Alternative news and discussion for Scottsboro, Jackson County Alabama and the Tennessee River Valley as I see it. Responsible comments to articles welcome. As always, "Watch for Snakes," particularly those wearing suits.
"A popular government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives."
UPDATE - JULY 5, 2018 Interview of Mrs Linda Bray regarding Conflicts of Interest involving private investigations services conducted regarding city employees and Mrs. Bray being a sitting member of the Scottsboro City Personnel Board. (3:33 in the video) This documentation was provided by Mrs. Bray from the Scottsboro City Attorney. Mrs Bray is a candidate for an appointment to the Scottsboro City Council. Two members of the City Council have indicated to me they will select Mrs Bray for the appointment. (Click on image for an expanded view.) Both articles may be viewed at
This Personnel Board Hearing is an administrative procedure regarding former Rec Com employee Ms. Debra "Dee" Diane Wolf. Ms. Wolf was arrested on February 15, 2016 for alleged theft of cash from the Rec Com. Link - The Personnel Board Hearing is to determine if Ms. Wolf will remain on Administrative Leave with pay, face administrative leave without pay or termination. Administrative procedures rules are not the same as a court of law. Her criminal case outcome will be determined at a later date. It is important to remember that an individual is innocent until proven guilty in a Court of Law.
CONCERNS & OBSERVATIONS There is a question regarding some members of this personnel board's qualifications and conflicts of interest in serving on this board. The meeting WAS NOT called to order, Mr. Perry Guffey is the Personnel Board President. I began recording at 5PM when the attorney from Lanier-Ford began presenting documents to the personnel board. Prior to the meeting two events occurred. 1) Mrs. Bray, the unlicensed private investigator - personnel board member, which Mayor Potter hired to follow the Personnel Director around in a retaliation - harassing action; allegations of sexual harassment and retaliation in a Federal EEOC complaint have been filed and a separate civil law suit is pending, filed by another employee relating to harassment and retaliation. Mrs. Bray was heard to say, "should he be here videoing?" My reply, "this is a public meeting." 2) Mrs Dixson, Personnel Director, asked Mr. Guffey if she could help him with something; Mr. Guffey's reply, "I wasn't talking to you." Mrs. Dixson replied, "I thought you were asking me a question." In my opinion, Mr. Guffey's reply to Mrs. Dixson was rude and disrespectful. Guffey's comment is not surprising considering the expressed conduct of some males in city government positions toward women.
Postponement of the hearing - Mr. Guffey entered into a discussion with Mrs. Bray about postponement of the hearing, Mrs. Dixson was called forward. Mr. Guffey asked Mrs. Wolf if she would like for the board to suspend the proceedings until her attorney could be present, she stated "yes." Without a vote or consultation with the board Mr. Guffey declared, (quotes from video) "The board does not feel it would be right for you to attend this meeting without your attorney here, and the city won't have an attorney here, there are certain things they know that we don't know and there are things I'm sure that you don't know, we are going to suspend this meeting tonight 'til a later day, until she can have her attorney here..."
Previous articles on this blog relating to this incident: Articles on this blog relating to sexual harassment, retaliation and the involvement of Ms. Linda Bray, Personnel Board member and an unlicensed private investigator hired by Mayor Potter in a discriminatory - retaliatory action against the Personnel Director and another. (Pending Federal EEOC and local Circuit Court case action pending.) This series of blog articles also involves Council Member Keith Smith and his involvement in protecting Mayor Potter and attacks on the Scottsboro Personnel Director, as relayed to me by Scottsboro Merchants, and myself for my blog articles. This is discussed here due to the appearance of a serious conflict involving a member of the Scottsboro Personnel Board.
The Scottsboro Personnel Board recommended termination. Mrs. Wolf may elect to appeal a decision from the personnel board to the city council.
Scottsboro political officials refuse to accept the fact they are not following the law regarding demolition and repair on private property - abatement of public nuisances. Code of Alabama reference 11-53B-1 thru 16. Elected Officials attempt to place blame on the individual presenting the problem to the city council.
Mayor states, "We have abated 26 buildings in the past 2 years and we have done at least a half dozen in this exact same way..." So the Mayor is admitting that he has cost the taxpayers a substantial amount of money for not following the law? Smith states, "...We went to her, she didn't have anything to do with it...(reference Gross property demolition on E. Willow St.)" "We went to her," does that include the accidental mowing and lawn care of private property and charging half price for demolition? Mr. Wallingsford states, "...remain focused, lets not get distracted, we have things to get done...," which apparently does not involve following the laws of the state regarding demolition and repair of private property. Then, there are the dilapidated unsafe structures surrounding the square where some roofs are collapsing and leaking. Will the city make repairs for property around the square at half cost? Surely the city wants to be fair in its application of policy and police powers!?
House demolished by the City of Scottsboro due to being an unsafe structure located at approximately 602 E. Willow St., Scottsboro, Al. (Google Earth photo 2014, Fair-Use rights for non-profit news reporting)
UPDATE - March 22, 2016 - Cost List of Demolition of Homes in Alabama and across the nation are listed. For this area the cost are listed for a similar structure's cost runs from $5500 - $7500.00. That does not include leveling the property, reseeding and mowing for half a year. Cost estimates do not consider disposal of asbestos containing shingles or other hazardous materials such as lead pipe. Utilizing the demolition list estimates, this property's demolition and reconditioning would be near $12,000 for this area.
Misapplication of Public Policy and Law by Scottsboro City Officials - Abatement of Public Nuisances on Private Property by Demolition or Repair, not in accordance with the laws of the State of Alabama Regarding 11-53B MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY TO REPAIR OR DEMOLISH UNSAFE STRUCTURES. Which may be found at
Results of the Public Nuisance, Unsafe Structure file inspection regarding the Gross property located at approximately 602 E. Willow St., Scottsboro, Al..
1) When viewing the file
the appropriate Alabama Code citation was misstated, 11-53A was utilized in part,
that is improper according to the City Attorney as the City of Scottsboro is
not a Class 5, 6 or 8 municipality. It is a class 7 in accordance with the 1970
census which the law is based on.
2) There was no itemized
list of the property demolition cost, i.e. man hours spent, fuel used, hauling
cost to land fill, equipment usage, etc.
3) There was no fixation
of cost per resolution of the City Council/governing body as required by law -
COA 11-53B-5.
4) There was a city cash
register receipt of $3,150.00 but no indication of a check copy.
5) As stated in the City
Council meeting the Mayor sent Councilman Smith to Mrs. Margaret Gross in secret, mother
of the property owner, and a public official as appointed by Mr. Smith to the Electric Power Board, at Hardees, where they eat breakfast together,
outside of the legal process, and offered city equipment, manpower, and
resources to her for the demolition of an unsafe house on her property, the
demolition increased the property's value.
6) The house which was
demolished was an old structure with what appeared to be asbestos containing
shingles, there was no test to determine if asbestos was present in the
structure. It is my opinion that some public officials within the City of Scottsboro are attempting to cover up this possible ethics violation and misapplication of public policy and law.
MY THOUGHTS - What a deal, if you're a city official's friend plus public official, you get your unsafe house demolished, hazardous materials disposed, lot cleared, leveled, reseeded and maintained for $3150.00, thus increasing the private citizens property value many times over. Such honest political leaders we have, NOT. Does the city apply this special treatment fairly to everyone as the mayor claims? My inquiries reveal the answer to be NO. This abuse of taxpayer resources may be an ethics violation, reference - "Section 36-25-5 "d) No person shall solicit a public official or public employee to use or cause to be used equipment, facilities, time, materials, human labor, or other public property for such person's private benefit or business benefit, which would materially affect his or her financial interest, except as otherwise provided by law."
All of this came to light when I received a call about a Scottsboro Mowing Crew at the property of Mrs. Gross's daughter on East Willow Street. This resulted in me asking questions about the property and why was city equipment being utilized for the benefit of private citizens. The City council President stated this was all unintentional, as Mrs. Gross said, "I guess this was an accident." referring to the mowing crew taking care of the private property.
BOTTOM LINE - The City of Scottsboro should not be involved in the demolition, repair, or mowing of private property. Repair or demolition of private property is the responsibility of the property owner. If repair or demolition becomes necessary to protect the public from a public nuisance then the work should be contracted out and the city utilize the law to recover costs.
The excuse according to the Mayor, "We do this all of the time is an example of non-accountable political official's excuses. It is my observations the Mayor is not being truthful. Council Member Keith Smith's personal attack on me for bringing this issue forward is a further example of non-accountable political officials, it is Smith who met in secret with Mrs Gross to broker the deal in conjunction with the mayor to purposefully increase the property value of the Gross property. The statement of Smith, "She (meaning Margaret Gross, public official and mother of property owner) didn't come to us we went to her," is remarkable. It demonstrates the extent some political officials in Scottsboro will go to deceive the public and benefit friends and the wealthy while having a lack luster attitude toward the poor and average citizens in Scottsboro, Alabama.
My reporting to the City Council of inappropriate application of law and possible ethics violations has resulted in harassment and false accusations from Council Member Keith Smith when bringing these issues forward. Harassment appears to be an unprofessional, unethical policy practice of city officials. This misconduct trend has carried forth into the application of management policy as it has been applied to the employees of the City of Scottsboro, Alabama. This is indicative of a wider problem involving non-professional conduct and misbehavior of elected and appointed city officials which includes sexual discrimination, retaliatory conduct and harassment.
Jackson County Health Care Authority, Highlands Medical Center Woods Cove Rd., Scottsboro, Al. (photo by G.Morgan)
Local Government Wage Theft??
Shh, we have secrets in our local government, including the Jackson County Health Care Authority - they have allegedly failed to pay wages to their employees as required by law. A suit has been filed alleging violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act in Federal Court - Reference: Williamson et al v. Jackson County Health Care Authority, a jury trial has been requested by the plaintiffs in the case. In the latest activity in the case, a Motion to Dismiss by the Health Care Authority was denied. However, the case was moved closer to the involved parties, the Northeastern District of Alabama. " The above styled civil action has been randomly reassigned to the Honorable Abdul K. Kallon. Please use case number 5:15-cv-1979-AKK"
Case Presentation
Document 10
November 25, 2015 00:00 ORDER SETTING PRETRIAL CONFERENCE AND TRIAL: Rule 26 Meeting Report due by 1/29/2016; see scheduling order on the court's web page for formatting. Final Pretrial Conference set for 5/25/2017, at 11:00 AM; Jury Trial set for 7/10/2017, at 9:00 AM, both at the Hugo L Black US Courthouse, Birmingham, AL before Judge Abdul K Kallon. Signed by Judge Abdul K Kallon on 11/25/2015. (YMB) (Entered: 11/25/2015)November 23, 2015 00:00
Document: 9 ORDER re: motion to dismiss the case without prejudice or transfer it to the Northeastern Division - The undersigned has reviewed the record and agrees with the parties that this case should be designated as a Northeastern Division case. Accordingly, Defendants motion to dismiss is DENIED, and its motion to transfer is GRANTED. The Clerk is DIRECTED to reassign this case to the Northeastern Division and randomly reassign this action to another judge. The above styled civil action has been randomly reassigned to the Honorable Abdul K. Kallon. Please use case number 5:15-cv-1979-AKK on all subsequent pleadings. Signed by Magistrate Judge John H England, III on 11/23/2015. (KEK) (Entered: 11/23/2015)
Document 8
RESPONSE to Motion re 6 MOTION to Dismiss or Transfer to Northeastern Division filed by Robert Laubinger, Kelly Williamson, Lonnie Williamson. (McGinley, Rachel) (Entered: 11/23/2015)
Document 7
Corporate Disclosure Statement by Jackson County Health Care Authority. filed by Jackson County Health Care Authority (Lackey, Gary) (Entered: 11/18/2015)
Document 6
MOTION to Dismiss or Transfer to Northeastern Division by Jackson County Health Care Authority. (Lackey, Gary) (Entered: 11/18/2015)
Other documents refer to summons and filing fees etc. and original case filing which will be presented later.
Council Member Smith boasted about his 3 terms as an elected official in a previous City council meeting. He also boasted about how he had never been arrested, many have tried. My question is what the hades does that have to do with anything? (photo by G. Morgan)
Potter said, "Why don't you run for mayor," when I told him I thought his behavior was disgusting for harassing and discriminating against city employees. Smith came to his defense.
March 14, 2016 Scottsboro City Council Regular Session. Citizen presentation, Council Member Smith states I write lies. I say Council Member Smith is not being truthful. Mr. Smith I never said anything about you or anyone else being a "redneck," that is your word. There have been several employees and public officials who have provided me with information regarding corruption. I bring the information forward, discuss it, including here, in the City Council Chambers, you and others do not like a citizen standing up to a corrupt political machine. A liar I'm not; but Mr. Keith Smith - ex 20year plus police chief appointed official, now pompous, self righteous, deceitful elitist "redneck" (Your word Keith, I never said anything of the sort, until now, repeating you.) political official.
How is your golf swing Keith? Mayor Deason sure knew where to find you didn't he - at the golf course!?
You attempted to fire one of your employees while Police Chief because he followed the instructions of your boss and his to investigate you. You took retaliatory action against your Police Captain because he followed the orders of the Mayor. How revealing Mr. Smith, you do not handle internal investigations about your conduct very well. The personnel board voted against you, for good reason; and now here you are as a political official.
Many citizens told me, during my political run against you, that they owed you, primarily for your letting them or their children off on legal infractions of the law. Is that true, I think so, as I trust the people who told me these things.
Smith made other untruthful allegations that I had destroyed many lives. Mr. Smith is deceitful and facilitates hatred in the community against citizens who do not agree with his political positions and quest for power and control. This pattern fits threats and harassment made against me on's Scottsboro forum.
Edited & Updated March 16, 2016, Corrections Below
Creation of a hostile work environment. Presentation to the Scottsboro City Council, video below and this personal document memo of my presentation.
March 14, 2015
From: Garry Morgan
To: Scottsboro City
Council and Mayor
Everything I am about to
relay to you has been provided to me by employees within the City of
Scottsboro, Alabama.
1)It has been my
observation due to sufficient evidence presented to me that elected officials
of the City of Scottsboro have created a hostile work environment by actively
discriminating, retaliating and harassing city employees of the City of
Scottsboro. The discrimination has been based on overt attacks relating to
gender. There have been numerous instances brought to my attention by
Scottsboro City Employees about these acts.
2)An unlicensed
private investigator/personnel board member was hired by the City of Scottsboro
to stalk city employees in the attempt to catch them in some nefarious deed.
There was no nefarious deed but that did not stop rumors from circulating
originating from Scottsboro City Officials about untruthful relationships
between employees after duty hours. The private investigator was paid money
from the accounts of the City of Scottsboro, tax payer money, I had requested
copies documents titled report of investigation and /or investigative
summaries. These reports were not a restricted law enforcement file. The officials
of the city of Scottsboro refused production of those unrestricted documents. A
violation of the Alabama public records disclosure law. A State Attorney
General complaint has been filed.
3)It is my opinion
the photographing of city employees and the subsequent harassment by elected
and appointed officials violates the laws of this state. Namely aggravated
stalking because a sexual advance was denied; that multiple official personnel
participated in this unethical and inappropriate behavior. Photographs and
untruthful statements were then circulated based on the unethical/improper report
of investigation to those in city hall who had no business nor reason to be
involved in the mayors ordered improper investigation.
4)Informants within
the City of Scottsboro have provided me with the photographs and now I realize
why you did not want the photographs released nor the documents related to the
very unprofessional, questionable probable untruthful report. It demonstrates
nothing except the unprofessional conduct of those who schemed to harass,
slander and retaliate against a female employee who rebuked the sexual advances
of a city official.
5)But this is not
all, the same employee was subject to further harassment by city officials by
having pictures of her breast area shown around city hall.
6)The employee was
suspended in a retaliatory action, pay was lost. To avoid legal action the
female employees pay was reinstated and her attorney fees paid without the
approval of the city council. It is my belief that this act was unethical, that
the city council should have met in an executive session to discuss the matter
and returned for a vote, This did not happen
7)Another employees
has been subjected to harassment and discriminatory action, this employee has
not been made whole again and is involved in a legal action with the Mayor of
Scottsboro as a defendant. This employee should have been made whole.
Apparently pride and poor judgement has stood in the way of good sense and
better judgement.
8) It has come to my
attention that some citizens are having their lawns manicured, their
dilapidated property demolished at the citizens of Scottsboro expense. The area
of concern is located just west of Byrds Pawn Shop and in between the Century
House. What is the authorization for this lawn care of the “taxpayers dime?”
Apparently this has been occurring for at least 1 and ½ years. Others in the
city have reported they cannot get their limbs or trees damaged by wind picked
up but apparently there are special people who receive full service treatment.
Can someone explain? Video of lawn care by city employees. Photos by Google Earth of Abated Property
Issue of Property Demolition Fixation of costs as described by the Code of Alabama, one of two choices, regarding fixation of costs both are similar in structure.
1st choice - Pertaining to Class 6 Municipalities, Scottsboro is a Class 7 Municipality because in 1970 Scottsboro was not at the same population of today. Welcome to the crazy State of Confusion we call Alabama. The city classification requirement is based on the census population of 1970, not the current population. "Section 11-40-12 Classification of municipalities. (a) There are hereby established eight classes of municipalities based on the population as certified by the 1970 federal decennial census..." If todays census data was utilized Scottsboro would be a class 6 municipality. 46 year old, outdated law having detrimental effects on government today. Section 11-53A-4 (Reference, does not apply to Scottsboro - unfortunately upon review of the city's demolition and abatement file of this property, reference was made regarding authorizations regarding this property's abatement and demolition actions.)
Adoption of resolution fixing costs of removal of unsafe building or structure; fixing of costs to constitute special assessment and lien against property; notice and filing of resolution.
Upon demolition and removal of a building or structure, the board shall make a report to the governing body of the cost. The governing body shall adopt a resolution fixing the costs which it finds were reasonably incurred in the demolition and removal and assess the costs against the property. The proceeds of any monies received from the sale of salvaged materials from the building or structure shall be used or applied against the cost of the demolition and removal. Any person, firm, or corporation having an interest in the property may be heard at the meeting concerning any objection he or she may have to the fixing of the costs. The city clerk shall give not less than 15 days' notice of the meeting at which the fixing of the costs are to be considered by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the city. The fixing of costs by the governing body shall constitute a special assessment against the lot or lots, parcel, or parcels of land upon which the building or structure was located, and shall constitute a lien on the property for the amount of the assessment. The lien shall be superior to all other liens on the property except prior recorded mortgages and other prior recorded security interests and liens for taxes, and shall continue in force until paid. The city clerk shall mail a certified copy of the resolution by registered or certified mail to the person last assessed for ad valorem taxes, and a certified copy of the resolution shall be published in the manner and as prescribed for the publication of municipal ordinances. A certified copy of the resolution shall also be filed in the office of the judge of probate of the county in which the city is situated.
(Acts 1992, No. 92-572, p. 1182, §4.)
Applicable law Section 11-53B-5 (also 11-40-30 thru 36 which is similar in requirements.)
Fixing of costs.
Upon demolition or repair of the building or structure, the appropriate city official shall make a report to the governing body of the cost thereof, and the governing body shall adopt a resolution fixing the costs which it finds were reasonably incurred in the demolition or repair and assessing the same against the property; provided, however, the proceeds of any moneys received from the sale of salvaged materials from the building or structure shall be used or applied against the cost of the demolition; and provided further, that any person, firm, or corporation having an interest in the property may be heard at the meeting as to any objection he or she may have to the fixing of such costs or the amounts thereof. The clerk of the municipality shall give notice of the meeting at which the fixing of the costs is to be considered by first-class mail to all entities having an interest in the property whose address and interest is determined from the tax assessor's records on the property or as otherwise known to the clerk. The fixing of the costs by the governing body shall constitute an assessment against the lot or lots, parcel or parcels of land upon which the building or structure was located, and as made and confirmed shall constitute a lien on the property for the amount of the assessment ("the final assessment"). The lien shall be superior to all other liens on the property except liens for taxes, and except for mortgages recorded prior to the creation of the lien for the assessment, and shall continue in force until paid. A certified copy of the resolution fixing the final assessment shall also be recorded in the office of the judge of probate of the county in which the municipality is situated.
(Act 2002-522, p. 1355, §5.)
Section 11-53B-5 Fixing the costs apparently applies to Scottsboro since the City's classification was decided in 1970, 46 years out of date.
There appears to be 4 steps in the demolition process. - 1) Property is declared unsafe, needs to be demolished. 2) Demolition or repair takes place. 3) Governing Body, which is city council, who has control over budget and financial resources, fixes the price of the demolition or repair. 4) City Clerk shall post notice. Those are the steps which fit the City of Scottsboro. I have never heard the governing body of our city fixing the price of demolition.
Mr. Smith admits in the video he and the Mayor made decisions on the demolition of the Gross property by offering choices which were not up to them to make in accordance with the laws of the state. Eating breakfast with his friend, Ms. Gross, is not an excuse to circumvent law. A question must be asked, how many other instances of preferential treatment have been given which are undisclosed due to improper and unfair application of law and policy. How much is this preferential treatment to friends or family costing the taxpayers. Mr. Smith and the Mayor may attempt to create as much subterfuge and call me a liar as many times as he wants. It will not stop me, since I ran against him for public office I have been threatened, harassed and intimidated, for 8 years.
Smith's petty accusations will not stop me from supporting Sunshine/Open Government and Accountable Government. Go ahead Ms. Gross, Smith and Potter, intimidate away, all appointed or elected officials I might add.
The good people of Scottsboro deserve accountable government, not secret backroom deals benefiting individuals not the taxpayers.
Citizens 8 Characteristics of Good Governance (Fair Use Rights for non-profit news reporting from Global Development Research Center)
Mushroomitis - A state of political poisoning of the Republic via secrecy and a penchant for elitist and corporate control of all of our culture socially, politically, community, spiritually and extends to the home, primarily via corporate media. The disease extends into the realm of all corporate functions, private and governmental, for the purpose of controlling our very existence. The two party political system is a symptom of the disease, political secrecy at all levels is a known symptom, along with a lack of transparency and deceit in our government and community's institutions which are political based.
Cure for Mushroomitis - Sunlight and Transparency
Lets talk information for a moment - all information is valuable, whether it be rumor, fact or fiction.
Today's News or maybe rumor - Mayor is out, and Copenhaver is in, allegedly. Allegedly the mayor will resign and the new, "mushroom boy" is Robbie Copenhaver, very successful business person in the community, past School Board President.
Is this fact or rumor, rumor is said to have 60--70 % basis in fact, the trick is to sort out the source and determine if it is malicious or fact based. This time around it is fact based. This is also a test on reliability of sources and observations. I'm not formal media reporting stories and my techniques are information and community based utilizing proven principles of communications and psychology. I also use various forms of media technology to inform my readers.
Time will tell the story. Here's my Face Book post on this latest bit of information.
Shhh, we got secrets?!
There is a move to shine the light on the mushroom growers.
Latest News or Rumor, those who have studied communications and psychology, rumors are often based on a degree of truth, 60-70% unless they were started for malicious reasons. This is not malicious and comes from various informants in City Hall and the Community. The trick is to confirm from reliable sources, my sources are very accurate to date.
Mayor to bow out of political race - the new member of the "mushroom boys" is said to be Robbie Copenhaver. The current mayor will withdraw, so says informants who do not favor facilitating Mushroomitis
Robbie Copenhaver - (photo by G. Morgan"
It was reported, Council Member Keith Smith was seen running him around town. The elitists believe they must keep the power block intact so the peasants wont revolt.
Council Member Keith Smith (photo by G. Morgan)
Elitist Mushroom growers, the revolt has already began and well along the path to block you harbingers of deceit and cause of mushroomitis - keeping folks in the dark and feeding them crap.
In Scottsboro, City Officials will attempt to intimidate local citizens by threatning and bullying via intimidation who report on their actions. Scottsboro Mayor, ex long term Fire Chief Melton Potter, is one such individual. Another, is ex-Police Chief, now City Council Member Keith Smith. These individuals will lie, discriminate, intimidate, harass and attempt anything they can get away with to keep the citizens in the dark about their activity. They are the "mushroom boys"- they keep you in the dark and feed you crap. Come election time they will promise you anything - including a Hotel at GPC, what they will not tell you about is the debt that goes along with it, the secret part of the property deal will not be disclosed until there is a final vote.
UPDATE on the "Mushroom Boys," dirty tricks, 7:30PM - Another little trick the "mushroom boys" will pull in secret is attempt to influence media, particularly and the local Daily Sentinel, which has already stated the Mayors integrity should not be questioned, sure, if you are a Nazi. For the Mayor and other public officials will tamper and attempt to block content, such as they are doing now. I am blocked from posting this blog post. They can't stand the truth to be told about them, or challenged regarding their actions.
More "mushroom boys" influence: SCADA - (supervisory control and data acquisition) is a system for remote monitoring and control; utilizing video interfaces to view video in places I have visited and report on it as an intimidation technique on's Scottsboro Forum. There is a problem with that, and the person performing the task knows it. Every-time you enter and hack the secure network you increase the possibilities of interjecting a malicious or hidden piece of malware. Here it is - be concerned, with link - Abuse of this system is dangerous (on more levels than just personal security), and it has been accomplished for local political reasons.
Camera systems
Digital Video Recorders
Remote Communication utilizing radio, cellular, satellite
WAN and internet connectivity
More on SCADA from the experts and more on the threat -
and, The Insecurity of It All - BLACKHAT - One of the best briefings I've seen on threats and vulnerabilities. This gives the "mushroom boys" new meaning. Their involvement of others have been acts of desperation and stupidity. That is on a whole different level over a period of time. Hopefully the Engineer realized the errors of his ways and did not inject malicious code into the system due to his tampering and support of the "mushroom boys."
The "mushroom boys" secrets - Doing favors for political allies and relatives, my error not relatives according to Smith, just friends at the citizens expense. Poor people suffer and the influential receive preferential services.
Property of Jane Gross, Margaret Gross's daughter who resides in New York City. This property is located at 602 East Willow St.,former property of Margaret Gross, Power Board Member, relative,, just a friend, of Council Member Keith Smith. Google Street photo March 2014 (Fair Use for non-profit news reporting). Margaret Gross states that her daughter wrote a check to the city of Scottsboro for the demolition of the house. Don't know how much the check was for, she never said, but I will find out. (The rest of the story - The check was for $3150.00, upon review of area demolitions regarding the same size of house, hazardous materials clean-up and yard care the cost is approximated at $6500 up to $9000.00 depending on amount of hazardous materials, eg lead paint and/or asbestos materials.) How much does the Gross family pay the city for cutting the lawn and trimming the trees?
Aerial view of same property on August 2015, demolition was accomplished. Google Earth photo August 2015 (Fair Use for non-profit news reporting).
I received a call this morning, March 9, 2016 at 9:45AM from a concerned citizen that a City Vehicle with mowing equipment was seen mowing, trimming trees and cleaning up a private lot on East Willow Street. I went to the location and videoed a Scottsboro mowing crew there cleaning up, mowing and trimming trees at that location. Inquiries revealed they were doing what they were told. Below is the video of the event.
Aerial photo of Jackson County Park - unknown photographer. Fair Use for non-profit news reporting.
(click on image for an expanded view)
Part 2 - Jackson Co. Commission Work Session - Question - When is a commission vote not worth the motion made and a vote taken.? Answer - At a Work Session.
Council Member Keith Smith, or "Mr. Smith Never Goes to Washington" (photo by G. Morgan)
It seems that Scottsboro Council Member Keith Smith has took it upon himself to blame me for the problems of Scottsboro in which Mayor Melton Potter has created. Since Mr. Smith and myself are not friends on Face Book I can not answer his posting on his Face Book page nor his friends demeaning posts, however I did copy it and placed it on my personal Face Book site. Here is Smith's Face Book posting. My comments below in red, "Mr. Smith Never Goes to Washington," in black.
Keith Smith's Face Book page -
"Garry L. Morgan I have listened to many things that you had to say about the mayor, you have tied yourself to those who want to not only replace him but destroy him in the process. (Wrong, he needs to go, but that does not mean I want to destroy him nor have I tied myself to any political opposition, frankly, it is naive or foolish for you to say such, that is an assumption on your part. Stop blaming me, or for that matter, others for what the Mayor has done or not done to facilitate or correct sexual harassment and discriminatory action against employees within the city of Scottsboro, Alabama) Your post tonight is a prime example. I am not in D. C. (Never said you were in DC) And have not made the trip in many years. I am at home taking care of my family. (OK, "Mr. Smith Never Goes to Washington," taking care of your family, what does that have to do with anything.) What's really ironic, the mayor isn't in D.C. either. He is at his church revival, but I'm sure that doesn't fit your agenda. (You are correct Mr. Smith it doesn't fit my agenda or any other agenda, except yours and the Mayor's agenda of poor Mayor, the mean people are out to destroy him. The fact is he is destroying himself, and here you come along and take a satire posting and attempt to twist it into everyone is out to get the poor Mayor.) You need to get your facts straight before you accuse people of something. ("Mr. Smith Never Goes to Washington," it ain't my facts, it is the employees of the City of Scottsboro who have made STATEMENTS that the Mayor and several other city employees and civilian personnel took a trip to the Cheetah Club after a Braves and Phillies Ball Game in September of 2014. There was insufficient evidence that a city vehicle was used to transport the party goers to the game and the Cheetah Club.Then there is the photo of breasts circulated among male personnel in city hall. This appears to be a one sided agenda on your part (Sure fella, I made the Mayor and specific department heads demean female employees and stalk them in a fake investigation scheme - go sell someone else your cock and bull story Smith.) and I am very disappointed in that I thought you seek the truth and instead you are allowing yourself to be used." You got that partially correct, I do allow folks a voice who would never get one, as the likes of you and Herr Mayor manage by fear and threats. Disappointed you say, have at it, placing blame for political officials actions or lack of action on someone conveying a message is typical of manipulating politicians instead of a leader. By the way, the informants stated specifically the mayor was referred to as the "governor" by the strippers at the Cheetah Club in Atlanta.
Here is the satirical post which "Mr. Smith Never Goes to Washington" has a problem - "The "Wheel" has taken to the road with our illustrious Mayor to provide him with guidance, along with a cadre of Scottsboro political officials to Washington,DC. I wonder what the dancers will call our Mayor at Archibald's on K Street ( Their motto - "A Washington Monument since 1969" and "If you can find the White House you can find Archibald's." ). It was "Governor" at the Cheetah, I wonder if it will be "Senator" at Archibald's?"
Mayor Melton Potter (photo by G. Morgan)
The entire series of postings regarding illegal surveillance, stalking and harassment of Scottsboro employees; hiring of unlicensed private investigator/personnel board member, law suit and the continuing saga.
Scottsboro, Alabama - A place where long term, 25 year plus, appointed political officials are elected to public office. A place where power kingdoms are set-up and established by those such as our ex-police chief, City Council Member Keith Smith and ex-fire chief, Mayor Melton Potter, who become political power brokers.
In the case of our Mayor, an individual who manages by fear instead of actual leadership, has the ex-police chief, City Council member Smith running to his rescue regarding his up-coming election. The Mayor is being sued by an employee and there are complaints about sexual harassment and employee harassment against the Mayor. His pal, the ex-police chief, now council member, comes to his rescue, attempting to belittle the delivered message about mismanagement and discriminatory actions.
The cadre of Scottsboro tyrant politicians and power brokers have gone beyond sensibilities for many years with threats on's Scottsboro forum. After several police complaints for harassing communications, threats of murder, threats to burn down the Scottsboro Boys Museum. Exactly who is it that has been making the threats? The culprit has bragged about his playing golf with law enforcement, he has bragged about how he and current law enforcement have a big laugh about the threats and harassment.
This is a fact - since Keith Smith, the ex-police chief, and Melton Potter, the ex-fire chief have been in office, I have had to tolerate threats and more threats, defamation and harassing communications. Why after numerous complaints have their been no arrests?
Now, Smith does not like me to poke fun of the philandering Mayor's escapades and poor leadership in City Hall. But it is ok for Smith to go around the community talking trash about city employees and me.
These political power brokers do not like non-controled news and opinion, they prefer news they control, where on their word and other power brokers words in Scottsboro people are lied about and threatned. That is not satire Smith and Potter that is a fact. You don't like it when folks talk about the self-righteous political power snobs of Scottsboro, but to harass and threaten poor folks that is ok, in your eyes. Part 5 Scottsboro Deep Throat Informant
Here is the bottom line for you Council Member Smith and Mayor Potter - you have attempted to build a political empire. It is my opinon that you are deceitful hypocrites and petty tyrants who rule by creating fear and spheres of deceit in the Klickish Klanish Klatches, KKK, of Scottsboro Alabama, all for the purpose of control.
This week there is no City Council meeting to report, just the musings and rant of a poor Scottsboro Citizen who is tired of the "crap" of fake Scottsboro political leadership. What was accomplished in DC during the trip, besides entertainment, will there be a report, and how much money has this trip cost the citizens?
All Rights Reserved for writings, video, photographs and art by Garry L. Morgan.
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****************************I'm GARRY MORGAN, a Christian, U.S. Army (AMEDD) retired, Race Relations/Equal Opportunity Specialist (U.S.Army, Retired DOD-DRRI-DEOMI) a citizen of Scottsboro Alabama, a Baylor University grad-Go Bears, a political activist and a political Independent as I believe political parties divide the citizenry whom they are suppose to represent. We must learn the lessons of our history or we will surely repeat our mistakes. I think the greatest problem facing our nation is the massive national and personal debt.