Jackson County Courthouse circa 1910
Today's agenda, click on images for an expanded view.
County Attorney John Porter reported that the State's Attorney General had provided an opinion concerning the constitutionality issue of the "TVA in lieu of tax cap fund" going into the Jackson County Legislative Delegation. "It is not the Attorney Generals' Office scope of responsibility to determine the Constitutionality of law." It would be incumbent on the commission to file suit in the Circuit Court relative to the issue requesting a ruling. My comment: This will be a problem for the Legislative Delegation concerning the Local Act relative to the TVA in lieu of tax"cap fund." I had researched this issue extensively several years ago, the delegation failed to properly advertise the "cap fund change" in any local paper of the county in 1999 as required by law and the Constitution of the State of Alabama.
The County Attorney mentioned that the proper procedure had been followed concerning notification of recouping money paid to Judge Hambrick. Upon research of this issue an Attorneys General Opinion had been issued to the Jackson County Commission on August 11, 2010. AG Opinion #2010-091 relative to the Omnibus Pay Raise Bill and the 3% pay increase granted to all county employees including elected officials.
It has been stated that Judge Hambrick should have been receiving $99,440.44. There was a 3% pay increase authorized by the County Commission on Oct 28 2009 to all County Employees including the commissioners and the Probate Judge. 3% pay increase of Judge Hambricks pay equals $102,423.65. It has reported, due to the Omnibus Bill and the County Administrator, the Probate Judge's pay should be $99,440.44, that is not what the Attorney Generals Opinion states addressed to the Jackson County Commission. The Attorney Generals' Opinion states the Probate Judge is entitled to the pay raises/cost of living increases, 3% more to be exact. Has there been other cost of living increases since 2009? If so, Judge Hambrick is entitled to those raises. Code of Alabama 11-2A-4(a)
Monday, March 28, 2011
Scottsboro City Council Meeting, Original Post March 28, 2011 - Update July 20, 2016 - Mismanagement of Property - misapplication of law regarding the disposition/demolition of private and public property and confusing the issues of religious worship and government.
1) Alcohol Beverage License for El Patron approved. 2) Water Sewer & Gas Board selection, David Henshaw. 3) $65,000 budget amendment for repair of old Rec Com building roof and installation of air conditioning units. The Building is now used as the Riverside Church, leased from the city.
Update -July 18, 2016- Riverside Church, building owned by the City of Scottsboro. Roof and air/heating unit payed for by taxpayers of the City of Scottsboro. It has been reported by city officials that the church has a 10 year lease at $250.00 per month. The Jackson County District Attorney is a founder of the church and church elder. Scottsboro Police Station and Municipal Courts may be seen to the right of the church. Google Earth photo, Fair Use for non-profit news and commentary.
From my Face Book Post Dated July 14, 2016 - Confusion about Religion and Government's Role in religion, nationally and locally.
Due to governmental mismanagement of property and public nuisance issues within the City of Scottsboro I am updating this article for distribution. Government property and funds mismanagement extends to the separation of religious worship and government involvement in religious worship.
Due to governmental mismanagement of property and public nuisance issues within the City of Scottsboro I am updating this article for distribution. Government property and funds mismanagement extends to the separation of religious worship and government involvement in religious worship.
The meshing of Church and State occurs locally and nationally, it is tantamount to government sponsored religion.
Before I get into this let me say, I'm a Southern Baptist and my faith in the Miracle of Salvation and Christian Values are strong. With that said, religious worship is a personal and family matter. Never should the government be involved in sponsoring any religion, religious events or themes. Particularly, government should not be involved in building or furnishing equipment for a local church, building leased from local government or not! This blurs the entire line of separation between religious worship and state and places an unfair burden on taxpayers.
NATIONAL CONFUSION - 10 million in tax dollars for infra-structure development - http://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/politics/2016/04/22/should-kentucky-taxpayers-pay-ark-encounter-road/83360676/ An additional 18 million dollars in tax incentives for a religious theme park project.
LOCAL CONFUSION - Should the City of Scottsboro's citizens be paying for a roof and air conditioner on a local church, since the city owns the building. $ 65,000 was spent for a new roof and air/heating unit. http://arklite.blogspot.com/2011/03/scottsboro-city-council-meeting_28.html
Is there a conflict between the City of Scottsboro, where the local District Attorney, DA, Charley Rhodes helped to form the church. ( http://riversidescottsboro.com/our-leadership ) An investigation is underway, according to elected officials, regarding misappropriation/misapplication of funds/violation of State Law, regarding the secret sale of city property?
Elected Officials have stated that the secret sale of the Boat, a Cabin Cruiser, has been forwarded to the DA for action. Do these facts matter? In my humble opinion they matter greatly as all of this is tied into local conflicts of interest, the management/mismanagement of government property, the improper sale of property and property disposition, and includes the misapplication of law regarding the disposition/demolition of private and public property. http://arklite.blogspot.com/search/label/demolition%20on%20private%20property
Feds Charge Watts Bar Worker
Photo-TVA, Watts Bar
Feds charge Watts Bar worker Worker arrested for falsifying documents. "The arrest comes two months after an unrelated Nuclear Regulatory Commission letter cited TVA "errors and omissions" in a Watts Bar project fire protection report and excessive delays in providing information. The letter called on TVA to promptly supply information for its review of an application for a reactor operating license." http://www.oakridger.com/newsnow/x1608496109/Feds-charge-Watts-Bar-worker
Other stories on this blog related to Watts Bar: http://arklite.blogspot.com/2011/02/tva-problems-at-watts-barr-fired.html
Feds charge Watts Bar worker Worker arrested for falsifying documents. "The arrest comes two months after an unrelated Nuclear Regulatory Commission letter cited TVA "errors and omissions" in a Watts Bar project fire protection report and excessive delays in providing information. The letter called on TVA to promptly supply information for its review of an application for a reactor operating license." http://www.oakridger.com/newsnow/x1608496109/Feds-charge-Watts-Bar-worker
Other stories on this blog related to Watts Bar: http://arklite.blogspot.com/2011/02/tva-problems-at-watts-barr-fired.html
Jackson County Park Issues Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011 (UPDATED)
Last Wednesday the Jackson County Park met in a regular meeting, accusations were made and denied.
The problem with the campground rebuilding rests in the management of the situation and the intervention of the County Commission into the Business of the County Park. This coupled with the various state agencies involvement in the FEMA reimbursement process has resulted in great confusion and a complete breakdown of a meaningful problem solving process.
Electrical power to the campground is a problem, replacement of overhead power (electrical distribution prior to the storm of 2009) or the burying of power cables which would involve digging in historical sensitive areas. Replacing the power to a condition which existed prior to the storm would seem to be the most economical and prudent course of action.
Agenda above, with my notes, click on image for an expanded view.
Old Business: Bids were received for $122,500 for electrical improvements on the docks. Bids were rejected.
New Business: Rescue Squad ad was approved while an ad in the Mountain Lakes Tourist Association was not approved.
Managers Report: a) Refunds to campers in the amount of $10,570. b) Campground issue discussion. c) Lawn mower discussion, Mr. Clemmons made motion and it was approved to acquire bids from local companies.
Presentations by Mr. Reb Engle.
Mr. Engle discussed ADECA's (Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs) intervention into the Parks business and rules effecting campers.
Problems with campground. Mr. Clemmons blamed Historical Commission and FEMA as being the source of all problems. It is my thoughts, part of the problem at the county park is a result of Mr. Clemmons and his insertion of himself into the situation compounding problems, while bringing no solutions. Mr. Clemmons appointed himself onto the park board with one other vote. Mr. Clemmons is a county commissioner who has complicated many issues within Jackson County. Mr. Clemmons has created a conflict of interest compounding the county parks problems. It has been Mr. Clemmons insertion into many problems of the county commission and the Jackson County Park which has cost the citizens of Jackson County many thousands of dollars. The inability to resolve the electrical power situation is in part due to Mr. Clemmons input. It was the county commission via Chairperson Bias and Mr. Clemmons' insistence on the involvement of ADECA in this process which has served to complicate the issues. An intentional "play" on the part of Mr. Clemmons. It is Mr. Clemmons intention to "raid" the funds of the Jackson County Park and utilize them for his "pet projects." One of the "pet projects" involves a park at the Walls of Jericho trail head parking area.
Richard White presentation: The park board moved into an Executive Session to discuss good name and character due to allegations from a camper regarding the park manager. The park's manager denied most of the allegations.
The problem with the campground rebuilding rests in the management of the situation and the intervention of the County Commission into the Business of the County Park. This coupled with the various state agencies involvement in the FEMA reimbursement process has resulted in great confusion and a complete breakdown of a meaningful problem solving process.
Electrical power to the campground is a problem, replacement of overhead power (electrical distribution prior to the storm of 2009) or the burying of power cables which would involve digging in historical sensitive areas. Replacing the power to a condition which existed prior to the storm would seem to be the most economical and prudent course of action.
Agenda above, with my notes, click on image for an expanded view.
Old Business: Bids were received for $122,500 for electrical improvements on the docks. Bids were rejected.
New Business: Rescue Squad ad was approved while an ad in the Mountain Lakes Tourist Association was not approved.
Managers Report: a) Refunds to campers in the amount of $10,570. b) Campground issue discussion. c) Lawn mower discussion, Mr. Clemmons made motion and it was approved to acquire bids from local companies.
Presentations by Mr. Reb Engle.
Mr. Engle discussed ADECA's (Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs) intervention into the Parks business and rules effecting campers.
Problems with campground. Mr. Clemmons blamed Historical Commission and FEMA as being the source of all problems. It is my thoughts, part of the problem at the county park is a result of Mr. Clemmons and his insertion of himself into the situation compounding problems, while bringing no solutions. Mr. Clemmons appointed himself onto the park board with one other vote. Mr. Clemmons is a county commissioner who has complicated many issues within Jackson County. Mr. Clemmons has created a conflict of interest compounding the county parks problems. It has been Mr. Clemmons insertion into many problems of the county commission and the Jackson County Park which has cost the citizens of Jackson County many thousands of dollars. The inability to resolve the electrical power situation is in part due to Mr. Clemmons input. It was the county commission via Chairperson Bias and Mr. Clemmons' insistence on the involvement of ADECA in this process which has served to complicate the issues. An intentional "play" on the part of Mr. Clemmons. It is Mr. Clemmons intention to "raid" the funds of the Jackson County Park and utilize them for his "pet projects." One of the "pet projects" involves a park at the Walls of Jericho trail head parking area.
Richard White presentation: The park board moved into an Executive Session to discuss good name and character due to allegations from a camper regarding the park manager. The park's manager denied most of the allegations.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Nuclear Industry has Paid Off Congress to Compromise Public Safety. Officials confirm ‘apparent’ breach of containment vessel at Japanese reactor – spent fuel pond boiling - Bellona
Officials confirm ‘apparent’ breach of containment vessel at Japanese reactor – spent fuel pond boiling - Bellona Explosion in the #4 reactor and fire reported. Meanwhile, the Libyan, "Wag the Dog War" continues. The nuclear industry's puppet politicians serve their masters. Including our President, Barrack Obama whose campaign has received millions of dollars from the nuclear industry.
Former Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NRC, official, whistle-blower, Dave Lochbaum informs group last night in Chattanooga, Tn. that members of the Senate has told the NRC to not enforce laws protecting the public from nuclear accidents. Lochbaum reported that if the NRC enforced the law the Congress, specifically the Senate, would not fund the NRC. Senate members have stated the nuclear industry can not make sufficient money if safety regulations are enforced. Dave Lochbaum is now a member of the Union of concerned Scientists. http://www.ucsusa.org/news/experts/dave-lochbaum.html
The Nuclear Industry has bought and paid political officials to compromise public safety.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Scottsboro City Council Meeting
Monday evening;s City Council Meeting was conducted in 2 parts. Regular council meeting and a work session immediately afterwords.
Regular Council meeting, Old Business, there was one item. Mr. Hodges appointed Mr. Don Croft to the airport Advisory Board.
New Business: 1) Ms. Jane Bergman was appointed to the Architectural Review Board, 2) A bid was accepted and approved for Solid Waste Landfill vehicle, awarded to High Country Toyota of Scottsboro meeting bid specifications for $21,877.00. 3) Bid opening for Rec Com fitness equipment, awarded to FITCO of Marietta, Ga., for $42,385.00
Work Session: 1) Mr Paul Danis of "Live It Christian Ministry" made a presentation to the City Council. This involved a fund raising program involving a house owned by the Scottsboro Multicultural Foundation.
Not all members of the Scottsboro Multicultural Foundation were aware of this proposed project. "Live It's" involvement in the "Aunt Ella's House" project was not approved by the foundation board of directors. Discussion with Mr. Danis afterwords revealed the total cost of the fund raising would be approximately $20,000 for improvements needed for the property. Mr. Danis stated a local fund raiser would be accomplished to raise the $20,000 for the once condemned structure's improvement
2) Bids discussion for replacing the roof on the old Rec Com Community Center, owned by the city but leased to Riverside Church,. It was stated the roof replacement and air conditioning replacement would cost near $65,000. Mr. Smith brought forward this issue.3) Discussion about the proposed subdivision update. 4) Job Description pay scale study discussion. 5) Discussion of Water Sewer and Gas Board applications received. This appointment must be made in a regular city council meeting.
Reports: Council members reported their trip to Washington, DC was educational and productive.
Regular Council meeting, Old Business, there was one item. Mr. Hodges appointed Mr. Don Croft to the airport Advisory Board.
New Business: 1) Ms. Jane Bergman was appointed to the Architectural Review Board, 2) A bid was accepted and approved for Solid Waste Landfill vehicle, awarded to High Country Toyota of Scottsboro meeting bid specifications for $21,877.00. 3) Bid opening for Rec Com fitness equipment, awarded to FITCO of Marietta, Ga., for $42,385.00
Work Session: 1) Mr Paul Danis of "Live It Christian Ministry" made a presentation to the City Council. This involved a fund raising program involving a house owned by the Scottsboro Multicultural Foundation.
Not all members of the Scottsboro Multicultural Foundation were aware of this proposed project. "Live It's" involvement in the "Aunt Ella's House" project was not approved by the foundation board of directors. Discussion with Mr. Danis afterwords revealed the total cost of the fund raising would be approximately $20,000 for improvements needed for the property. Mr. Danis stated a local fund raiser would be accomplished to raise the $20,000 for the once condemned structure's improvement
Live It information passed out to Scottsboro City Council. (Click on image for an expanded view.)
Update -July 18, 2016- Riverside Church, building owned by the City of Scottsboro. Roof and air/heating unit payed for by taxpayers of the City of Scottsboro. It has been reported by city officials that the church has a 10 year lease at $250.00 per month. The Jackson County District Attorney is a founder of the church and church elder. Scottsboro Police Station and Municipal Courts may be seen to the right of the church. Google Earth photo, Fair Use for non-profit news and commentary.
Reports: Council members reported their trip to Washington, DC was educational and productive.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Libya - Nuclear Power Industry's "Wag the Dog" War - The Areva Connection??
Updates from Nuclear News: http://nuclear-news.net/
The French lead the way in the war against Libya. http://blog.kirkpetersen.net/2011/03/libya-where-the-french-lead-the-way.html
The French think of themselves as leading the way in "the nuclear renaissance." http://www.english.rfi.fr/france/20100308-france-leads-way-nuclear-power-paris-conference
The Democrats have led the way for "wagging the dog," the last "Wag the Dog" war was brought to you by Democrat President William Jefferson Clinton in the attempts to move media focus from a Presidential sex scandal, as depicted in this 1997 film starring Robert De Niro.
Has the nuclear disaster and ongoing nuclear plant meltdowns in Japan necessitated another "Wag the Dog" political play to move the world wide media focus off of the nuclear power industry's trillion dollar tax scam? Who leads the show in this "Wag the Dog" nuclear scenario? FRANCE. Who stands to loose big time if the nuclear energy meltdown continues in Fukushima, Japan? AREVA, Inc. 90% owned by the French government.
In the melting fuel pool of the #3 reactor at the Fukushima Japan nuclear plant is the AREVA MOX/ Plutonium fuel. France has billions upon billions of dollars invested in the U.S Savannah River SHAW-AREVA MOX/Plutonium Fuel plant, not to mention the tens of billions invested in their French MOX/Plutonium fuel facility. To watch their MOX fueled nuclear reactor melt down before the world's collective "television viewing eye" is more than the French or the nuclear funded Obama administration could stand, thus-a "Wag the Dog" political move. Move the public's attention away from the melting nuclear reactor disaster.
President Obama's nuclear payola connections:
The # 3 Fukushima nuclear plant with the Areva-MOX Plutonium Fuel exploding.
Associated articles on Watch for Snakes n Scottsboro - http://arklite.blogspot.com/search/label/Areva http://arklite.blogspot.com/search/label/Plutonium http://arklite.blogspot.com/search/label/Nuclear%20Accidents
Nuclear Energy's political purchasing of U.S. politicians http://investigativereportingworkshop.org/investigations/nuclear-energy-lobbying-push/story/nuclear-energy-working-hard-win-support/
What is the nuclear industry hiding in their "Wag the Dog" war, "It's a bigger nuclear disaster than you think." The nuclear industry's fleecing of the American Tax Payer is on the line. Don't forget, the owners of a chunk of the television media, General Electric http://www.freepress.net/ownership/chart/main , are the builders of the Fukushima Nuclear Reactors.
The French lead the way in the war against Libya. http://blog.kirkpetersen.net/2011/03/libya-where-the-french-lead-the-way.html
The French think of themselves as leading the way in "the nuclear renaissance." http://www.english.rfi.fr/france/20100308-france-leads-way-nuclear-power-paris-conference
The Democrats have led the way for "wagging the dog," the last "Wag the Dog" war was brought to you by Democrat President William Jefferson Clinton in the attempts to move media focus from a Presidential sex scandal, as depicted in this 1997 film starring Robert De Niro.
Has the nuclear disaster and ongoing nuclear plant meltdowns in Japan necessitated another "Wag the Dog" political play to move the world wide media focus off of the nuclear power industry's trillion dollar tax scam? Who leads the show in this "Wag the Dog" nuclear scenario? FRANCE. Who stands to loose big time if the nuclear energy meltdown continues in Fukushima, Japan? AREVA, Inc. 90% owned by the French government.
In the melting fuel pool of the #3 reactor at the Fukushima Japan nuclear plant is the AREVA MOX/ Plutonium fuel. France has billions upon billions of dollars invested in the U.S Savannah River SHAW-AREVA MOX/Plutonium Fuel plant, not to mention the tens of billions invested in their French MOX/Plutonium fuel facility. To watch their MOX fueled nuclear reactor melt down before the world's collective "television viewing eye" is more than the French or the nuclear funded Obama administration could stand, thus-a "Wag the Dog" political move. Move the public's attention away from the melting nuclear reactor disaster.
President Obama's nuclear payola connections:
The # 3 Fukushima nuclear plant with the Areva-MOX Plutonium Fuel exploding.
Associated articles on Watch for Snakes n Scottsboro - http://arklite.blogspot.com/search/label/Areva http://arklite.blogspot.com/search/label/Plutonium http://arklite.blogspot.com/search/label/Nuclear%20Accidents
Nuclear Energy's political purchasing of U.S. politicians http://investigativereportingworkshop.org/investigations/nuclear-energy-lobbying-push/story/nuclear-energy-working-hard-win-support/
What is the nuclear industry hiding in their "Wag the Dog" war, "It's a bigger nuclear disaster than you think." The nuclear industry's fleecing of the American Tax Payer is on the line. Don't forget, the owners of a chunk of the television media, General Electric http://www.freepress.net/ownership/chart/main , are the builders of the Fukushima Nuclear Reactors.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Nuclear Plant Explodes - Censorship of Nuclear Events in the Media - Nuclear Disaster Updates
Update: April 6, 2011, YouTube Video-Winds aloft modeling, Jet Stream displays radiation potential reaching the west coast and beyond.
![]() |
Stop Bellefonte Nuclear Plant- http://www.matrr.org/ |
Cesium released NewsX report
Update 2nd Explosion, Unit 3, video Mar 13, 2011
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42044156/ns/world_news-asiapacific/?gt1=43001 (6 plants are now involved in the emergency.)
Japanese Nuclear Plant explodes, the steel skeleton of the upper portion of the unit 1 reactor building, Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility, is all that remains. Complicating the issue is the deceit of the nuclear industry. The issue of trust is critical, how are we to trust an industry who intentionally deceives the public concerning a disaster. In the case of the Japanese government they also appear to be participating in the deceit.
The upper shell of the containment building was blown away due to the buildup of hydrogen gas in the containment vessel, the building itself, maybe both, the resulting explosion decimated the structure.
The issuing of Iodine tablets will not result in facilitating trust, a critical factor in determining safety and security of citizens surrounding the area of a nuclear plant.
Confidence in our nuclear regulators, NRC, has not been established when the regulators decided to continue the construction of the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant without one vote of approval. The vote of the NRC was 3 votes jointly approved/disapproved and 1 vote disapproved, the Chairman and senior staff officials of the NRC stated, "unprecedented." The critical issue of placing trust, safety and following critical regulation to insure the health and safety of the public before profit of an industry is dissolved in a bureaucratic conundrum in support of the nuclear industry's bottom line.
The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility disaster is a further display concerning the risk of nuclear power. The unthinkable can and does occur.
Nuclear Information and Resource Service- Tell Congress: Heed the public and END the nuclear loan program: http://org2.democracyinaction.org/o/5502/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=5848 The Nuclear Loan program will increase our national debt by billions, upon billions of dollars.
For additional background information, please refer to
Censorship of Nuclear Events: To find the truth one must look to foreign news sources, see below. Nuclear accidents, events as the nuclear industry calls them, are one of the greatest censored news items in the United States. The nuclear industry not only manufacture nuclear plants, they also own national broadcasting outlets in the United States. G.E. and Westinghouse. http://faculty.uml.edu/sgallagher/culturalcon.htm
"GE & Westinghouse together own 80% of all nuclear power plants in the world." http://www.cpsr.cs.uchicago.edu/other-chicago/mediamap/corpdata.html
Many listings from "Project Censored" contain pages upon pages of U.S. media "censored" nuclear power articles. The lead off listing, the lie of 3 Mile Island. http://www.projectcensored.org/search/?cx=013508615264581914751%3Ai74kibqknxe&cof=FORID%3A10&ie=UTF-8&q=nuclear+censorship&sa=Search&siteurl=www.projectcensored.org%2Ftop-stories%2Fcategory%2Ftwo-thousand-and-ten-book%2F#993
Update: German Financial News Report - http://www.finanznachrichten.de/nachrichten-2011-03/19621328-round-up-u-s-nuclear-experts-comment-on-japan-reactor-crisis-weekend-contact-information-provided-for-experts-available-for-interviews-008.htm
"Partial Core Meltdown to Full Core Meltdown:" http://www.vocfm.co.za/index.php?section=news&category=internationalnews&article=57710
Update, Sunday Mar. 13, 2011: 2nd plant location, emergency declared - "The latest nuclear alert was issued late Sunday for the Onagawa power plant and reported by the International Atomic Energy Agency after radiation levels outside the facility exceeded maximum acceptable levels."
"Earlier Sunday, the government said radiation levels outside the Fukushima plant had briefly spiked to 400 times the normal level. More than 200,000 people had been told earlier to evacuate the area. Authorities say at least 19 people have been exposed to radiation and more than 160 others may have been.
http://www.voanews.com/english/news/Japanese-PM-Appeals-for-Unity-to-Face-Earthquake--117895114.html and Euronews- http://www.euronews.net/2011/03/13/emergency-at-second-japan-nuclear-plant/ Today's Yahoo Report: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110313/ap_on_bi_ge/as_japan_earthquake_nuclear_crisis
Update: Monday, Mar. 14, 2011 - 2nd explosion rocks Japanese nuclear facility, unit 3 explodes at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear facility. - http://license.icopyright.net/user/viewContent.act?clipid=611015349&mode=cnc&tag=3.5963?icx_id%3D271344
Update: Mar 14, 2011, 6PM CST the #2 reactor at Fukushima plant has exploded. Units 1, 2, and 3 have exploded. Unit 3 contained MOX plutonium fuel.
"Nuclear Information Resource Service led a coalition of groups that petitioned the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission in 2005 requesting emergency enforcement action on the vulnerability of the Mark I and II elevated nuclear waste storage pool. The coalition’s petition to the NRC was denied." http://www.dcbureau.org/201103141303/Natural-Resources-News-Service/fission-criticality-in-cooling-ponds-threaten-explosion-at-fukushima.html
Update: Mar 14, 2011 9PM CST the #4 reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi plant is on fire and apparently acriticality issue has occured due to a loss of coolant in the fuel pool. 3 reactors are now in a meltdown condition and the used fuel in unit 4 has gone "critical."
To trust the corporate multinational nuclear industry and their government puppets is foolish! There is no "fail safe" nuclear power system, an atomic reactor is dangerous, it is not inherently safe. A nuclear reactor contains radiation a thousand times greater than the Hiroshima atomic bomb. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/2011/03/explosion-hits-nuclear-power-plant-in-japan-in-quakes-aftermath.html
Update: Mar 16, 2011 -- Local government officials in Japan, near the nuclear plant site, say, "they are leaving us here to die." The continuing saga of the nuclear power industry in Japan. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-12765859 In the United States, ultra-conservative political supporters of the nuclear power industry continue to deceive the people of our nation about the risks of nuclear power.
Update: Mar 17, 2011 - The state of reactor # 2 seems to be a question. This report says the #2 reactor has exploded. "Officials had grown increasingly worried about Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant unit 2 after two hydrogen explosions in three days occurred at the plant, and the unit lost its ability to cool. The fuel rods on unit 2 became fully exposed for the second time Monday, a dangerous development in the effort to stop the reactor from melting down." http://abcnews.go.com/International/japan-earthquake-radiation-leaking-fukushima-nuclear-plant-explodes/story?id=13131123&page=2 Mysteriously, the #2 reator is able to hold water and be cooled since power has been reestablished according to Tokyo Power.
This report from the UPI: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2011/03/17/Cooling-efforts-suspended-at-nuclear-plant/UPI-10771300341277/
Electrical power to be restored? http://english.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2011/03/18/2011031800375.html
Photos of the damaged reactors. http://photoblog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/03/17/6290420-new-closer-aerial-views-of-wrecked-reactor-in-japan Story line says #3 reactor pictures.
"Chernobyl on Steroids...".
Update: From Goddards Journal-Sep. 4, 2011 Steam Explosion & Criticality
Friday, March 4, 2011
Jackson County Park Board

Today the Park Board voted to obtain an Attorney Generals Opinion concerning the issues related to the Jackson County Park. I wonder if there will be any mention to the Attorney General of the conflict concerning Mr. Clemmons in this situation.
All postings concerning the Jackson County Park within this blog, including this one: http://arklite.blogspot.com/search/label/Jackson%20County%20Park
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