and time of unannounced meeting, April 25, 2011, 4PM. A meeting of the quorum of the County Commission at the Legislative Delegation Office. I found out about the semi-secret meeting and rushed over to take pictures, make inquiry to discover the what and whys of the unannounced meeting. Pictures and story: "
"Unfortunately, the local press seems to be supporting a movement to reach decision making outside of normal legislative processes. This weekend the front page headline states in Scottsboro's The Daily Sentinel, "$10 Million Dollar Error? AG Opinion indicates emergency fund overpaid." Referring to the TVA in lieu of tax paid to the Legislative Delegations Emergency Fund account. Reference AG Opinion 2011-048, no where do I read in that opinion where the AG states the Legislative Delegations Emergency Fund was overpaid $10 million dollars. I have read this opinion many times, help me to find those words in AG Opinion 2011-048. Nor do I see where the Emergency Fund was found in any state audit to be overpaid by $10 million dollars, I do not understand the purpose of such an article where such deception is found."
"It would seem the AG's Office is being involved in a scheme to deceive the people of Jackson County on several fronts. I think there is a reason, the County Commission is attempting to gain the public funds in the accounts of other public agencies/public bodies. County Commissioners are secretive in their actions and have held meetings and sessions in secret and made decisions and deliberations in secret outside of the normal deliberative process. The County Commission also refuses to disclose the balance of their General Fund Account in violation of Alabama Law."
"The County Commission has also refused to provide public records/writings in violation of Code of Alabama 36-12-40, request for financial statement/status of the Jackson County Commissions General Fund Account. I have requested to inspect the public record and have been refused after submitting the required commission form.
The Commission has no official policy as to inspection of public records as suggested by the Department of Public Examiners, Procedural Leaflet dated July 2002, Access to Government Records. When I inquired of the Commission Chairperson she informed me "we do not have the time to allow the inspection of the records.." I replied to Ms. Bias, the Commission Chairperson, "you are preventing me from inspecting the records in violation of state law." Her reply, "I am not refusing you we do not have the time to allow inspection." I asked for her to schedule an appointment for me to inspect the financial records, she refused to make an appointment."
Email letter to the Chairperson and the Secretary of the County Commission regarding inspection of public records on May 6, 2011 after the official commission request: "Thank you Anna for forwarding me the copy of my request to inspect records."
"All employees of a government body of the State of Alabama have a legal responsibility to follow the law concerning the release of public records. Code of Alabama 1975, § 36-12-40 Below you will find an ACCA link which outlines responsibilities of EACH public employee of this state. "
"My request to inspect the Opinion of the Attorney General relative to the County Park - Jackson County Commission issue should not be wrapped in excuses for nondisclosure. The opinion has already been released to a member of the press by a member of the County Commission. Surely, the County Commission or its employees do not treat citizens of the community as second class citizens with less status than selected members of a specific news organization who may agree with a politician's ideology on the commission. (The record of the AG Opinion is not available online at the Attorney Generals Office.)"
"My request to inspect the General Fund accounts of the Jackson County Commission should not be wrapped in ridiculous excuses to deny me the RIGHT of inspection of the records."
""All public records or writings meeting this interpretation must be made available to citizens, including the media, upon request." This link is provided from the ACCA":
"To wrap a requirement of state law in bureaucratic "mumbo jumbo" only confuses the issue. All members of the Jackson County Commission and employees of the commission have a responsibility to comply with the law for the inspection of public records without harassment or unnecessary delays. Failure to supply the records for inspection violates the intent and spirit of the Alabama Open Records Laws. Code of Alabama 1975, § 36-12-40 ."
"The records requested for inspection are not confidential and have no exception by law for release, the AG's Opinion should be readily released. I understand if you wish to schedule a time for the inspection of the financial records requested, scheduling a time for inspection should not be a long drawn out process."
"I have complied with the local requirements of records disclosures and I have a RIGHT to inspect the records requested with out bureaucratic excuses which may violate the intent and spirit of the laws of the State of Alabama."
"Please comply with the law and allow the immediate inspection of the records requested and/or schedule a time for the inspection of the financial records requested."
"Ms. Patterson, this e-mail letter, along with pictures of the Jackson County Commission will be the article on my blog. You may read it at "
Garry Morgan
The Commission Chairperson Ms. Sadie Bias has refused release of public records in violation of Alabama Law relating to the disclosure of Public Records. I have requested inspection of the County Commission's General Fund Account.
Click on any image for an expanded view.
Order signed by Judge Graham related to Case CV 2010-900048, Jackson County Park vs. Jackson County Commission.
I had sent an inquiry to the Alabama Attorney Generals Office (AG) on May 6, 2011concerning the Opinion of the Alabama Attorney General Dated May 3, 2011, Jackson County Commission - Jackson County Park issue and how it relates to the Opinion Policy of the Attorney General's Office concerning cases in litigation. This is the reply I received from the Attorney General via Ms. Joy Patterson of the AG's Public Relations Office and my reply.
From the Attorney General's Office: "The purpose of an Attorney General’s opinion is to give a public official who is entitled to receive an opinion guidance that he or she can rely on and therefore be protected from legal liability. If a matter is in litigation, a decision is going to be made by the court and there is no reason for us to give an opinion under ordinary circumstances. Our policy is that we normally do not give opinions on matters that are in litigation because our opinions are not law, but guidance, and when a matter is in litigation, it is going to be determined by a court of law and therefore there is no need for us to give an opinion."
"The practice of not issuing Attorney General’s opinions is a policy, to which a reasonable exception may be made, which was done here for the following reasons: In this situation, both parties agreed that if we provide guidance on what we believe the law is, they would accept it and dismiss the litigation. It is best for disputes between public agencies to be resolved without litigation, thus save taxpayers’ money and court time."
The litigation was not dismissed but the AG Opinion dated May 3, 2011 which the Jackson County Commission Chairperson refuses to disclose, served as the basis for judgement in this case by Judge Graham.
My reply to the Attorney General: "Thank you Ms. Patterson for the reply."
"The litigation was not dismissed but quite the contrary, the AG's Opinion was utilized as the basis for Judge Graham's decision. I think this creates an unusual situation in Jackson County concerning legal precedents. The question must be asked, will the decisions of the Attorney General now be utilized as a point of law for the judiciary in Jackson County, is there a legal precedent now established? "
"The decision on the County Park/Jackson County Commission issue was decided not in our county by the proper body politic but by a decision of the judiciary which was in a large part provided by the State's Attorney General. See attached order from Judge Graham."
"Is it the Attorney General's policy to issue forth opinions which will be utilized as the basis for judgements in litigation instead of Acts of the Legislature or Case Law of our Courts? In this case it seems to be an exception as you say, but an exception which seems to exceed the general practice standards of the Attorney Generals Office."
"In this citizen writers thinking this action places the Attorney Generals Office and the Jackson County Judiciary in an unusual dilemma in providing decisions for a County Commission which has displayed repeated failures of political leadership. "
On February 25, 2011 there was a secret agreement entered between the Jackson County Commission and the Jackson County Park Board in the case. The handwritten agreement is provided below, click on image for an expanded view. "Any dispute concerning the language of the request for the opinion will be resolved by Judge Graham." The Judge certainly based his ruling on the Attorney General's Opinion. Related posting on this issue. Many thanks to Mr. Porter, County Attorney for providing this agreement record
County Park Board asks Legislative Delegation for assistance, Daily Sentinel article:
"In Jackson County there is a strong movement to allow the judiciary to make decisions in place of the County Commission. This has occurred on several occasions during the current County Commission's term of office, ie, County Engineer, County Personnel Policy, Courthouse Security, County Park, Legislative Delegation-TVA in lieu of tax, and who knows what else. The County Commission meets in Executive Sessions 90% of their meetings to the point of holding Special Called meetings to hold Executive Sessions. The commission was recently caught meeting in an unannounced meeting with the legislative delegation where 1 specific reporter was allowed to attend and has been "hand fed" information outside of any public deliberations, this meeting was in violation of the Open Meetings Act and the item discussed was that which would come before the commission at a later date, the issue- "the TVA in lieu of tax." Date and time of unannounced meeting, April 25, 2011, 4PM. A meeting of the quorum of the County Commission at the Legislative Delegation Office. I found out about the semi-secret meeting and rushed over to take pictures, make inquiry to discover the what and whys of the unannounced meeting. Pictures and story: "
"Unfortunately, the local press seems to be supporting a movement to reach decision making outside of normal legislative processes. This weekend the front page headline states in Scottsboro's The Daily Sentinel, "$10 Million Dollar Error? AG Opinion indicates emergency fund overpaid." Referring to the TVA in lieu of tax paid to the Legislative Delegations Emergency Fund account. Reference AG Opinion 2011-048, no where do I read in that opinion where the AG states the Legislative Delegations Emergency Fund was overpaid $10 million dollars. I have read this opinion many times, help me to find those words in AG Opinion 2011-048. Nor do I see where the Emergency Fund was found in any state audit to be overpaid by $10 million dollars, I do not understand the purpose of such an article where such deception is found."
"It would seem the AG's Office is being involved in a scheme to deceive the people of Jackson County on several fronts. I think there is a reason, the County Commission is attempting to gain the public funds in the accounts of other public agencies/public bodies. County Commissioners are secretive in their actions and have held meetings and sessions in secret and made decisions and deliberations in secret outside of the normal deliberative process. The County Commission also refuses to disclose the balance of their General Fund Account in violation of Alabama Law."
"The County Commission has also refused to provide public records/writings in violation of Code of Alabama 36-12-40, request for financial statement/status of the Jackson County Commissions General Fund Account. I have requested to inspect the public record and have been refused after submitting the required commission form.
The Commission has no official policy as to inspection of public records as suggested by the Department of Public Examiners, Procedural Leaflet dated July 2002, Access to Government Records. When I inquired of the Commission Chairperson she informed me "we do not have the time to allow the inspection of the records.." I replied to Ms. Bias, the Commission Chairperson, "you are preventing me from inspecting the records in violation of state law." Her reply, "I am not refusing you we do not have the time to allow inspection." I asked for her to schedule an appointment for me to inspect the financial records, she refused to make an appointment."
Email letter to the Chairperson and the Secretary of the County Commission regarding inspection of public records on May 6, 2011 after the official commission request: "Thank you Anna for forwarding me the copy of my request to inspect records."
"All employees of a government body of the State of Alabama have a legal responsibility to follow the law concerning the release of public records. Code of Alabama 1975, § 36-12-40 Below you will find an ACCA link which outlines responsibilities of EACH public employee of this state. "
"My request to inspect the Opinion of the Attorney General relative to the County Park - Jackson County Commission issue should not be wrapped in excuses for nondisclosure. The opinion has already been released to a member of the press by a member of the County Commission. Surely, the County Commission or its employees do not treat citizens of the community as second class citizens with less status than selected members of a specific news organization who may agree with a politician's ideology on the commission. (The record of the AG Opinion is not available online at the Attorney Generals Office.)"
"My request to inspect the General Fund accounts of the Jackson County Commission should not be wrapped in ridiculous excuses to deny me the RIGHT of inspection of the records."
""All public records or writings meeting this interpretation must be made available to citizens, including the media, upon request." This link is provided from the ACCA":
"To wrap a requirement of state law in bureaucratic "mumbo jumbo" only confuses the issue. All members of the Jackson County Commission and employees of the commission have a responsibility to comply with the law for the inspection of public records without harassment or unnecessary delays. Failure to supply the records for inspection violates the intent and spirit of the Alabama Open Records Laws. Code of Alabama 1975, § 36-12-40 ."
"The records requested for inspection are not confidential and have no exception by law for release, the AG's Opinion should be readily released. I understand if you wish to schedule a time for the inspection of the financial records requested, scheduling a time for inspection should not be a long drawn out process."
"I have complied with the local requirements of records disclosures and I have a RIGHT to inspect the records requested with out bureaucratic excuses which may violate the intent and spirit of the laws of the State of Alabama."
"Please comply with the law and allow the immediate inspection of the records requested and/or schedule a time for the inspection of the financial records requested."
"Ms. Patterson, this e-mail letter, along with pictures of the Jackson County Commission will be the article on my blog. You may read it at "
Garry Morgan
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Scottsboro City Council, April 25th and May 2nd Meeting
Boy Scout Troop 18 led the Pledge of Alligence at the April 25, 2011 City Council meeting.
April 25th, 2011 City Council Agenda, there was no old business. Click on image for an expanded view.
May 9, 2011 Scottsboro City Council Meeting. Mr. Speers was not present. There was no business on the agenda. Reports were given, the Mayor and all City Council Officials expressed great appreciation to all City Employees for the hard work they accomplished during the past weeks storms. The Mayor expressed his appreciation to the Citizens of Scottsboro for their work in insuring order was maintained and their hard work and efforts during the storm aftermath cleanup process.
Mayor's Report: Mayor Potter stated an insurance claim had been submitted for approximately $8,000.00 for roof damage at the old police building on John T. Reid Parkway. It was reported the insurance company will pay $6,800.00 for the damage claim. The Mayor mentioned Emergency Power Generator needs: 1) Police Department, 911 has emergency generator to power the 911 center, the police department does not have an emergency generator. 2) Street Department; 3) The Mayor stated the Fire Stations had emergency power generators, however The Clemons Road -Veterans Drive Station #3 does not have emergency power. I was at the station during the recent storm as were other citizens. When power went out at approximately 4PM on the 27th it was obvious the Fire Station does not have emergency power.
April 25th, 2011 City Council Agenda, there was no old business. Click on image for an expanded view.
May 9, 2011 Scottsboro City Council Meeting. Mr. Speers was not present. There was no business on the agenda. Reports were given, the Mayor and all City Council Officials expressed great appreciation to all City Employees for the hard work they accomplished during the past weeks storms. The Mayor expressed his appreciation to the Citizens of Scottsboro for their work in insuring order was maintained and their hard work and efforts during the storm aftermath cleanup process.
Mayor's Report: Mayor Potter stated an insurance claim had been submitted for approximately $8,000.00 for roof damage at the old police building on John T. Reid Parkway. It was reported the insurance company will pay $6,800.00 for the damage claim. The Mayor mentioned Emergency Power Generator needs: 1) Police Department, 911 has emergency generator to power the 911 center, the police department does not have an emergency generator. 2) Street Department; 3) The Mayor stated the Fire Stations had emergency power generators, however The Clemons Road -Veterans Drive Station #3 does not have emergency power. I was at the station during the recent storm as were other citizens. When power went out at approximately 4PM on the 27th it was obvious the Fire Station does not have emergency power.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Videos of the April 27, 2011 Tornadoes - You Tube
"Tornado on Sand Mountain near Henegar, Ider, Pisgah. Film was taken from Mentone, AL on Lookout Mountain at 4:47pm. by scout58"
"Videos taken on April 29 and 30, 2011 in Rainsville, Sylvania, and Henagar, Ala. Music: The Valley Song - Jars of Clay Videography: Devin & Lane by AlabamaLlama"
"Rainsville Alabama EF4 Tornado April 27 2011, uploaded by pitwagonweb. This was shot from the front of our office at 61 main street east in Rainsville Alabama along AL Hwy 35 near the intersection of AL Hwy 75"
National Weather Service Map:
WHNT-TV storm track map link:,0,6686199.htmlstory
Tornado Casualty list link:
"Videos taken on April 29 and 30, 2011 in Rainsville, Sylvania, and Henagar, Ala. Music: The Valley Song - Jars of Clay Videography: Devin & Lane by AlabamaLlama"
"Rainsville Alabama EF4 Tornado April 27 2011, uploaded by pitwagonweb. This was shot from the front of our office at 61 main street east in Rainsville Alabama along AL Hwy 35 near the intersection of AL Hwy 75"
National Weather Service Map:
WHNT-TV storm track map link:,0,6686199.htmlstory
Tornado Casualty list link:
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