Pickle in the middle... "Unfortunately, this is shaping up to produce familiar results. There is a growing movement for "change" that promises to "throw the bums out" in the next two elections. However, those who are part of this movement do not stop to consider what the Republicans' true agenda will be once they regain power. As they have for over 100 years now, Americans are dashing to the other side in their perennial political game of "pickle in the middle." They still haven't learned that the pickle never wins."
Campaign for Liberty: http://www.campaignforliberty.com/article.php?view=655
Campaign for Liberty: http://www.campaignforliberty.com/article.php?view=655
One of my favorite topics, "The Culture War:" http://www.thefreemanonline.org/featured/the-culture-of-classical-liberalism/#
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