"A popular government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives."


Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Neu-Republikan Party's Tea Party

Racism, Deceit and Fascism is the Neu-Republikan Party's Tea Party strategy of right wing extremism.
The Neu-Republikan Party-Sieg Heil??

"Republican U.S. House candidate Rich Iott is pictured wearing a Nazi uniform for his participation in re-enactments of the Nazi’s 5th SS Panzer Division Wiking.  http://blogs.clarionledger.com/jmitchell/2010/10/15/congressional-candidate-takes-part-in-nazi-reenactments/
The Republicans goal is to support their corporate money providers at any cost, even if it results in the destruction of local environments or the world. There will be a growing riff between in the Democrat and Republican Party. http://www.politicususa.com/en/gop-morality
The Republicans have stated their policy is no compromise on any issue. http://www.tnr.com/blog/jonathan-cohn/78740/boehner-no-compromise
They will do anything to gain power to include bashing the heads of protesters and the press who ask unwanted questions. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_162-20001591-504083.html http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1010/43778.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txU55iFG9UA
One of my big concerns with the Republicans is the mixing of religious doctrine and politics for political gain. http://christiancitizens.org/ ( The old Christian Coalition) History demonstrates this religious-political mix results in a destruction of liberty for citizens. In this ad campaign which has showed up in many Alabama Press publications today is mostly one big fat lie in describing Democrat candidates. I guess lying is an acceptable trait of these so called Christians. http://www.christiancitizens.org/alabama_coalition-christian_voting_guide.html
The Republicans practice a political strategy of racism to gain votes, "The Southern Strategy,"  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/04/22/michael-steele-for-decade_n_547702.html
the Southern Strategy exposed. http://scottsborostories.blogspot.com/2010/09/republicans-southern-strategy-racism.html

UPDATE August 4, 2012: Is "political conservatism" a form of insanity? "A meta-analysis culled from 88 samples in 12 countries, and with an N of 22,818, revealed that “several psychological variables predicted political conservatism.”Which variables exactly?In order of predictive power:Death anxiety, system instability, dogmatism/intolerance of ambiguity, closed-mindedness, low tolerance of uncertainty, high needs for order, structure, and closure, low integrative complexity, fear of threat and loss, and low self-esteem.The researchers conclude, a little chillingly, that “the core ideology of conservatism stresses resistance to change and a justification of inequality.”"  http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/genius-and-madness/200809/is-political-conservatism-mild-form-insanity 

Is political ultra-conservatism indicative of mental illness? "Researchers at the University of California at Berkeley essentially confirmed this view with an meta-analysis of scores of academic studies on conservative political attitudes last year. In the study, "Political Conservatism as Motivated Social Cognition," the Berkeley researchers found (Berkley link} common psychological factors linked to political conservatism include: fear and aggression, dogmatism and intolerance of ambiguity, uncertainty avoidance, need for cognitive closure, and terror management that causes conservatives to shun and even punish outsiders and those who threaten the status of their cherished world views..." http://reason.com/archives/2004/10/20/pathologizing-conservatism  "Terror management" as a behavior is not conducive to facilitating communications in any environment.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Jackson County Commission Agendas/Work Session and Regular Meeting

Mr. Tommy Bryant of the North Jackson Water Authority made presentation concerning a $822K grant along County Road 93. (Oct 21 work session)
Dr. Ellen Spears, Professor University of Alabama New College, makes presentation to the Jackson County Commission concerning the University's support and many other Universities scholastic support of the Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center. (Oct 21 work session)

Director of the Scottsboro Boys Museum, Ms. Sheila Washington makes request for funding assistance of the Scottsboro Boys Museum. It was suggested by Commissioner Jack Allen that the museum seek support from the Chamber of Commerce since they receive all tourism dollars form county and state sources. Ms. Washington had been told when submitting the request for money last year that the commission had no money to give the museum, to return this year. The commission has however, furnished money to the Scottsboro/Jackson Heritage Center last year and this year. (Oct 21 work session)

Ms. Donna Haislip makes presentation concerning the United Givers Fund. (Oct 21 work session)

Commissioner Gaylon Stone questioned Ms. Haislip concerning how much money of the United Givers Fund is utilized for administrative expense. (Oct 21 work session)

Judge Graham makes Work Session request on Court fixture improvements needed, presented during the Oct 21st work session. Needed improvements are sound system and handicap accessible juror areas.

Page 1 of Monday's Jackson County Commission meeting agenda. (click on image to expand view)

Page 2 Of Monday, Oct 25, 2010 Jackson County Commission meeting minutes. Road Funds article from The Clarion: http://www.theclarion.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=435:road-funds-expected-to-return-to-normal&catid=42:clarion-rotation-stories&Itemid=142

Item C on the agenda under new business, Daily Sentinel article: http://thedailysentinel.com/news/article_23e49fac-e161-11df-bb49-001cc4c03286.html

Dog-n-Pony Show Work Session, apparently the Commission still has problems with the conduct of their meetings. We have laws and policy establishing proceedures but the laws have no meaning with none to enforce them and correct the violations of this commission. Is there no one on the County Commission that is willing to say enough is enough!? Special Called Meeting held during the work session, work session was not adjourned. No agenda for the Special Called meeting.

Work Session agenda for October 21, 2010. (See pictures above) There was also a Called Special Meeting during this session. There was no published agenda for the Special Called Meeting. The Special Meeting was held during the Work Session without properly adjourning the work session. More examples of improperly conducted of Commission meetings in violation of the Alabama Open Meetings Law and Commission meetings standards as specified in the Code of Alabama. (click on image for an expanded view)
Special Called Meeting: Cable Service was the subject of the Special Called meeting. Bravo to Jack Allen who voted no on the Cable issue due to the meeting not being conducted properly with no published agenda. The commission adjourned into an executive Session for 15 minutes to discuss pending litigation.
Enough is enough County Commission, please conduct your meetings properly or step down and allow someone who will conduct the meetings properly with a proper, published agenda. After 2 years we should not be having these serious lapses in established procedures of the County Commission. Why have procedural laws if they are not going to be followed or enforced?

Scottsboro City Council

Terry Thomas and Carol McCrary shake hands. Ms. McCrary is the incoming council member for Place 3 and Mr. Thomas is the outgoing council member for Place 3.
Ms. Carol McCrary will be sworn in on November the 1st, 2010 at a 6PM Induction and organizational meeting.

Council member Terry Thomas' last city council meeting.

Mr. Matthew Hodges, City Council President, presents Certificate of Appreciation plaque to Mr. Thomas for his 4 years of service to the City of Scottsboro, Alabama.

City of Scottsboro Drainage Plan-South side. (click on image for expanded view)

City of Scottsboro Drainage Plan-North side. (click on image for expanded view)

Outline of the City of Scottsboro's City Council meeting on Monday Oct. 25, 2010. Old Business: 1) Alcoholic Business License public hearing, "Cheers of Scottsboro" located in the old Pizza Hut building on South Broad St.. The owners spoke in behalf of the business, there were no citizens to speak against the business selling alcoholic beverages. The license was approved pending proper inspections.

New Business: 1) Three vacancies announced on the Scottsboro Planning Commission. Applications must be submitted to the City Clerk prior to Nov. 17, 2010 by 4:30PM. 2) Micah Way from the Scottsboro High School entrance to WalMart northeast entrance will be closed on Nov 4, 2010 from 3-7PM for a track meet. 3) Public Hearing for RZED Bonds, Recovery Zone Bonds, for the design and construction of service roads along Hwy 72. There were no negative comments during the hearing. The issue was approved by the City Council. No comment as to the financial specifics of the bonds. 4) Engineers update concerning improvement of drainage in Scottsboro. CDG Associates will be handling the project. It is estimated the project will cost $17 million over a period of 10 years. (see above pictured plan) 5) Library Board appointment, Candice Paradise approved. 6) 3 vacancies on the Airport Advisory Board. submit applications to the City clerk no later than Nov. 17, 2010 4:30PM. 7) Vacancies on the Recreation Center Advisory Board, contact city clerk for more information, 256-574-3100 Requests must be turned in by Nov 17, 2010 4:30PM. 8) Vacancy on the Abatement Board, request must be turned in to the city clerk by Nov. 17, 2010. 9) Oil & Lube Services Bid. Parma Oil of Chattanooga had been awarded the previous bid but has since rejected providing the product due to rising costs. Jackson Oil company was approved as the next low bidder. 10) Approve 90% of the 2010-2011 Budget. It was reported there will be no cost of living wages. Expenditures are expected to be $19,282,000 for the current fiscal year. Daily Sentinel link to issuehttp://thedailysentinel.com/news/article_d6444964-e133-11df-b286-001cc4c002e0.html 11) New Organizational Chart approved for the Solid Waste Department. 12) FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant application approved for the Maple Street area. Approval was made for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute any and all documents related to this project. City will be required to pay for or provide services equaling 25% of the projected project. 13) Announcement of Induction of Council Members and Organizational meeting of the Scottsboro City Council on Nov. 1, 2010. 14) City Council President's presentation to Mr. Terry Thomas. (pictures above)

Reports: Mayor Potter expressed appreciation for the service of out going City Councilman Terry Thomas.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sheriff Matt Wann Story on Scottsboro Stories


An Ode to a Sheriff from "The Odes" in part,
A story of an Odd Fellow from the heart.
The restless wings of time hath brought
the parting moment near.
The bell that tolls the midnight chime,
will knell a glorious day-
The memory of a forgotten time,
shall never fade away.
Farewell ye Brothers true and bold!
This day to you shall be.
O'er prejudice and slander old;
The Day of Victory;
And they who barr'd our infant way
Shall cheer our mighty youth,
And own the noble power to-day,
Of Friendship, Love and Truth.
The story of Matt Wann is told,
So the "Pale Face" may n'er agin be so bold,
Thus-this story of murder is told.
The murder of Matt Wann at Scottsboro Stories http://scottsborostories.blogspot.com/2010/10/sheriff-matt-wann-brave-man-and-untold.html

Monday, October 25, 2010

Severe Weather in Jackson County, Failed Warning System

Local storm track at 3:40-3:45 AM, circles indicate damage to homes or structures. A indicates Rosalie, Al. Click on maps or photos for expanded view.
Northeast Alabama storm Track from Cullman, Morgan County to Jackson County, Al.. At approximately 3:15 it was reported that a tornado was on the ground at Columbus City near grant.

Damage near Pleasant View Community, State Hwy 40 & co Rd 22.

Approximately 4:00AM, Oct. 25, 2010 Jackson County experienced severe weather, tornado vortex signature and damage indicates an F-0 or F-1 tornado.

National Weather Service issued Tornado Warnings as early as 2:30AM for Morgan County, tornado warnings were issued at approximately 3:15 for Marshall Co. and Jackson Co. at 3:45. It was obvious that the line of storms was going to involve Jackson County at 2:45 AM. Unfortunately our EMA did not react nor was there a sufficient warning issued. Prior conversations with the Jackson County EMA officials reveal that due to the fear of legal action warnings will not be issued until the National Weather Service issues a specific warning for the area. Here we have bureaucrats making decisions of life and death based on a fear of legal action not decisions based on good sense and science. Bureaucratic Protocol takes precedent over good sense, science and the issuance of life saving, timely severe weather warnings.

From 3:45 till 4:10 AM Jackson County experienced severe weather destroying property, down trees and power lines on Sand Mountain between Rosalie and Henager. Damage was also reported near Section. A tornado was reported on the ground at Columbus City near Grant, Al.

911 reported calls from many citizens of the area reporting they were attempting to gain access to area public shelters, however those shelters were closed. The emergency warning system did not sound in Scottsboro although a tornado warning was issued.

The area around Co Rd. 422 off of State Rd. 40 reported severe damage, per 911 communications; area around Pleasant View also reporting damage.

First Responders and road crews were out early cleaning up the blocked roads and checking for damage and entrapment. Mutual assistance call has gone out due to severe damage on Sand Mt. State Hwy. 40 area. A tornado was reported in that area (see photos above).

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Horrace Clemmons Announces Bid for Senate District 8 Seat

Jackson County Commissioner for Place 4, Horrace Clemmons
Little Napoleon, Clemmons has acted in Napoleonic style toward bullying commissioners and citizens who do not agree with his secrecy and efforts at division. I purchased the rights of this image to demonstrate Horrace Clemmons Napoleonic style of management on the County Commission. He seems to think that the county commission is his entity to carry forth his secretive agenda. He has plans which he will not disclose. It is my opinion he is a dangerous government official which has supported secret meetings, closed door sessions and decision making out of the the open meeting while conducting legal mediation. Mr. Clemmons' conducts government business as if he was the owner of a business, in secret and beyond the scope of the public eye.
I had heard rumors about this alleged move on Wednesday. Many were stating there was a Facebook posting which had announced Clemmons' run for the Senate seat. In a "Breaking News" story the Daily Sentinel made the announcement. http://thedailysentinel.com/news/article_7b274b1a-dc6c-11df-8230-001cc4c03286.html#user-comment-area

From his Facebook page: Oct. 19, 2010 11:09 "Horace Clemmons If you, like me, are having a difficult time with the options that we have on the ballot for State Senate District 8 then please write-in “Horace Clemmons” on your ballot."

Today, Oct. 20, 2010, Horrace Clemmons says: "Horace Clemmons All of you that know me, know I am a Democrat, a belief fromed from my life experiences. That is why I find Senator Barron's statement in The Daily Sentinel off the mark, "It was my understanding [Clemmons] was strongly supporting Shadrack McGill." Were I to have voted for either candidate, it would have been the Democrat."

Well Mr. Clemmons you may say you are a Democrat and that is certainly your choice but I must say you are about the most Republican acting Democrat I've seen. A "wolf in sheeps clothing" has been seen in these parts, as a Republican your chances are slim to nil in being elected to Senate District 8.

More from articles relating to Horrace Clemmons from my blog: Secret Meeting: http://arklite.blogspot.com/2010/07/jackson-county-park-board-secret.html ;
Circumventing the commissions authority, making up the rules: http://arklite.blogspot.com/2010/01/jackson-county-commission-special.html

The bottom line, there has been more turmoil during this county commission's tenure than any other in recent memory. Mr. Clemmons has contributed greatly to the turmoil, secrecy, division and surepiticious rule making. He has attempted to bully citizens and colleagues alike while on this commission. It is my opinion the election Horrace Clemmons representing Senate District 8 would be an error in judgement for the citizens of Jackson County.

Scottsboro City Council Meeting

Monday October the 18th was a Scottsboro City Council work session.

1) Text message ordinance discussion. Ordinances from Huntsville, Madison , Decatur and Montgomery are being reviewed by council members, the Mayor, the city attorney and the Police Chief to determine the best restrictions for Scottsboro drivers. Story from The Daily Sentinel http://thedailysentinel.com/news/article_64628550-dbdd-11df-baba-001cc4c002e0.html 2) Solid Waste organizational chart discussion. 3) discussion concerning appointment to Library Board. The term of Ms. Candy Paradise expires, she has requested to be reappointed. the City Clerk indicated their were no other applicants for the position. The decision will be made at next Mondays regular city council session. 4) Commercial Development Authority Board (CDA) application deadlines are due Oct. 22nd 2010 by 4:30 PM. Applications should be submitted to the City Clerk by Fridays deadline. 5) Discussion concerning the request to close Micah Way, it will be closed temporarily between the High School and the northeast WalMart shopping Center entrance from 3PM to 7PM Nov. 4, 2010 for a track meet.

Reports: 1) The Mayor reported on the auction of the old Police Station, will be held 20 Nov, 2010. Report from the Daily Sentinel http://thedailysentinel.com/news/article_e18bcae6-dbdd-11df-a44d-001cc4c002e0.html 2) Report from Mayor on the Hazard Mitigation Grant for Maple Street, the city will be required to provide a 25% cost share for the grant. 3) It was reported the 2011 budget for the City of Scottsboro will be presented for approval during next Mondays council meeting.

Critics blast contract for Bellefonte generators.--Nuclear fuels process, sickness and death.

To The Office of the Tenneesse Valley Authority Inspector General;
Complaint: Regarding the design and construction by contract of 2 steam generators for the Bellefonte Nuclear Power Plant prior to TVA Board approval of construction.
Per news article, "Babcock & Wilcox Nuclear Energy, Inc., has been notified of a contract award from Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to design and manufacture two steam generators for the Bellefonte Unit 1 Plant as a part of the Bellefonte completion project." link:http://www.marketwatch.com/story/bw-to-design-and-manufacture-steam-generators-for-tvas-bellefonte-unit-1-plant-2010-10-14?reflink=MW_news_stmp
The purchase by contract is being made prior to the approval of the construction phase of the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. The "letting" of this contract prior to approval by the TVA Board could result in a financial loss to the TVA. As a minimum the approval of "letting" contracts of this nature relating to the construction of the nuclear plant places the "cart before the horse" and circumvents the approval process of the TVA Board. Unless the TVA is now saying the Board is insignificant and subordinate to the executive decision making of the TVA's executive officers. Surely the TVA Board is not engaged in a secret "star chamber exercise" in violation of the Federal Sunshine Laws?
Request: 1) Determine if law or policy has been violated due to the letting of this contract prior to the official approval of the TVA Board concerning construction outcome of the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Unit 1. 2) Was there a violation of the Federal Sunshine law or Federal contract requirement law or policy concerning this purchase in lieu of no formal approval of the TVA Board concerning construction of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Unit 1. 3) Does this contract undermine the legal process of the TVA Act and the approvals of such matters of construction prior to formal action of the TVA Board?
Please notify the undersigned of the receipt of this complaint and outcome. END OF COMPLAINT.
Research discloses it will cost in excess of $300 million dollars. (Not considering the additional transportation costs involved in transport to Alabama). Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) article, http://neinuclearnotes.blogspot.com/2009/09/news-video-of-three-mile-islands-steam.html The TVA Board authorized $248 million for "study and engineering feasibility" for the Bellefonte Nuclear project. Note in the NEI article about the tubing to be replaced at Three Mile Island nuclear plant, the same type of tubing was removed from the Bellefonte plant during its cannibalization 4 years ago. Scrap of Bellefonte sold for $49 million in 2006, http://www.timesfreepress.com/news/2009/mar/29/alabama-salvaging-bellefonte/ not very cost effective. THE CANILIBAZATION INCLUDED THE STEAM GENERATORS, an integral component of the reactor power generation system.
UPDATE: The TVA's actions in this matter appears to violate the Anti-Deficiency Act (ADA) as there is no authority or funds to purchase the steam generators without the specific approval of the TVA Board. 31 U.S.C. § 1341. The ADA prohibits the Federal Government from entering into a contract that is not "fully funded" because doing so would obligate the government in the absence of an appropriation adequate to the needs of the contract. http://www.gao.gov/ada/antideficiency.htm
"No member of the American public has ever been killed by commercial nuclear power — a record unmatched by other fuels." by Lamar Alexander
My Reply TO "POLITIFACT": NOT TRUE. (Politifact or Sen. Lamar Alexander refuses to answer my charge they are not telling the truth in support of the multinational nuclear corporations. Alexander receives PAC and corporate contributions from the nuclear industry or their representatives.)
Nuclear Industry workers have been killed by commercial nuclear power. The nuclear fuel processing facilities are the nuclear industry's dirty little secret. If there was no commercial nuclear power the fuel fabrication facilities would not be in operation. Nuclear fuel workers sickness and deaths http://vimeo.com/1792087 {note the number of claims at 1min 57 sec into video, also note 7min 10 sec thru 7mim 20 sec into the video how difficult it is to acquire claims approval for the exposed workers "radiation is not a toxic substance." ) NOTE BELOW THE CURRENT CLAIMS, benefits paid.
Three Mile Island (TMI), Killer of Babies- http://www.ratical.org/radiation/KillingOurOwn/KOO14.html "But in fact, said Sternglass, these "preliminary" figures showed an infant-death rate within that ten-mile radius of 7.2 per 1000 live births in 1978; in 1979, after the accident, the number had risen to 15.7 per 1000--a more than doubling. The numbers for infant-death rates within a five-mile radius of TMI--though small--were even more damning. In 1978 the rate had been 2.3 infant deaths per 1000 live births; in 1979, after the accident, it was 16.2--a jump by a factor of seven."
Benefits paid including death benefits to survivors at: Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant http://www.dol.gov/owcp/energy/regs/compliance/charts/paducah.htm
Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion
Stats: (billions of $$ in claims) Part B&E summary- http://www.dol.gov/owcp/energy/regs/compliance/weeklystats.htm#1
"People in power who produce within the nuclear fuel chain count costs more than people and thus people become contaminated in deadly ways -- then the contaminated people are finessed or lied to, and suffer in sickness and death as do those they are intimately associated with.
* People who should be holding the producers accountable in the public interest don't, or won't, or don't know how to, or try to but run into obstacles and are discredited or don't have the resources to carry on their struggle.
* People who are sick, dying, and their survivors, have extreme difficulty in finding out how they got that way, then when they do, in finding remedies that will help them, in whatever arena and labyrinth.
* People who struggle against this betrayal each and all have a story that ought to be heard and taken to heart. The film and posted video clips aim to be a way their stories can be heeded.
* In particular, one of the supposed remedies, the EEOICPA (Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act), is flawed, and for many represents just another betrayal.
Lamar Alexander is a politician who is more concerned with the nuclear corporations bottom line, he is a pawn to the nuclear power brokers. I would hope the folks at "PolitiFact" do not follow in his foot steps demonstrating loyalty to the corporation instead of concern for the people being sickened and dying from the nuclear fuels process. In the statistics and video stories I have listed for you there are many facts which will demonstrate thousands are currently sick, dying and dead as a result of commercial nuclear power. This tragedy has not occurred in the commercial reactor facility itself but as a result of the nuclear fuels process. As the old saying goes, "6 of one, half a dozen of the other;" the results are the same.
You may discover more about the dangers of nuclear power at http://www.matrr.org/

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

TVA Green Power Switch--TVA Inspector General Investigation

Dear TVA Green Power Switch Purchasers,
Purchasers of TVA Green Power Switch Power, do you think the extra money you pay goes to purchase so called "Green Power" to your residence? If you think that think again, it does not. Your money goes into, as the IG states, the general mix. Audit findings concerning TVA's "Green Power Switch Program. "Green power purchased or procured by TVA under the Green Power Switch® program is added to the power mix and does not flow directly to consumers who sign up for the program."

The TVA IG goes on to say that folks have been explained this fact many times in several publications. Personally, I have not specifically looked and searched for the "small print" in the Green Power Switch Program. However, nothing I have heard, seen or read CLEARLY states the following explanation: "Our review demonstrates that this fact [purchases are added to the general power mix and does not flow directly to the consumers] is adequately disclosed in the marketing materials we reviewed and was generally understood by the 17 Green Power Switch® participants we surveyed."

Further findings:
>"Three items contained language explaining that renewable energy produced is added to the power mix and is not directly routed to the program participant. >Six items contained a statement that renewable energy produced is added to the power mix. >Forty-one items contained no language explaining that renewable energy produced is added to the power mix or not directly routed to the program participants. >While not all advertising materials directly stated that green power is part of TVA's power mix, they all did direct consumers to learn more about the program from TVA's Green Power Switch® Web site. The Web site states that green power is added to TVA's power mix. In addition, some marketing materials refer consumers to their distributor for additional information.

If you pay for TVA Green Power you are paying for something you do not receive. You receive power just like any other person receives power who pays no extra money. There is no "Green Power" going to any one residence or business. The reason the TVA audit took place by the TVA-OIG was due to complaints. There have also been complaints to the SEC and the FBI accusing fraud on the part of the TVA in their Green Power Switch program.

Think about it, what is "green" for some is not green for others. The money you pay goes for the TVA's purchase of nuclear power! Quote from the report, "by choosing to pay a little more for Green Power Switch, you help advance the technology and increase the amount of electricity generated from cleaner sources."

Remember friends and neighbors, the TVA considers "radioactive nuclear power as CLEAN energy, it is not clean. I have heard many statements from TVA Executives at the TVA quarterly meetings, "nuclear power is clean energy." The nuclear fuels process has been deadly, killing and sickening thousands involved in Uranium fuels enrichment process. ( Source: Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act http://www.hss.energy.gov/healthsafety/fwsp/advocacy/ Poisoned Nuclear workers http://www.wildclearing.com/ice-ages/the-exposed.html )
Better Business Bureau Reports nuclear energy is not clean energy. "The “clean air myth” of nuclear power was demolished on May 13, 1999, when the Nuclear Energy Institute’s advertising campaign was deemed “misleading” by the Better Business Bureau. The commercial in question featured a cute owl singing the praises of nuclear power and thanking the NEI for clean air." http://www.pennlive.com/editorials/index.ssf/2010/09/nuclear_power_is_not_the_green.html
TVA Reference: Memorandum from the Office of the Inspector General February 18, 2010 Kenneth R. Breeden, OCP 1F-NSTFINAL REPORT – AUDIT 2009-12296 – REVIEW OF GREEN POWER MARKETING http://oig.tva.gov/PDF/10rpts/2009-12296.pdf

Friday, October 8, 2010

Terrorist in Our Nation and the Federal Cover Up

Border Invasion Pictures site: http://borderinvasionpics.com/index.html#FeaturedTop

Ch2 in Atlanta, WSB-TV released this chilling expose on terrorist crossing our southwestern borders on May 18 of this year. http://www.rightpundits.com/?p=6248

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Scottsboro City Council

(photo City of Gardendale, Al.)

Scottsboro will have a splash pad similar to this one in Gardendale, Al. Date of completion is expected by May 2011. The location will be across from the RecCom where the current children's playground is located. "Total cost for the facility will be less than $440,000," stated Scottsboro's Mayor Melton Potter. Read more in the Mayors report section below.

The City Council meeting continuation from last Monday's meeting was closed. The continuation was for the approval of the Service Road $6 million dollar recovery zone bond issue. However, the approval of the issue has been postponed to later in the month.

Outline of last night's city council work session. 1) Micah Way in front of Scottsboro High School to the northeast Wal-Mart shopping Center entrance will be closed on October 18, 2010 from 3-7PM. 2) Discussion concerning the appointment of a CDA, Commercial Development Authority, member. One member resigned due to moving from the area. Council decided they will accept the reapplication to fill the position which expires March 2011. A formal announcement and approval will be made at next Mondays regular city council meeting. 3) Airport Manager job description discussion concerning updates. The current manager of the facility will retire in Nov. 2010. 4) Text messaging ordinance discussion. Discussed sign warnings on roadways and whether they will adopt an ordinance similar to Huntsville/Madison, Al. which cites driver violations when subsequent charges are made or Deatur, Al ordinance which cites drivers for the violation of "Texting." The issue will be on next Mondays agenda. 5) Department Head reclassification issue removed from agenda. (see article below) 6) Solid Waste Organizational Chart discussion concerning proposed changes.

Reports: 1) The Mayor mentioned the Splash Park will be built by J.A. Dawson Inc. of Pelham, Al.. It was stated the contractor is on the Alabama State Bid List so the project will not have to be bid. The estimated cost will be $403,317.35, this includes concrete pad, fixtures and all equipment. The addition of a fence, landscaping, pavilion and other improvements is estimated at approximately $35,000. Total cost not to exceed $440K. 2) Budget Hearings will begin today, Oct 5, 2010 at 4PM, Scottsboro City Hall.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Lacking Personnel Management at the City of Scottsboro

UPDATE: October 4, 2010 8:00PM City Council Member Keith Smith withdraws agenda item to discuss moving Department Heads to Classified Position employees instead of appointed, non classified employees. Mr. Smith stated, "I do not not have the support of the other council members, I request withdrawal of item 5 [Department Head issue] from the agenda."

At Monday's October 4, 2010 City Council meeting, Council Member Keith Smith may bring up issue concerning changing the Department Heads from Non-Classified appointed employees to Classified regular employees. (The police chief and city clerk must be appointed employees in accordance with state law.)

Unfortunately Scottsboro does not have a system of contractual, objective performance standards in place, although an investigator recommended a system of performance standards be implemented due to legal and administrative action concerning the City of Scottsboro and their employees. The standard for personnel operations concerning employee appraisals of government entity's employees is a system of Objective Performance Standards. The City of Scottsboro is failing its responsibilities in relationship to accountability of its employees.

The City of Scottsboro's Personnel Management System is lacking in supervisory accountability, management employee communications and performance planning and standards. Management Training has historically been lacking for the City of Scottsboro.

City Officials of Scottsboro have created and changed job descriptions to meet the individual instead of hiring the individual to meet the requirements of job descriptions. The current management and performance system is seriously lacking and allows for unwarranted political intervention by unscrupulous officials and non-accountable employee performance at all levels.

To move the Department Heads to classified regular employee status is a mistake without improving Scottsboro's deficient Personnel Management System concerning employee performance planning and implementing a system of contractual objective performance standards.

Jackson County Commission Meeting, Sep 27, 2010

Jackson County Commission agenda with my notes, click on image for an expanded view.

Scottsboro City Council Meeting--Sep 27, 2010

Outline of the Sep, 27, 2010 Regular City Council Meeting. Troop 444 made Pledge of Allegiance presentation.

Old Business: Election Certificate issued for Carol McCrary, City Council

New Business: 1) Vacancy on Library Board, application to fill vacancy must be turned into City Clerk by Oct.13, 2010. 2) Bid Opening for Landfill Gas Grant. Phase 1 is gas collection, bid $484, 000, SCS Field Svcs Inc awarded bid. Estimated Phase 1 will be installed by Jan. 2011. Project must be completed by Jul. 2011. Total cost $1.5 million, $500K grant. 3) Temporary closing of Laurel St. to Couch Lane for Scottsboro Power Board customer appreciation day, Thur. Oct 14, 2010, 5:30PM till 7:30PM. 4) Mr. Albert Ricker was reappointed to the Scottsboro Water Sewer & Gas Board. 5) Hon Don Word reappointed as Scottsboro Municipal Judge, 2 year term. 6) Hon Charles Dawson reappointed as Ass't Judge, 2 year terms. 7) Mr. Brian Rice and Ms. Patricia Stewart appointed as Municipal Court Prosecutors, 2 year terms. 8) RZED, Recovery Zone Bonds, $6 million for service roads, approved, public hearing necessary. Bonds must be sold by Nov. 2010. 9) Surplus Property approved, Golf Cart. 10) 3 members of the Museum Commission whose terms had expired reappointed. 11) Bid opening for Rec Com cleaning contract approved, Hester Cleaning Svc, $75.00 per day. 12) Rec Com pool chemicals bid opening, Anders Pool Co. of Huntsville, Al. approved as low bidder. 13) Bid opening of street paving approved. 14) Bid opening for street grates approved, P{atrick Lumber Co. approved as low bidder. 15) Janet Sage resigned as CDA Board Member , moving out of area.

City Council Meeting continued until 4 Oct., 2010

Reports: 1) Mr. Smith requested the Department Head issue be placed on the agenda. Previously brought up to place department heads as Classified, regular employees instead of appointed unclassified employees. (Comment: It has been previously recommended by an investigator that Performance Standards be implemented for Scottsboro City employees. Currently the City of Scottsboro does not have a system of contractual, objective, performance standards in place. This has created serious management problems in the past years. Unfortunately city officials refuse to implement a professional system of performance planning and employee evaluations based on an objective performance standards system of appraisals. The current system by Scottsboro is out of date and allows for political interference instead of a measurable objective system of performance standards as recommended in an official investigation 5 years previous.

2) Budget Hearings to begin Oct. 5, 2010 at 4PM in city Hall.