(TVA photo-artist conception of 4 nuclear reactors at Bellefonte.)
Above photo, TVA's "Bellefonte Dream" 4 radioactive nuclear reactors, insuring Bellefonte is a radioactive waste dump for over a thousand years. Wonderful legacy for future generations. The 2 Babcock & Wilcox reactors in foreground, were approximately 90% and 68% complete until the plants were gutted and stripped after TVA requested cancellation of the construction license. Construction license cancellation was approved and later reinstated by the NRC. Not one (1), no vote of approval was acquired for the reinstatement of the construction license; there was 1 vote disapproved and 3 votes jointly approved-disapproved, yet the construction permit was granted.
After gutting of the 2 nuclear reactor plants it has been reported the facility is now 50% complete. However, TVA press releases have stated the plants are anywhere from 60% to 90% complete. Misinformation is par for the course for the TVA. The 2 Westinghouse AP 1000 nuclear radioactive producing plants, right side of the above conception photo, are located precariously close to a massive sink hole which is seen in the wooded area above the 2 plants, right side of the photo.
The TVA announced Tuesday that the decision concerning Bellefonte would not be made until later this year. The TVA has stated there are 3 choices for the Bellefonte site. 1) Finish one Babcock & Wilcox (B&W) reactor. The B&W reactors are approximately 50% complete, stripping the plant of usable parts occured after the construction license was cancelled, estimated cost between $3-4 billion dollars; 2) build 2 AP 1000 reactors, approximate cost, $16-18 billion dollars; 3) do nothing.
Chattanooga Times Free Press article. http://www.timesfreepress.com/news/2010/mar/17/tva-delays-decision-on-bellefonte-future/
*The TVA has completely ignored the most efficient and cost effective choices for Bellefonte and the TVA, a 3 part 4th choice: 1) Energy Efficiency & energy conservation, very low cost, 2) new generation solar plant, $200 million, 3) 880 mega watt Natural Gas Combined Cycle, $890 million, gas line from Marion Co Tennessee $150 million. A combined cycle natural gas plant could use part of the existing equipment at Bellefonte; total cost estimate of $1.24 billion, generating over 900 mega watts of power. The B&W reactor would generate 1000 mega watts of power at 3 times the cost.
The TVA had tentatively scheduled the decision for completion of Bellefonte during the April 16, 2010 Board of Directors meeting at Knoxville, Tn. Current reports indicate the decision concerning Bellefonte will come later in the year.
(TVA photo, Bellefonte Units 1 & 2.)
Photo above, the current Bellefonte site. Bellefonte is located over porous limestone rock known as Karst Terrain. There are sinkholes, caves and springs which are found in this area. The ridge shown in the picture, behind the nuclear reactors, is known as River Ridge, an ancient minor earthquake fault line. Approximately 1 mile west of the plant is the Sequatchie Fault, a fault line where earthquakes occur more frequently. http://www.claimsjournal.com/news/southeast/2009/07/28/102554.htm
Chattanooga Times Free Press video link: http://www.timesfreepress.com/news/2009/dec/13/video-deciding-tva-bellefontes-future-nuclear-powe/ Tubing, valves, actuators, condensors, motors and pumps were scrapped.
Links-Nuclear Power Hazards: http://arklite.blogspot.com/2010/02/contamination-fires-failed-safety.html
The continuing saga of Bellefonte: http://arklite.blogspot.com/search/label/Bellefonte%20Nuclear%20Plant?max-results=20
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