The City Council Meeting was conducted in 2 parts this evening. The first was a continuation of last weeks regular City Council Meeting and the second was a council work session. The council meeting began early due to the election forum conducted at the Scottsboro High School.
City Council Continuation from Aug. 9, 2010: There was 1 item under new business, amendment of Street Department budget for the purchase of a portable vehicle air conditioner refrigerant recovery machine. This piece of equipment will cost $3275.00, the equipment was approved for purchase.
August 16, 2010 Work Session: 1) Ms Brenda Cantrell representing The Unclaimed Baggage Center made a presentation concerning the celebration of Unclaimed Baggage's 40th Anniversary on Labor Day of this year. Ms. Cantrell stated that Unclaimed Baggage had been awarded the Tourism Attraction of the Year for Alabama receiving the highest number of visits for any tourism destination.
Ms Cantrell requested that Willow Street from Cedar Hill Dr to the Muffler Shop receive an honorary designation during the Labor Day Weekend as Unclaimed Baggage Boulevard. A request was also submitted to change the name of Willis Street, the north entrance to Cedar Hill Cemetery and the small drive adjacent to Unclaimed Baggage Center on the west side to Lost Luggage Lane.
It was mentioned that Unclaimed Baggage is the worlds largest contributor to eye glasses via the Lions Club. The "Center" employs 115 local citizens.
The City Council will consider and vote on the issue at next Monday's council meeting.
2) Mr. Roy Light, Manager of the Scottsboro Water Sewer and Gas (WSG) Board discussed a $400,000 grant for the Hwy 72 Industrial Park to improve existing infrastructure, specifically sewer lines. Mr. Light stated the proposed project would involve 8000 feet of sewer line improvement. This grant would be a cost sharing grant. Mr. Light commented the WSG Board would provide approximately $150, 000 for the grant.
Reports: 1) CDA Special Call meeting on August 24, 2010 at 5:30PM. 2) The Mayor announced the City Election at the Rec Com will be held in the new gym instead of the old gym. The old gym where the election is normally held is experiencing air conditioning problems. The new gym is in the same building. Signs will be posted in appropriate locations directing citizens to the voting area.
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