Huntsville Times article with my comment: http://blog.al.com/breaking/2010/08/safety_dominates_meeting_about.html
*Concerns from Decatur leaders: http://decaturdaily.com/detail/65777.html
Civilian contractors were misrepresenting themselves with the blessings of the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) http://nnsa.energy.gov/ . Areva-Shaw contractors wore identification name tags of the Department of Energy (DOE) NNSA. Many of the alleged federal employees, DOE-NNSA, present were civilian contractors who stand to gain billions of dollars from the plutonium-MOX program. http://www.wise-uranium.org/epdcs.html
All civilian contractors of Areva ("The French State owns more than 90%.")-Shaw should have been identified properly as civilian contractors, this was not the case. The failure of proper identification casts a shadow of doubt over a program which must be free from deception. Areva: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Areva Shaw-Areva-MOX=SHAM: http://ir.shawgrp.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=61066&p=irol-newsArticle&ID=1150039&highlight=
In another disclosure at last evening's meeting, the TVA has been involved in Secret negotiations with the NRC, Nuclear Regulatory Commission (The NRC was not present at last evenings meeting.), to relax security of shipments concerning Plutonium-MOX fuel due to costs of security. This disclosure was revealed in recent Freedom of Information Act disclosures which the TVA Public Relations representative denied in last nights meeting. Mr. Terry Johnson, Public Relations-TVA, seemed shocked at the FOIA disclosure at last nights meeting. Mr. Johnson denied any knowledge of the NRC-TVA negotiations, stating when asked about the secret negotiations, "I find it doubtful TVA would do such a thing." Dr. Edward Lyman, Union of Concerned Scientists disclosed the documents to Mr. Johnson with me present.
I expressed concern to Mr. Johnson that deception from the TVA can not be tolerated in the NEPA, National Environmental Protection Act, process concerning disclosing to the public necessary information related to public safety of nuclear materials.
Saying that documents were “disclosed” to me at the meeting is a bit of exaggeration. As you know, Dr. Lyman opened his folder for about 15 seconds during which time I was only shown the first pages of three documents. That is hardly enough time to determine the content of the documents. Nothing that I was shown indicated that “TVA has been involved in Secret negotiations with the NRC” about transportation security. As Dr. Lyman pointed out, NRC rulemaking would be necessary for changes in MOX classification for transportation and that process is very much open to the public.
Any readers of your blog might also wonder as I do, why Dr. Lyman hasn’t provided you with copies of the documents of which he only offers momentary glimpses.
Thank you for your comment.
You are aware of why the documents were disclosed to you. I had heard of the documents, approached you concerning the issue of "secret" negotiations between the TVA and the NRC relating to relaxing security measures concerning shipments of plutonium oxide fuel.
As indicated in the article text you denied knowledge of the negotiations and did state "I find it doubtful TVA would do such a thing."
I relayed to you what I had been told about the email documents, revealing the negotiations and that they were released as a result of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)request.
I brought Dr. Lyman over to you to discuss the issue with me present. Dr. Lyman displayed the email documents to you stating, "the documents had been acquired as a result of a FOIA request." The documents were internal email documents between NRC officials and TVA officials relating to relaxing of shipment security of MOX Plutonium Fuel.
The documents were in fact disclosed to you, that is a fact. Your failure to request a copy of the documents from Dr. Lyman rests on your shoulders.
Since the documents have been released by a FOIA request I'm sure TVA would be able to obtain copies and attempt to spin the truth in regards to the relaxed security negotiations of MOX fuel shipments. Much like TVA press releases spinning the truth in regards to the degree of completion of the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant after cannibalization, spinning the truth concerning the extent of the Widows Creek Coal Ash spill and spinning the truth concerning risks of the Bellefonte radioactive nuclear plant to the citizen's of Scottsboro.
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