I used to post on al.com's Scottsboro "Forum," I no longer participate on the al.com "forum." (The so called "forums" are actually highly edited message boards.) I do monitor the "forums" closely because of stories such as this. Unfortunately the al.com "forums" have become a bastion of censorship which appears to involve Scottsboro City Officials and/or representatives of political figureheads within the area. There was and is an ongoing political battle for the control of the Scottsboro "forum." The al.com "forums" are a real time communications tool with citizens of several communities. To prevent political comments or the disclosure of corruption on specific "forums," censorship and draconian media practices occur, apparently originating from government officials or "media managers" in cooperation with the al.com editors. When media and government become intertwined and cooperate in censorship of political speech our system of Constitutional government is diminished and trampled.
Allegations have been made concerning a high level government official within Scottsboro. I was notified by a citizen of the community that posts were going to be made on the forum concerning the involvement of a city official with one of their subordinates. I recorded 10 posts which were made alleging sexual harassment and ethics violations by an elected city official. All 10 posts were removed within 1 hour of posting. This occurred on Friday March 12, 2010.
It would not be the first time city officials caused the removal of postings on the al.com Scottsboro message board. This practice occurred when sexual harassment allegations were made concerning past management officials at Goosepond Colony several years ago. Those allegations were proven true and the individual involved was removed from their position.
I have been approached by other citizens within our community relating the story to me concerning involvement of a public official in an amorous affair with a subordinate. Either this allegation is true or city officials have made some serious enemies, either way a problem exists.
Whether the allegation of sexual harassment and ethics violations by a city official holds water, the question must be asked how do postings relating to this matter become removed from the Scottsboro al.com message board within 1 hour of the postings being made? Why are these allegations being made at this time?
Are Scottsboro City Officials, other government officials or "media managers" involved in media censorship? What is occurring in the City of Scottsboro relating to the censorship of political speech and the removal of speech involving political issues is nothing short of FASCISM.
Is this an elected official or an appointed department head?
Thought you were more savvy than that
anyone can have a post on any al.com forum removed and I don`t think you
are not aware of it. There is no claim, it is a fact.
by 1forwater, 2/12/10 7:04 ET
Re: Hey 1forwater!!! by 1forwater, 2/12/10
You have over 118 names to your credit on this forum. You and the 2-3 others in your group of idiots have accomplished everything from making threats of arson to physical violence,including threats to the President of the U.S., not to mention the continuous stream of stupidity emanating from your keyboard.
Reference post removals/government officials.
Many things are a possibility but that is not the point, the point is why.
Are accusations concerning sexual harassment/sexual affairs with subordinates true or false. Considering I have been approached by 2 seperate persons regarding this matter raises concerns on more than one front. This is not the first time city employees, current and past, have approached me voicing their concerns. Apparently political officials and supervisors are not trusted. Employees current and past communicating concerns and possible illegal activity does not bode well for our community's government. I am convinced that political officials censor items on al.com. The fact that it may be accomplished utilizing the "Inappropriate Post Button" or by the use of "media managers" is irrelevant. This is one reason the al.com message boards are not forums and I will no longer make postings nor support Advance Internets fraud by calling them forums. If others wish to utilize the message boards have at it, not my business. However, I will continue to observe the communications within the message board and record those items which reflect peculiar, unusual or at times illegal activity.
Any actions relative to accusations/allegations involving or concerning illegal conduct are significant. Founded or unfounded all accusations are significant in the communications process. Significant politically, significant legally, significant as to community values in how people interact with their elected representatives. Equally significant is how the Scottsboro Message Board is edited as to political speech.
A reply to your delusional posting with the begining, " There is no claim, it is a fact.
by 1forwater, 2/12/10 7:04 ET
Re: Hey 1forwater!!! by 1forwater, 2/12/10."
Of course you must post anonymously as you are purposefully deceitful in your comments and a coward for not disclosing your identity. You are not alone in our quaint small city. There is another fact about you that stands out, you ain't very smart.
Is it you who has the 120 names and made threats to burn an African American Church as well as made threats to the President?
This is the nature of some of the citizens within our community. How interesting you make this post after the allegations which have been made concerning an elected official. Is this elected official part of your group of "special people" within our quaint city?
The postings that were made on al.com, reference threats to burn an African American Church/Museum and threats to the President of the U.S were immediately forwarded to the Scottsboro Police Chief by me. I also followed up immediately with a police report. A police report which I had to insist be filed as local law enforcement did not want to take the initial report but insisted a log entry was all that was necessary. Threats of this nature are Federal Hate Crimes and I suppose having the FBI come to town to investigate influential citizens threats would not look good for those in public office nor our city. I also followed up with a visit to the District Attorneys Office concerning the threats.
You see Mr. or Mrs Anonymous, your comment makes me wonder what your involvement is with the City of Scottsboro and al.com. I have been informed you are related to City Officials, work at their and other politicians/influential citizens behest, that is the reason you or members of your group were not previously arrested for making threats. It seems in Scottsboro, Alabama if you are connected to the right people, a political figurehead, have enough money crime is not a problem.
I recorded all of the threatening, racist statements made by the person or persons who threatened to burn down the African American Museum and church. Your sudden expression thereof at this time raises concerns once again. "1forwater" was not the person who made the threats, "the banditt" was the party who made the threats and you know this, so why lie?
The chain of events relating to your comment, political officials recent actions, influential citizens within our community's threats, threats of arson, threats to the President and other events occurring at this time within Scottsboro are very revealing and point toward a historical culture of unethical conduct, racism, political deceit and at times unprosecuted criminal activity within our community and local political establishment.
Have you talked with the mayor and city council? Why do you feel the need to talk about this "coverup" if you havent? Sometimes things are best asked about before posting about. If true, why would it be an affair and sexual harassment? Was it one of the parties involved with the "affair" approach you or just a disgruntled employee? Too many holes to fill right now. Doesnt past the smell test. Usually when someone approaches you, they have a hidden agenda towards the parties involved and what they tell is no where near the truth. You mentioned goosepond as being a precedent, how many other times were you wrong and someone just using you because they know you will post it on al.com and your blog?
Whether true or false, there are a lot of innocent folks that will be hurt by this rumor. It is just a rumor until its proven truth, right? Just curious.
I like others do not see this as a rumor. It is an expression of revenge or unethical conduct. "Rumors," as you call it, have reasons. The question is are the statements originating from citizens true or are they an expression of revenge and hatred?
You call it a rumor, I do not. There are 14 posts at this time which have been removed from the Scottsboro forum related to this matter. None mentioned specific names, one expressed a specific office holder related to church and government. The only other time items such as this have been intentionally removed from "al.com's Scottsboro message board" is due to criminal threats, hate speech, exposure of political corruption and discussion of controversial political issues. In 90% of cases the main reason for removal of postings involve political issues and corruption.
In each and every issue where I have received an anonymous letter or phone call from current or past city employees or officials have revealed a high degree of truth. In every case where city employees current or past have told me their story involving mistreatment and threats, a high degree of truth has been told in their story. More importantly there has been a revelation of a string of continuous management communications failures.
It is not necessary to discuss this matter with all the folks you mention, only one. I have passed on info for the interested party to give me a call and I will discuss the matter with them, most city elected officials are in Washington for the week.
When political officials are involved in allegations of misconduct of this nature there is nothing private about it. The truth must be told or the reason for the untruthful, hateful allegations exposed.
One other point. You say, "Usually when someone approaches you, they have a hidden agenda towards the parties involved and what they tell is no where near the truth." I have found when individuals approach me concerning city government personnel problems they do so as a last resort, what you say is not true, there is always 2 and at times more sides to every story. Reference employees, they have received no satisfaction from their supervisors or the management communications chain has broken down due to unprofessional conduct and an inability to deal properly with personnel management issues within the organization. What specifically am I wrong about now and then?
Morgan you making trouble again? You didn't support the clearing of the weeds around boat docks in Roseberry Creek. You don't support the CDA, you didn't support the effort to keep industry out of the Goosepond Industrial Plant site, you didn't support the county commission when they met secretly. Now I read that you say Dus Rogers doesn't represent the citizens of Scottsboro. Trouble maker... :)
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