It was announced at last night's city council meeting that plans are under way to save a portion of the north entrance of the bridge, pictures below.
Wiki photo of B.B. Comer Bridge. Fair Use for non-profit news reporting and commentary. The north entrance, visible with its yellow sign is the portion that may be saved as a memorial.
Close-up of north entrance supplied by Abbey Gentry Benson; Fair Use for non-profit news and commentary.
Mrs. Benson stated she had approached several officials including managers with the Alabama Department of Transportation and City Council members. She related that she hopped a large section of the bridge would be saved. Mrs Benson's plans were to preserve a large section of the southeastern entrance. However, she was told it was to late in the process for that to happen. At the end of the City Council Regular Meeting in the reports section, Mr. Stewart spoke up about his efforts, photos below.
B. B. Comer North Entrance Way after demolition, still on site. Photo supplied by Abbey Gentry Benson; Fair Use for non-profit news and commentary.
B. B. Comer North Entrance Way after demolition at scrap holding yard. Mr. Patrick Stewart, Scottsboro City Council President stated he has had discussions with the bridge demolition managers as a concerned private citizen. Stewart stated it was possible to preserve this section of the bridge for a memorial and that he had arranged for free transportation to move this section of the bridge to a city storage area. Photos above and below by Patrick Stewart; Fair Use Rights for non-profit news reporting and commentary
Thank you for this blog. You have the courage to say what others in this city will not.
I apologize for this off topic comment, but I have no way to contact you directly.
Has anyone else found it odd that we keep hearing that the "water is fine" and yet the reports show that the detected levels ALL match the upper acceptable limits EXACTLY? What are the odds of that happening? It doesn't even seem that the chemicals that are a cause for concern in Decatur (PFOS/PFOA) were even tested for, plus from what I could tell the last time testing occurred was in June of 2015. Is our water really safe or is someone covering this up?
Somewhat related to the original topic- how is our water now that the remnants of a bridge that should have never been demolished are in it?
I have had several ask about drinking water safety, I'll find out the answers.
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