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TVA and their contractors hide the truth concerning toxic sludge and contaminated water from the sludge. The TVA uses a multitude of excuses for not disclosing information.
Why is ADEM, Alabama Department of Environmental Management, and the EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, not demanding answers? They are the regulators, why are they not doing their job.
The TVA has refused to disclose costs of building nuclear reactors, citing in their Freedom of Information Act reply a commercial exemption. They now refuse to answer important questions about where the contaminated water in the poisonous coal ash sludge is going.
Death follows the Coal Ash Waste: http://blog.locustfork.net/2009/12/26/coal-ash-spill-anniversary-as-forgotten-as-disaster-itself/
In this January 9, 2009 expose citizens are ticketed by the TVA for taking samples of water and surveying the damage. http://www.treehugger.com/files/2009/01/aftermath-tva-coal-ash-spill-get-ticket-for-water-samples-video.php An expose concerning the deceit of the TVA.
The TVA is one of the most non-accountable, corrupt organizations of the United States Government. Congress refuses to offer any meaningful oversight mainly due to the hundreds of millions of dollars being funneled into PACs, politicians campaign funds etc., by TVA contractors and the nuclear industry. The TVA is contrary to any notion of the Republic as a governmental form, they represent a non-accountable socialist governmental corporate structure within the United States Government complete with their own police force.
Why would any reasonable person trust the TVA to operate dangerous radioactive power plants after the deceit they have pandered on the public? The TVA is not an open government agency, the TVA makes a mockery out of Open Government.
3 informative articles from Ernest Norsworthy: To Large to Succeed: http://norsworthyopinion.com/TVAtoolargetosucceed.aspx
Fraud and Incompetent Management: http://norsworthyopinion.com/TVAanothercaseoffraudthieveryorincompetenceall3.aspx
Open Government: http://norsworthyopinion.com/TVAcausingitsowncustomerstorebel.aspx
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