Last night was a 2 part meeting of the City Council, a work session and a regular council meeting.
Work Session: 1) Sheila Washington made request to Scottsboro City Council for funding of the Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center. She reported the Jackson County Legislative Delegation has contributed $37,500 for the project. 2) Discussion of proposed zoning ordinance for the City of Scottsboro. A representative of KTS Group from Birmingham conducted an extensive session concerning the new proposed zoning ordinance. 3) Discussion of the New First Monday Ordinance was taken off of the agenda. 4) Bid opening discussion concerning Cedar Hill Cemetery Tree Removal Plan. There was questions raised concerning the bid. 5) Discussion concerning the CDA appointments. Appointments are to be tentatively made during the Apr 26, 2010 Council Meeting. 6) Reports: Mayor Potter was in Montgomery for Coach Esslinger's induction into the Alabama Sports Hall of Fame.
Regular Council Meeting: Old Business- 1) Resolution for Public Hearing concerning Zoning Ordinace was removed from agenda until all problem areas could be resolved prior to the Public Hearing. 2) Liquor License Public Hearing tabled until a Bone Daddees restaurant representative could be present for the hearing. New Business- 1) Museum Commission appointment, Ms. Debra Helms, term to run until October 2011. 2) 2 vacancies on Architectural Review Board (5 year appointment), applications should be turned in no later than Friday April 16, 2010 at 4:30PM. 3) 2 vacancies on the Historical Preservation Committee (4 year appointment), applications should be turned in no later than Friday April 16, 2010 at 4:30PM. 4) Bid approval for Cemetery tree removal project tabled until bid proceedures can be reviewed. 5) Resolution approved for Shriner's Road Block at County Park Rd and Hwy 72 on 28 March, 2010 from 8AM till 1PM. 6) Bid opening for appointment of Engineer for Landfill Gas Project, awarded to CDG Engineering. 7) City Council Meeting was continued until April 5, 2010 for final decision on cemetery tree removal.
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