Scottsboro Board of Education candidates, from left to right: Daryl Eustace-Candidate Place 3; Robert Ferrell-Candidate Place 2; Judy McCrary-Incumbent Place 2; Howard Hill-Candidate Place 3. David Estes candidate for Place 2 was not present due to commitment with the Alabama National Guard. A statement was read by Mr. Paulk,forum moderator, prepared by David Estes.

Scottsboro City Council candidates, from left to right: Carol McCrary-Candidate for Place 3; Keith Smith-Incumbent Place 4; Terry Thomas-Incumbent Place 3; Garry Morgan-Candidate Place 4. Mr. Matthew Hodges not pictured ran unopposed for Place 5.

Mr. Gerald Paulk, Esquire was the moderator for this evenings forum.

Scottsboro City Council candidates receive instructions from Mr. Brad Shurett concerning the Forum's format.
Candidates drew numbers out of a basket to determine the order of presentation.

The Scottsboro City Board of Education candidates receive instructions concerning the Forum 's format.
The forum was an excellent experiance. The Election Forum will be broadcast on Scottsboro's Electric Power Board's (SEPB) Ch 10. Unfortunately not everyone has Ch 10 from the City of Scottsboro's Power Board. The forum was broadcast live on WKEA radio.
Each candidate was allowed a 90 second introduction, two questions were drawn from a basket by each candidate, answers were limited to 90 seconds for each candidate and a 90 second closing statement from each candidate.
Enjoy the pictures, they will be presented in 2 parts. Many thanks to my friend Gretel for taking the photos.
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