TVA Power Fist - Fair Use for non-profit news reporting and commentary
UPDATE: February 17, 2016 - TVA Seeking Input Regarding Potential Sale of the Bellefonte Nuclear Facility near Scottsboro, Al. article in Scottsboro's Clarion Newspaper: http://www.theclarion.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=9821:tva-seeks-comment-on-potential-sale-of-bellefonte-nuclear&catid=55:news&Itemid=143
Ghosts of Bellefonte - photo by G. Morgan
TVA looking to sell Bellefonte property - Johnson say's "TVA needs to weigh merits of generation, development."
“As we consider this decision, it is important that we hear from interested stakeholders, potential site developers and the general public,” said TVA President and CEO Bill Johnson. “TVA has been investing at a minimal level to preserve the Bellefonte site for future generating use, should we need it.”
“The 2015 Integrated Resource Plan, completed with public input, indicates it may be two decades before additional large baseload generation is needed,” he said. “It’s time we answer the question of whether TVA is serving the public well by retaining control of the Bellefonte site, or if others could make more beneficial use of it. And with economic development as a cornerstone of our mission, TVA wants to know if there is an entity interested in investing and creating jobs at this location.”
The public comment period runs through March 18. There is no public meeting scheduled.
TVA Press Release - https://www.tva.com/Newsroom/Bellefonte
Recent suggestions to sell the facility.
Rumor has been circulating locally that Tom Kilgore, former TVA CEO and Jackson Co. resident, will head up an effort to bring the facility into a power generation mode utilizing new and current assets financed by external players in a VIE, variable interest entity (sell-lease back), type of plan. Locally, EDA representatives are denying this plan.
My thoughts, Nuclear Power proponents are their own worse enemy, they do not look realistically at the truth about cost at the front and the end of such projects. Deceit has become a debilitating culture within the civilian nuclear power industry. There is a penchant for shortcuts to save money. This presents a serious problem in regards to safety, security and Human Reliability
Thursday, February 11, 2016 the Tennessee Valley Authority met in Chattanooga, Tn. for its 1st quarter board meeting.
Supreme Court delay of Clean Power Plan won't affect TVA
Nuclear group picks TVA's Bill Johnson as governing board chairman
TVA retirees 'reject' proposal to cut $700 million from underfunded pension plan
TVA Engineer of the Year
Bellefonte 3 & 4, motion has been filed to abandon licensing of the AP1000 Reactor project. "It's time to quit wasting money pursuing this project that TVA can't afford," said Garry Morgan, a Scottsboro resident and critic of the Bellefonte project... "We welcome TVA's decision to slow the financial hemorrhage at Bellefonte 3 and 4," Dr. Stephen A. Smith, executive director of the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, said in a statement today. "We strongly encourage TVA to go ahead and close the books on the 42-year old Bellefonte 1 and 2 reactor units, which will never be completed, saving more money and allowing Northern Alabama to move into the 21st century with new economic opportunities like Google, energy efficiency and clean solar power."
Bellefonte 1,2,3,4 - TVA's Dream, Ratepayers Nightmare
TVA Wastes Their Time and Our Money - Bellefonte Efficiency and Sustainability Team/Mothers Against Tennessee River Radiation, a chapter of Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League, presented a report on Friday showing TVA’s "waste of money on nuclear power." The group called for a withdrawal of the operating license for Bellefonte nuclear power plant in Hollywood, Al.
"TVA is not being transparent with the public about their debt and operational costs,” said Garry Morgan, BEST/MATRR treasurer. “They operate under a veil of fractured accounting making it very difficult to figure out their total financial status"..."As we move into a world of solar and wind energy, those sites could be used for safer economic alternatives without radioactive trash and with cleaner air and water for the health of our citizens,” said Gretel Johnston, BEST/MATRR member. "
TVA Finances - debt and liabilities are much higher than reported. All commitments listed on the TVA 1st quarter financial report below. (Click on image for an expanded view.)
Listening Session - Selected Presentations
Chattanooga, Tennessee - February 11, 2016. TVA Quarterly Board Meeting, Listening Session, input from the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League, and their local chapter, The Bellefonte Efficiency and Sustainability Team and Mothers Against Tennessee River Radiation. We asked the TVA to stop wasting resources and our rate-payer dollars on the charade of Bellefonte Units 3 & 4, 2 proposed AP 1000 Nuclear Reactors estimated to cost between $12 & 15 Billion in today's dollars
Concerned citizens from various environmental groups in the Tennessee River Valley discuss issues with the TVA Board.
TVA BOARD PRESENTATIONS - Presidents Report - Financial Report - Engineer of the Year, etc.
TVA Board Meeting Intro, TVPPA
TVA Industrial Committee Report, Presidents Report, Engineer of the Year Award, Pension Issue.
TVA Board Meeting Bylaws, Regulatory Issues, Financial Report, Nuclear Oversight-CEO Appointed as WANO Chair, External Relations/People and Performance Committees, Appointment of Joe Ritch as Chair of TVA Board.
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