Last evening was a work session for the Scottsboro City Council. The Scottsboro City Council holds work sessions on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month and regular voting sessions on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month. Exceptions are made for official holidays. All notices of City Council meetings are required to be posted on the City Bulletin Board in the front foyer of City Hall.
Ms. Rita Williams, Director of the Senior Center, made a presentation concerning the purchase of blinds for the center. The Jackson County Legislative Delegation had made funds available for upgrades of the Senior Center. The funds were provided to the City of Scottsboro specifically for the Senior Centers usage. Mr. Wheeler, Finance Director for the City of Scottsboro, indicated the approximate amount remaining in the Senior Center Fund was $12,000. Ms. Williams stated the blinds would cost $2803.00, including installation. Ms. Williams also indicated the center was in need of another bookshelf to store the many books which have been donated to the Senior Center. Ms. Williams indicated the book shelf would cost approximately $200.00. Mr. Smith requested the appropriation's approval from the city council be no more than $3500.00. Mr. Hodges indicated the issue would be placed on next Monday's regular council meeting agenda. 2) Discussion of Declaration of Surplus Property at Scottsboro's Airport, Word Field. A John Deer riding mower with no mowing deck will be declared surplus property at the next regular meeting. 3) Discussion of School Supply Sales Tax Holiday Date. The City council will be required to declare a Sales Tax Holiday sometime this month, prior to July 1st, in order that the information and request for the Sales Tax Holiday be submitted to the State of Alabama in time for approval. The School Supply Sales Tax Holiday will be on August the 6, 7, and 8, 2010.
Mayors Report: 1) The City of Scottsboro owns the property which the House of Ruth was located. The home has been closed, Mayor Potter indicated there is considerable water and structural damage to the property structure. It was suggested the property remain in Scottsboro's property inventory but the house should be demolished. ( It is my opinion the property with the house should be declared surplus and auctioned. Keeping this property indicates the willingness to further expand city government costing the tax payers more money. Increasing property holdings increases the amount of money the city is able to borrow. Property must be maintained and is a further cost to the citizens. ) 2) The Scottsboro Electric Power Board donated to the City of Scottsboro property adjacent to the Cedar Hill Cemetery. This property was previously an Electric Power Sub-Station. The City Attorney indicated prior to the property being taken into the cty's inventory it would require an Environmental Impact Statement. ( Old electrical power transformers contained PCB suspended in oil. PCB's are in the same family of compounds known as Dioxin. Dioxin/PCB is extremely toxic. http://www.dioxinfacts.org/ ) 3) The Scottsboro Electric Power Board provided a statement to the City of Scottsboro indicating the amount of state utility tax owed. The statement indicated the amount owed is $27,000. 4) The Mayor reported several complaints have been received regarding the lack of a stop sign on the northwest corner of the square on the corner of Broad and Laurel Streets. At that intersection there are only two stop signs. There is no stop sign going north on South Broad Street. Part of the intersections approach is blind going south on South Broad due to vehicle parking. The Police Chief indicated there have been several near misses at that intersection. ( This weekend I noted several near miss collisions at Peachtree and South Broad due to drivers running the Stop sign at that location. I have also witnessed several near misses at the intersection of Laurel and Market Streets, the corner near the Post Office. It is obvious a significant number of citizens do not pay attention to Stop signs. Another dangerous intersection is East Laurel and Scott Streets, location of Regions Bank. )
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