At a meeting at St. Paul AME Church last night, Wed., Aug. 25, 2010, Rev. Anderson stated he had met with the Mayor and other city officials to include FEMA representatives. Officials have suggested that residents which were flooded should move. It was stated property owners homes will be purchased and new homes will be made available at no charge to the current property owners. Currently flood victims are staying in area motels. Food assistance is being provided. Rev Anderson stated the motel stays will be extended, FEMA trailers will be made available as well as public housing. It was stated efforts are being made to acquire furniture to replace lost furniture. Fund raisers are scheduled at St.Paul Church, North Houston St., Friday and Saturday at 6PM.
Flood Story updates from the Daily Sentinel:
Cost of improved drainage could cost $17 million. http://thedailysentinel.com/story.lasso?ewcd=6818d2b02874b883
A helping hand. http://thedailysentinel.com/story.lasso?ewcd=7f473e4cf6e400ae
History of flooding. http://thedailysentinel.com/story.lasso?ewcd=54e73eae2aef599f
Flood Story updates from the Daily Sentinel:
Cost of improved drainage could cost $17 million. http://thedailysentinel.com/story.lasso?ewcd=6818d2b02874b883
A helping hand. http://thedailysentinel.com/story.lasso?ewcd=7f473e4cf6e400ae
History of flooding. http://thedailysentinel.com/story.lasso?ewcd=54e73eae2aef599f
There was no Old Business. New Business: 1) The terms of the current Municipal Court Judge and Assistant Judge will expire on Sep. 30, 2010. The terms of the 2 Municipal Prosecutors will expire on Sep. 30, 2010. Interested candidates for the positions should turn in their requests to the city Clerk no later than 4:30PM, Sep. 17, 2010 2) Larry Ward from Morgan Keegan made presentation concerning bond refinancing. This involves the refinancing of General Obligation Municipal Bonds. Judge Ward stated the bonds would benefit the city due to lower rates, total savings realized would be $375, 000. 3) Ordinance to rename Willis Street to Lost Luggage Lane.approved. A section of Willow St west of Cedar Hill Dr. will receive an honorary designation during the period of the Labor Day weekend to celebrate Unclaimed Bagge's 40th Anniversary.4) 3 Board members were appointed to the Industrial Development Board. Reappointed was Mr. Joe Porch, appointed was Mr. Steve Livingston and Mr. Roy Light. Mr. Light is also the Scottsboro Water, Sewer and Gas Board Director. 4) There are 3 vacancies on the Scottsboro Museum Board. Requests to fill the positions must be turned in by 4:30PM, Sep 17, 2010 to the City Clerk. 5) Bid opening for the recycling of 100 tons of recyclable waste. Tyaylor Group received the bid award for $10 per ton. 6) Rev. Granville Anderson of the St. Paul United Methodist Church made presentation concerning needs of the Flooding victims. The Maple Street area of Scottsboro experienced serious flood damage as a result of torrential rains last week. A special committee was formed to assist Flood victims in relocation. Councilman Gary Speers is the fund relief coordinator and Rev. Granville Anderson is serving as a liaison for the people effected by the flood, coordinating city, funding and community efforts. The Red Cross, Salvation Army, local businesses and several local residents have made donations of food and money to assist the flood victims. Donations for the Flood victims may be made to the Greater St. Paul African American Methodist Episcopal Church Disaster Relief Fund at the First National Bank of Scottsboro. (See above update below letter.) 7)CDBG grant approved for sewer line improvement in the industrial park. The grant is a cost share grant, $400K will be provided with the Water Sewer and Gas Board providing $150K. 8) Work Session on Sep 6 will be rescheduled for Sep. 13, due to Labor Day weekend, prior to the regular City Council meeting.
*Reports: a) Water Sewer and Gas Board has provided $34K for street repair. b) Discussion concerning trip to TVA Board meeting in Knoxville.
c) Witt-Russell Refrigeration Group will be relocating from Brea California soon. Information concerning the recent acquisitions and selling of Carrier's Heat Transfer Products Group, HTPG.
Apparently the new company will be called "HTPG."
Carrier-Witt-Russell-Monomoy Capital/Starboard Capital acquisition and sale information. Carrier's parent company is United Technologies, UTX. It appears UTX is shedding part of its holdings to become leaner and more profitable.
About Monomoy Capital http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapId=20337494
Starboard Capital Partners: http://investing.businessweek.com/businessweek/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapId=34515554
Witt-Russell was Carrier's heat transfer products group. The world market has made it very difficult for U.S. refrigeration products to be profitable, welcome to the "world economy."
Monomoy is dedicated to constructive investing and business improvement. http://www.mcpfunds.com/
Monomoy is dedicated to constructive investing and business improvement. http://www.mcpfunds.com/
Best of luck to the new company. Moving its HQ out of California is a profitable move. http://www.witthtp.com/facilities.html
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