Last Night was a regular council meeting. New Business: 1) TVA resolution of support for Bellefonte was given. All council members voted to support the TVA's completion of Bellefonte Reactor #1. 2) Liquor license application approval for "Bone Daddy's" restaurant on South Broad Street was tabled as a representative was not present from the establishment at the public hearing. Public hearing was held, no one spoke in opposition. 3) Survey for traffic light on Snodgrass Rd. and U.S. Hwy 72 was approved. 4) Discussion on new zoning ordinance changes. The zoning ordinance may be viewed at the Scottsboro City website. http://www.cityofscottsboro.org/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1 Go to the Departments Field at page top, when the list of city departments appears, go to the City Engineer line, next to the engineer line you will see the Draft for the 2010 Zoning Ordinance, click on it, it is in PDF format. 5) Mr. Marvin Holcomb requested the City Council to reconsider his request to maintain boat launches within the city limits of Scottsboro.
The County Commission had previously approved Mr. Holcomb for a years contract for the upkeep of boat launch areas in the county on August 11, 2009. In a subsequent session the County Commission also gave Mr. Holcomb a vehicle to perform his contracted duties. The County Commission declared a pickup truck to have no value, then gave it to Mr. Holcomb. A pickup truck paid for by taxpayer money which did have value.
The City Council did not make a motion to approve the request from Mr. Holcomb, the request died for a lack of a motion.
6) The work session for March 15 will be rescheduled to March 22. Most of the city council members will be in Washington next Monday for the National League of Municipalities meeting, Mr. Smith will stay behind. The League meetings in Washington are very important. The meeting gives our City Council members and our Mayor a chance to directly interact with our Federal legislators. This meeting also provides an opportunity for various discussion and education venues concerning governmental issues which affect city governments nation wide.
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