It certainly appears our Daily Sentinel has the inside track on Bellefonte, or do they? This morning's lead story should be a concern to the area's citizens. Read carefully, as you will notice the TVA will not make a final decision on Bellefonte Friday. They will however continue to spend rate payer money on a plant which no one knows if it will be completed. http://www.thedailysentinel.com/story.lasso?ewcd=5f0df2818269344f
According to the Daily Sentinel article, a contingent of local officials will make presentations at Knoxville this Friday.
Our electric rates continue to rise and rise, according to the TVA due to increasing fuel rates. The affects on business and industry are far more important than home owner electric rates. Sustainable energy solutions are less expensive than the growing costs of radioactive atomic power.
A quarter of a billion dollars will be decided on Friday for improving existing controls and structure according to Terry Johnson, the TVA public relations person feeding the story to the Sentinel. The TVA is not telling the public the full story concerning Bellefonte.
TVA now states, as indicated in the article, they will wait on its Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) which is due in the spring of 2011 before a final decision. http://www.tva.gov/environment/reports/irp/index.htm
The bottom line is this, the TVA is spending hundreds of millions of dollars on Bellefonte without a final approval of construction of the nuclear facility. This is the epitome of government waste and it is madness!
We wonder why the TVA is near its mandated $30 billion dollar Congressional Cap! We wonder why our nations debt is extreme! This is the reason, government bureaucrats who continuously mismanage programs in support of themselves and politicians who receive millions in election funding from government contractor PACs who are concerned about one thing, the amount of money they may fleece from you the taxpayer. Wake up to reality fellow taxpayers.
A crippled TVA Board--- A dysfunctional Senate crippling the TVA. http://www.wbir.com/news/local/story.aspx?storyid=130966&provider=rss
Senator Dick "the crippler" Shelby. Here is his contact info--http://shelby.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=ContactSenatorShelby.EmailSenatorShelby
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